Fall in love with his contract wife

Chapter 1 A Woman Who Doesn't Love Money

The long and arduous night shift finally comes to an end. Nina Lewis, her waitress uniform exchanged for regular attire, gazes out of the window into the rainy night, a sense of worry creeping into her thoughts. The influx of guests tonight has caused the closing time to be delayed by half an hour, leaving her without any means of transportation. The last bus has already departed, and the cost of a taxi ride would be enough to buy some much-needed meat for her father. Faced with this dilemma, Nina resolves to brave the rain and walk home.

She examines the worn leather shoes adorning her feet, the cracks bearing witness to countless rainy days endured. The prospect of wearing them again tonight fills her with despair, but the reality is that she cannot afford a new pair. Time is of the essence now; she must hurry home to her waiting father.

As the rain intensifies, accompanied by gusts of wind, Nina struggles to keep her eyes open against the onslaught. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light illuminates the night, followed by the screeching sound of brakes as a silver car comes to a sudden halt. Before Nina can react, she finds herself sprawled on the ground, the pain in her knees and arms overwhelming.

A man emerges from the car and unleashes a torrent of profanities, directed at Nina. "What's your problem, you bitch? Are you in such a hurry to get to hell?"

How can this driver be so unreasonable? Nina seethes with anger as she surveys the flashy car parked before her. "How dare you scold me when you're the one who ran a red light?" Her voice trembles with fury. "Do you think you can get away with it just because you're rich? I have your license plate number. Believe me, I'll take you to the police station and press charges!"

The driver is taken aback by the woman's defiance. Just as he prepares to respond, the car window slowly descends, revealing a gravelly yet strangely alluring voice. "Settle this with a thousand dollars."

"Yes, my master!" The driver's tone immediately changes to one of deference.

"Bang!" A thick stack of money is thrown at Nina, causing her pain upon impact. The driver regards her with a look that suggests it is a reward before turning to reenter the car.

Anger and tears well up in Nina's eyes, her gaze fixed on the retreating vehicle.Desperate, she lifts her gaze, determined to hold back the tears threatening to spill. Collecting the scattered banknotes from the ground, she endures the stinging pain in her knees and arms, mustering all her strength to fling them at the back of the arrogant driver.

"Shit!" The unexpected assault catches the driver off guard, the money hitting its mark. He spins around in a fit of fury, ready to unleash his wrath upon her.

"Hugo!" A voice from within the car halts the driver's aggression. Nina peers into the vehicle, the glow of a nearby streetlight illuminating the face of a man.

A face so striking, it could rival those of ancient emperors from legendary tales. His enigmatic black eyes gleam with an inscrutable light, as he gazes mockingly at Nina.

"Come here!" He beckons her with a curl of his finger, his tone defiant yet irresistible.

The man is undeniably handsome. Nina finds herself entranced by the contours of his cheeks, her steps involuntarily leading her closer to the car window.

"Ouch... It hurts!" Nina exclaims as the man's hand suddenly clamps onto her delicate jaw. "What are you doing? Let me go!"

His gaze sharp and predatory, the man strokes her soft cheeks with his large hands, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "How can there be a woman who doesn't love money?"

Nina winces at the pain caused by his grip, struggling to break free. But the man's strength is astonishing, rendering her immobile for a brief moment.

Burning with hatred, Nina glares at him, her eyes ablaze. "Just because you're rich, you think you can do whatever you want? Let go! I'll go to the police and sue you! You ran a red light earlier, and now you're committing sexual harassment!"

The man scoffs, his laughter dripping with disdain. Tightening his grip, he inflicts even more pain upon Nina, causing her face to pale and contort.

"You're delusional!" Nina manages to utter through the agony.

In an instant, the man's dark pupils constrict, and he releases his vice-like hold. Caught off guard, Nina tumbles to the ground, defenseless.

A gold card is flung out of the car window, accompanied by the man's haughty voice, laced with condescending pity. "This is my business card; take it to the police station if you want to sue me! And if you require medical attention, bring it to the Reed Group to find me!"

