Irresistible Obsession

Chapter 1

"Ouch! The pain is unbearable!" 

Jacinda Bryant, still lost in the depths of slumber, was abruptly jolted awake by an intense discomfort. She instinctively rolled over, only to find herself pressed against the broad chest of a stranger.

The touch of an unfamiliar presence sent shivers down her spine. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, Jacinda's eyes fell upon the handsome face looming above her.

For a moment, she questioned the reality of the situation. Was this all just a dream?

In disbelief, she extended her hand to touch the face before her.

Simultaneously, the man's eyes fluttered open, locking onto hers with unwavering intensity.

Their gazes collided, causing Jacinda to let out a startled cry as she hastily retreated.

It was then that she noticed her state of undress.

"Who... Who are you? And why are you here?" Her voice trembled with a mix of fear and confusion, while she desperately clutched at the blanket to shield herself.

The man narrowed his eyes, his gaze fixated on Jacinda's collarbone.

His voice dropped to a low, husky tone. "Your savior? Or rather, your accomplice?" His words hung heavy in the air, leaving Jacinda dumbfounded as she recalled the resentful voice of her best friend, Rosalie Flores, echoing in her mind from the previous night.

"Jacinda, I spiked your tea with the strongest aphrodisiac available. As your so-called friend, I've arranged for the perfect lover for you tonight. Enjoy yourself! Once Ethan sees the photos of you entangled with another man, he'll surely leave you. And then, I'll conveniently step in as his new girlfriend."

Was this handsome stranger the pimp Rosalie had enlisted? Had she truly succumbed to temptation last night? The thought filled Jacinda with a seething anger, her complexion turning pale.

Grabbing the nearest pillow, she hurled it at the man. "You! Just wait! I'll make sure you rot in jail, never to see the light of day again!"

Unfazed by her rage, the man calmly caught the pillow mid-air, his demeanor unwavering. "You willingly embraced me last night. Every moment was of your own accord.""Do you honestly believe the police will take your word?" The man's voice dripped with condescension, provoking Jacinda's fury. She clenched her teeth, fighting to maintain composure. Deep down, she knew he was right. Reporting this to the authorities would only lead to humiliation and disbelief.

Last night, she had fallen into Rosalie's trap, succumbing to unconsciousness. Perhaps, in her vulnerable state, she had unknowingly consented to this despicable act. The police would never believe her side of the story.

But remaining silent meant surrendering her innocence to a wretched man like him. The mere thought made Jacinda seethe with anger. How could she accept that her first time was stolen by such a vile pimp?

Observing the despair etched on her face, the man felt a flicker of pity. His eyes fell upon the red stains on the bedsheet, and he spoke in a softer tone, "Though you willingly threw yourself at me last night, I can take responsibility if you wish. "

"A pimp being responsible? Quite the joke, isn't it?" 

Jacinda's rage reignited, her finger pointing accusingly at him as she unleashed her fury, "Get the hell out of here! Or I'll kill you!"

Facing her uncontrollable hysteria, the man rose calmly, casually collecting his clothes and dressing without a hint of panic. Once fully attired, he turned to Jacinda and retrieved a business card from his pocket, extending it towards her. "If you change your mind, just give me a call. I mean what I say..."

Without even glancing at the card, Jacinda tore it into shreds. "Get out!" she screamed. Left with no other choice, the man cast one final deep gaze at her before departing. As the door closed behind him, he could hear her sobbing within the room. He hesitated for a moment, shaking his head before striding down the corridor.

Awaiting him at the end were two men who resembled bodyguards, their presence silent and respectful. They greeted him with deference, "Young Master Robert!"

The man regained his customary air of superiority, his expression cool and detached. "Investigate the girl's background and report back to me immediately."

"Yes, sir!" the bodyguards responded in unison, acknowledging their orders.

Chapter 2

After shedding tears for what felt like an eternity, Jacinda gathered herself and made her way to the bathroom, exhaustion weighing heavily on her. As she stood before the mirror, her shapely figure reflected back at her, marred by scratches that adorned her body, including her neck.

Feeling an overwhelming sense of sickness, Jacinda scrubbed her body relentlessly, hoping to wash away the pain and betrayal. But deep down, she knew that some things couldn't be undone; they could only be endured.

Frustration coursed through her veins as she realized that Rosalie had orchestrated this entire ordeal. Jacinda couldn't bear the thought of letting her get away with it. She needed answers, demanded an explanation.

Leaving the hotel behind, Jacinda hailed a taxi and directed the driver towards Rosalie's home. The anticipation in her chest grew with each passing moment.

Arriving at her destination, Jacinda was greeted not by Rosalie, but by Lindsay Flores, Rosalie's mother. Wearing a disheveled nightgown and sporting messy hair, Lindsay seemed taken aback by Jacinda's presence.

"Jacinda, are you here for Rosalie?" Lindsay questioned, her voice tinged with surprise. "She's not home right now."