Chapter 2 The Men She Wants to Marry

Lamborghini roars away, sending muddy water flying through the air, drenching Nina Lewis's already soaked clothes. She sits on the muddy ground, tears of anger streaming down her cheeks. Clutching the golden card in her hand, she tries to tear it, but it proves to be unyielding. Even this man's business card is taunting her!

Suddenly, her phone rings from inside her bag.

She quickly tucks the card into her pocket and glances at the caller ID. Damn it, it's her stepmother Yvette Phillips!

"Nina Lewis! Do you have any idea what time it is? And yet here you are, not even thinking about coming home to cook! Do you want us to starve?"

Before she can even utter a word, Yvette's voice pierces through the phone, assaulting Nina's eardrums. Damn it all! If it weren't for this accident, she would have been home by now, with dinner already prepared.

Concern for her semi-conscious father, lying in bed, gnaws at Nina's conscience. She struggles to rise from the muddy ground and limps her way towards home.

Her skirt clings to her skin, thoroughly saturated, while her damp hair sticks uncomfortably to her forehead. The night breeze cuts through her, sending shivers down her spine.

Pushing open the creaky door, Nina is met with Yvette's terrifying shrieks reverberating through the house. "Eat, eat, and eat! You can't earn a single penny, but you sure know how to pile up debt. What more do you want from me?"

Her stepmother's relentless scolding of her father pierces Nina's heart like a dagger. She hurriedly changes out of her wet clothes, heads into the kitchen, and washes her hands before diving into cooking. Her movements are swift and purposeful.On the table, a tantalizing spread awaited them— a vibrant medley of flavors and colors. Mixed pickle, stir-fried green vegetables, and tomato egg soup, the only dish with a hint of meat. Nina delicately spooned herself a bowl of rice, deftly picking up some green vegetables with her chopsticks before ladling a generous portion of tomato and egg soup. Balancing the bowls carefully, she made her way into the back room.

There, in the center of the bed, lay Nina Lewis's father, Finn Lewis. His eyes, caught between wakefulness and slumber, betrayed his semi-comatose state. Ever since the bankruptcy of the Lewis Group, he had been trapped in this liminal space. The weight of anxiety and fury had taken its toll, manifesting in a heart attack.

With tender care, Nina cradled her father's head in her arms, coaxing him to eat bit by bit. As she gazed upon his gaunt face, a profound sadness washed over her.

Suddenly, a sharp, piercing voice cut through the air. "Mom, how can we possibly eat this for dinner?" It was Allegra Phillips, her stepmother's daughter. Rarely seen since her stepfather's financial downfall, what had brought her back today?

"If you're not satisfied with this, then go find yourself a rich husband who can cater to your every whim," Yvette Phillips retorted, her tone laced with bitterness, even towards her own daughter.

After the meal, Nina diligently washed the dishes before retreating to her room. A warm shower awaited her, along with the task of cleaning the damp clothes she had changed out of.

"Nina! Where did you get this?" Allegra exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement as she held up a card, her green eyes shining with curiosity.

Nina's mind momentarily jolted back to the proud man in the Lamborghini. "Oh?" she replied, her voice tinged with a faintness. "I got hit by a car today, and that card belongs to the owner of the vehicle."Nina gazed at the card in her hand, perplexed by Allegra's fervent reaction. "Do you know whose card this is?" Nina asked calmly, her voice steady.

Allegra's excitement was palpable as she shouted, her fingers adorned with red polish pointing at the name on the card. "Paul Reed, Paul Reed! He's the president of Reed Group!"

Nina furrowed her brows, a hint of confusion clouding her features. The name sounded vaguely familiar, but Allegra's enthusiasm made her wonder if there was something more to this revelation. "The Reed Group? Paul Reed?" Nina questioned, trying to make sense of Allegra's anthomaniac expression.

Allegra took a deep breath, ready to unleash a torrent of information about the renowned corporation. "The Reed Group is a global powerhouse, with interests spanning property, entertainment, catering, transportation, mining, oil, and even military arms! Their influence extends throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America. They're super plutocrats, wielding immense power worldwide. In some countries, they even dominate the election of leaders! And Paul Reed, the group's president, was named the number one man that women want to marry most in the world by POWER magazine! He's not just rich and powerful, he's also devilishly handsome! Rumor has it that he's had countless women, but never stays with them for more than seven days!"

As Allegra rattled off these details, Nina found herself growing increasingly distracted. While the Reed Group's vast influence was impressive, she failed to see its relevance to her own life.

Observing Nina's lack of enthusiasm, Allegra regarded her with disbelief. She couldn't fathom how anyone could remain unfazed upon hearing Paul Reed's name. "Nina, do you understand the significance of this card?" Allegra asked deliberately, fully aware that Nina was clueless.

Nina yawned, her fatigue evident. She had never held the president in high regard, dismissing him as just another wealthy man accustomed to throwing his weight around. "What does it mean?" she asked nonchalantly.

Allegra's eyes widened, astonished by Nina's apathy. It was inconceivable to her that someone could be so dismissive about the card's implications. "It means that whoever possesses this card gains access to T.S, the private club under Reed's name! They say Paul Reed frequents that club!" Allegra exclaimed, her excitement reignited. She had a bold plan forming in her mind.

"Oh," Nina replied absentmindedly, oblivious to the spark in Allegra's eyes. Her thoughts were consumed by the mountain of laundry awaiting her attention.

Chapter 3 A Bold Idea

As night falls, the T.S Club ignites in a dazzling display of lights. A seven-story firework fountain dances to the rhythm of elegant music, releasing a mist of charm into the air. The entrance is adorned with fancy cars, their presence a testament to the opulence within.

Amidst this sea of luxury, a taxi abruptly interrupts the procession. From its doors emerge a pair of long, slender legs, belonging to none other than Allegra Phillips. Clad in a tight black dress, she exudes a magnetic allure. Her bright red lips and wavy brown locks only add to her enchanting aura.

The doorman, stationed at the entrance, catches sight of Allegra as she gracefully descends from the taxi. His eyes flicker with disdain, recognizing yet another woman driven by vanity, hoping to secure a wealthy husband.

Extending his hand to halt her progress towards the golden glass door, the doorman politely but coldly states, "Miss, this is a private club. Only members are allowed entry."

Allegra confidently raises a card, its golden sheen momentarily disorienting the doorman. In the city of C, only one person possesses such a card: Paul Reed.

In an instant, the doorman's demeanor transforms, bowing respectfully. "Please, come in, miss. Enjoy your evening." How could he dare stand in the way of Paul's woman?

With a satisfied smile, Allegra tosses her hair and glides through the golden entrance.

"Allegra!" A voice filled with surprise echoes nearby. Allegra turns her head to locate the source, finding her high school classmate, Hugo.

"Hugo! What brings you here?" In Allegra's recollection, Hugo was nothing more than a pesky admirer who once pursued her relentlessly, though she never gave him a second thought.

"I'm attending a little party at T.S tonight. I'm the driver for President Reed now!" Hugo's voice oozes with self-satisfaction.Becoming the driver for the Reed family was no ordinary job. It required a certain caliber of person, someone capable of handling the responsibilities that came with it.

"Reed's? President Reed? Are you talking about Paul Reed?" Allegra Phillips's eyes sparkled with excitement. How lucky she was! She had thought it would take some clever tricks to get this opportunity, but she hadn't expected it to come so easily!

In the dimly lit suite, Hugo pressed himself against Allegra, the air thick with desire.

"Hugo... you must keep your promise!" Allegra squirmed restlessly.

"I can slip something into the president's drink, but I can't do much more. You know, he only wants virgins," Hugo explained.

"What?" Allegra's body suddenly turned cold. "You mean Paul Reed only wants virgins?"

"Yes! Haven't you heard? For the first night, she has to be a virgin, and no matter how beautiful she is, her time with Mr. Reed is limited to seven days."

Allegra felt her blood freeze inside her veins. She had no idea Paul Reed had such peculiar preferences. What could she do now?

Narrowing her eyes, a daring idea crossed Allegra's mind...

As the night grew darker, the two entangled figures in the bed gradually calmed down. Allegra handed a pill to Hugo and spoke, "Hugo, everything depends on you. If I become Paul Reed's woman, I will make sure to repay you for your help."

Meanwhile, Nina Lewis, who was working at the restaurant, felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She quickly answered the call.

"Hey, sis, what's going on?" Nina greeted.