But Jacinda remained skeptical. She pushed past Lindsay, determined to find the truth. Breaking into the house, she noticed Lindsay's eyes dart towards the bedroom, a flicker of suspicion in her gaze.

Ignoring Lindsay's pleas, Jacinda strode towards the bedroom, convinced that Rosalie was hiding inside. As she swung open the door, a strange odor assailed her senses, causing her to cover her mouth.

And there, sitting on the bed, was a sight that shook Jacinda to her core. She could hardly believe her eyes as she questioned aloud, her voice filled with disbelief, "Dad?"

The man before her, bare-chested and vulnerable, was none other than her own father, Ryland Bryant. Confusion clouded Jacinda's mind as she tried to make sense of the situation. Why was he here, in Lindsay's home? Had she misunderstood?

Rubbing her eyes in disbelief, Jacinda confirmed what she had seen. The man on the bed was undoubtedly her father, Ryland Bryant.

In that moment, her mind went blank. Words escaped her as she struggled to comprehend the truth before her. """Why are you here?" Ryland's voice thundered through the room, his anger palpable.

Jacinda stood there, dazed by the revelation of her father's affair. Questions swirled in her mind as she tried to make sense of the scene before her. How could her father be in Lindsay's bed, naked? The realization hit her like a punch to the gut. There was only one explanation: Ryland had been having an affair with Lindsay.

But how? Jacinda couldn't comprehend it. As she looked into Lindsay's eyes, she caught a glimmer of coldness. It was then that she understood. Lindsay had planned to ruin her reputation by arranging for a pimp in the nightclub to sleep with her. But fate had intervened when someone knocked out the pimp before he could carry out the plan.

With no other way to tarnish Jacinda's name, Lindsay had resorted to exposing the affair between Ryland and herself. Jacinda's anger burned within her, and Lindsay reveled in it. This was exactly what she wanted – to see Jacinda enraged.

Jacinda's fury boiled over as she confronted Lindsay. "How dare you!" she shouted. "You seduced my father, didn't you?"

Lindsay feigned innocence, her voice dripping with false remorse. "Jacinda, it's not what you think. Your father and I have nothing to do with each other. We just..."

Jacinda cut her off, her eyes blazing with anger. "Then why is my father lying in your bed?" she demanded.

The accusation hung in the air, and Jacinda's words pierced Lindsay's facade. Neither the mother nor the daughter were decent women in Jacinda's eyes. Her mother had tempted her father, while Lindsay coveted her fiancé. The betrayal ran deep, and Jacinda's fury intensified.

"You shameless woman!" Jacinda spat, her voice filled with venom. "And your daughter is being taught to be a mistress? What a shameless family you are!"

But just as the tension reached its peak, Rosalie, who had been silent until now, suddenly appeared. Her voice was filled with concern as she tried to understand the situation. "Jacinda, what are you doing? Why are you abusing my mother?"

Chapter 3

Jacinda's eyes burned with a fiery rage when she laid eyes on Rosalie. "There you are. I was just about to settle the score. So, why did you betray me last night?"

Rosalie smirked, feigning innocence. "What on earth are you talking about? Who betrayed you?"

Lindsay jumped in, defending Rosalie with a falsely sweet tone. "Jacinda, you can't make baseless accusations against Rosalie. She's always been such a well-behaved girl. How could she possibly have framed you?"

"You deny it? You think I don't know how to handle the likes of you two?" Jacinda seethed, her anger boiling over at the shamelessness of the mother and daughter duo.

Without hesitation, Jacinda raised her hand and delivered a resounding slap across Rosalie's face. But to her surprise, Rosalie didn't flinch or evade the blow.

A searing pain shot through Rosalie's cheek, and tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her face.

Witnessing the scene unfold, Lindsay grabbed Jacinda's wrist and pleaded, "Jacinda, why did you hit Rosalie? She hasn't done anything wrong!"

In that moment, Lindsay showed no mercy as she subtly pinched Jacinda's wrist, causing her excruciating pain. 

Unable to bear it any longer, Jacinda forcefully shoved Lindsay away.

This was the moment Lindsay had been waiting for.

As Lindsay stumbled backwards, her head collided with the edge of the tea table, causing blood to trickle from the wound.

"Mom! What happened? Jacinda, how could you do this to my mother?" Rosalie screamed, her voice filled with anguish.

Ryland, having just finished getting dressed, opened the door and was met with the sight of Lindsay lying on the ground.

Startled, he rushed to her side, asking urgently, "Lindsay, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but Rosalie..." Lindsay began, her voice trailing off.

Following Lindsay's gaze, Ryland turned to Rosalie and saw five distinct fingerprints imprinted on her face.

Ryland's anger flared up. "What happened to your face?"

"Ryland, don't blame Jacinda. She was just overwhelmed by her emotions," Lindsay interjected, playing the role of the conniving instigator. 