"Come to room 1806 at the T.S. clubhouse. Your sister is drunk. Come and pick her up. Remember, room 1806," a man's voice on the other end informed her.

"Huh?" Nina tried to speak, but the call abruptly ended. She dialed back, but there was no answer.

Nina hurriedly informed her friend, Jennie, who also worked part-time at the restaurant, and then rushed to hail a taxi to the T.S club.

Chapter 4 Destroy Everything

In a flurry, Nina burst into the T.S. Club, her blue faded dress swaying with each hurried step. Her black, straight hair framed her anxious little face, while her clear, watery eyes darted around the room.

The doorman in the doorway nodded silently, recognizing her as the woman Paul Reed's driver, Hugo, had mentioned. "Ah, so this is the beautiful yet shabby lady who will be spending the night with Mr. Reed," he thought to himself.

"Excuse me! How do I get to Room 1806?" Nina asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Are you Miss Nina, by any chance?" the doorman replied, his manner gallant. Secretly, he couldn't help but think that this young girl was like pure water - so refreshing and tender. Truly, Paul Reed was a lucky man to have her in his company.

"Yes, I am. How do I get to Room 1806?" Nina repeated, her impatience palpable.

"Just take the elevator on the left side of the lobby up to the 18th floor. Room 1806 is the largest and most luxurious suite at the end of the corridor," the doorman explained.

Thanking him hastily, Nina hurriedly made her way towards the elevator. Questions swirled in her mind. Why had that strange man called her earlier? And what was her sister doing in such an upscale club? Lost in her thoughts, she reached the 18th floor.

The corridor was eerily quiet, the thick white wool carpet muffling the sound of Nina's footsteps. It felt unnerving, almost claustrophobic.

Exquisite paintings from all corners of the world adorned the walls, their vibrant colors begging for attention. Normally, Nina would have marveled at their beauty, but today, her mind was consumed with worry.

A mysterious and oppressive aura hung in the air, intensifying with each step Nina took towards the end of the corridor. Her heart pounded uncontrollably in her chest, as if trying to escape the mounting tension.

Finally, her eyes landed on the golden numbers - 1806. Allegra was inside!

With trembling fingers, Nina lightly knocked on the door. Silence greeted her from within.

Growing more anxious by the second, she knocked with a little more force.

"Creak..." The seemingly solid oak door gave way under her touch. It was unlocked! The room lay before her, shrouded in darkness and silence.

"Sis...""Allegra? Are you there?" Nina's voice trembled as she called out, her back chilled by an unsettling presence in the room.

There was no response from her sister, only the faint sound of heavy breaths, as if someone were struggling to endure immense pain. Concern gnawed at Nina's heart, urging her to find Allegra and bring her home, where a comforting bowl of sobering-up soup awaited.

The breaths grew closer, causing the fine hairs on Nina's neck to stand on end. Before she could react, a pair of powerful hands clamped down on her, imprisoning her in their grasp. Panic surged through her as she realized it wasn't Allegra. These were the hands of a man, searing hot against her skin.

"Who are you?" Nina's scream was swallowed by the darkness, her struggles futile against the man's relentless hold.

He remained silent, his weight bearing down on her, his touch invasive. His muscular legs pinned hers, overpowering and dominating. Fear coursed through Nina's veins, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"Let me go!" Her voice shattered with terror, her desperate pleas falling on deaf ears.

The man ignored her cries, his lips crashing onto hers with an aggressive force. Shocked and afraid, Nina bit down hard, tasting the metallic tang of blood filling her mouth.

A pained snarl escaped the man's lips, irritation evident in his reaction to Nina's defiance. But it didn't stop him. He continued his assault, taking from her without mercy, stealing her innocence in the darkness.

Nina's screams echoed, a symphony of anguish and despair. She clawed at him, her nails digging deep into his flesh, teeth gritted in a futile attempt to resist. But it was all in vain. The man showed no mercy, his face hidden in the shadows, his identity unknown.

A single tear slid down Nina's face, heavy with bitterness and sorrow. Her heart shattered, the pain unbearable. The room became suffocating, tainted by the scent of blood. Time lost all meaning as she endured the agony, her sight stolen by the darkness that enveloped her, leaving her broken and lost.

Chapter 5 Where Did You Go Last Night?

The early morning sun, its rays warm and inviting, filters through the delicate gauze curtains, casting a gentle glow upon the opulent queen-sized bed. Nestled amidst the pristine white sheets, Nina's long, silky hair is disheveled, her body adorned with painful bruises.

Her lashes shield her clear eyes, while a trace of blood stains her delicate pink lips beneath her exquisite nose.

With a soft groan, Nina awakens, her head throbbing and her body aching all over.

As she opens her bright, clear eyes, a gasp escapes her lips, quickly muffled by her trembling hand. A scream lingers deep within her throat, suppressed by shock!

Her eyes widen in horror as she beholds the presence of a strong man lying beside her.

The events of the previous night replay in her mind like a haunting film. The wild movements, the savage bites inflicted by this man, and the unending agony and torment - the memories of that night send shivers down Nina's spine!

Tears flow uncontrollably down her cheeks as she gingerly slips off the queen-sized bed, hastily grabbing the remnants of her torn dress from the floor to cover herself. It becomes painfully evident how forceful the man was last night, as the dress now lies in tatters.

What should she do now? Oh, dear God, please guide her! The man on the bed could awaken at any moment, and she must escape this room as swiftly as possible.

Amidst the disarray of discarded clothing strewn across the floor, a white men's shirt becomes entangled with the remains of her dress. Nina clutches her body tightly, using her arms to shield her breasts, and cautiously edges away from the bed. With painstaking slowness, she reaches for the white shirt.

The man remains sound asleep, undisturbed by even the faintest sound, granting Nina a modicum of relief.

She takes a torn piece of cloth and fashions it into a makeshift belt, tying it around her waist. The long, oversized men's shirt is transformed into a dress-like garment. Nina runs her fingers through her tousled hair, steals one last glance at the man's imposing figure, and flees from the suite!

In a dilapidated, desolate urban area.

Within a dimly lit, damp room, Nina hastily changes out of the white shirt. The lingering scent of the man still clings to the fabric - a scent that is cold, malevolent, domineering, and brimming with destructive power! It serves as a silent reminder of the events that unfolded the previous night.The scenes played out before Nina's eyes, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably. The events of last night had left her disoriented and confused. She had lost her virginity, but the identity of the man remained a mystery, shrouded in darkness.

Suddenly, the door burst open with a forceful bang, and in walked Allegra, accompanied by a strong, pungent aroma. "Nina! Where were you last night? You didn't come home!" Allegra feigned anger as she confronted her sister. Her gaze fell upon Nina, who stood there with half of her clothes removed, her bare skin adorned with bruises and hickeys. Allegra felt a mix of satisfaction and envy at the sight.

The aphrodisiac from last night must have been potent. Nina must have endured a painful encounter with a drugged man. But it was Paul Reed who had violated her. How many women were lining up to be with him?

Allegra narrowed her eyes, attempting to conceal her true emotions. Meanwhile, Nina's heart sank upon hearing her sister's words. It seemed that Allegra had no knowledge of the events from the previous night. Who was responsible for leading her to that club, using her sister's name?

No, Nina couldn't reveal what had happened to her sister. She needed to heal in solitude, without anyone else knowing. She lowered her gaze, her long lashes casting a shadow over her delicate, pale cheeks. Fragile yet strikingly beautiful.

"Sis! Last night was a classmate's birthday party, and we celebrated all night long!" Nina quickly covered her body with a shirt, her voice trembling slightly with an unnatural quiver.

A dark and cruel smile tugged at the corner of Allegra's lips. This little girl was cunning, refusing to divulge the truth. But that was for the best. It saved her the trouble of having to explain.

Allegra caught a glimpse of the white shirt and snatched it from Nina. The shirt was of exceptional quality, with exquisite craftsmanship and a refined style. Though it appeared plain, it exuded an extraordinary sense of nobility. Embroidered on the cuff of the shirt were elegant letters, "L.G," intricately woven with fine gold thread.

L.G? Were those Paul Reed's initials? Did he give this shirt to Nina Lewis? Unease washed over Allegra, her tone turning harsh. "Nina! Where did you get this shirt?"

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