As Lindsay spoke, she cast a sly glance at Rosalie.Rosalie's tear-filled eyes locked onto Ryland, her voice quivering with a mix of desperation and resolve. "Daddy, it doesn't matter that Jacinda hit me. It's not the first time, after all. But please, don't abandon my mother. Will you let Jacinda continue to threaten her?"

Jacinda's confusion deepened, her voice laced with disbelief as she questioned Rosalie. "What did you just call my father?"

"I called him 'daddy'," Rosalie replied, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions.

"Ashely, stop!" Lindsay intervened, her tone urgent.

"Dad, how much longer are you going to keep this secret? Even if you don't care about my mother, what about me? Do you want me to carry the shame of being your illegitimate daughter for the rest of my life?"

This time, Rosalie ignored Lindsay's pleas, her tears flowing freely as she poured out her heart.

Ryland, seething with anger yet oblivious to the truth, found himself at a loss. The truth could no longer be concealed; it was time to tell Jacinda.

Turning to Jacinda, he mustered the courage to speak. "Jacinda, Aunt Lindsay and I have been together for a long time. And Rosalie is part of our family. She's your sister."

"What?" Jacinda's mind went blank, shock etched across her face as she stared at Ryland.

Guilt washed over Ryland's features, his voice tinged with remorse. "Jacinda, it's all my fault. Lindsay was already pregnant when we got married. I had no idea she had given birth to Rosalie. I owe them so much. I kept it from you because I didn't want to make you unhappy. But now that we've talked about it, we're family from now on..."

Jacinda's anger boiled over, cutting Ryland off mid-sentence. Her words dripped with venom, her rejection absolute. "Dad, how dare you say that? Family? I'm telling you, I will always be at odds with them, now and forever!"

Chapter 4

Jacinda's words had ignited a raging fire within Ryland. The intensity of his gaze bore into her, his voice heavy with seriousness as he addressed her by name. "Jacinda," he began, his tone firm, "from now on, you will refer to them as Aunt Lindsay and Sister Rosalie. And I won't tolerate any more rude words escaping your lips."

Lindsay, ever the master of pretense, maintained an air of gentility and virtue in front of Ryland. She interjected, her voice laced with false concern, "Ryland, don't force her if she's not ready. Rosalie and I have endured years of suffering, so a little more won't hurt. I understand that you've had your own hardships all these years." Her words struck a chord within Ronala. For far too long, he had played the role of a dutiful man, obediently following the wishes of Jacinda's mother, Iliana Watson. Now, with Iliana gone, he could finally act on his own accord. The thought stirred a wave of anger within him as he glared at Jacinda and spoke through gritted teeth, "Whether you like it or not, Rosalie is your sister. And mark my words, they will be living with us soon enough!"

Ryland's proclamation filled Lindsay and Rosalie with joy. Moving into the Bryant's lavish villa was a dream they had cherished for years. Their eyes met, brimming with anticipation and excitement.

However, Jacinda seethed with fury at Ryland's words. The mere thought of him bringing his mistress and illegitimate daughter into their home was unbearable. Her voice trembled with anger as she retorted, "That villa belonged to my mother. You have no right to let them in. Have you no shame?"

Jacinda's words struck a nerve deep within Ryland. Without a second thought, he lashed out, his hand connecting with her cheek in a resounding slap. "How dare you speak to me like that?" he seethed.

Jacinda felt a searing pain spread across her face, her hand instinctively covering the area of impact. She stared at Ryland in disbelief, her voice barely above a whisper, "You hit me? For this shameless mistress?"

As Jacinda's eyes bore into him, Ryland couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. But his indignation at her audacity quickly overshadowed any remorse."Why must you provoke me? If you continue with your arrogance, I will have you thrown out!" Jacinda's voice trembled with anger as she confronted Rosalie.

Little did she know that her quest for revenge would lead her to uncover her father's secret affair. The revelation hit her like a tidal wave, shattering the illusion of her happy family.

As the days passed after Iliana's death, Ryland began defending the shameless mother and daughter, causing Jacinda immeasurable pain. She couldn't bear it any longer and ran away, tears streaming down her face.

Lindsay and Rosalie exchanged smug glances as they witnessed Jacinda's suffering. They believed this was just the beginning, that there was more torment in store for her.

Along the desolate road, Jacinda's wails echoed, drawing the attention of passers-by. A limousine approached, and the bodyguard driving it couldn't help but notice Jacinda's tear-stained face. "Young Master Robert, look! Isn't that the woman from last night?"

Intrigued, Robert opened his eyes and glanced in her direction. When he saw Jacinda, consumed by sorrow, his brows furrowed, and he commanded the driver to stop the car.

A white handkerchief was offered to Jacinda as she wept inconsolably on the street. Raising her tear-filled eyes, she saw the man who had shared her bed the previous night, looking down at her condescendingly, the handkerchief in his hand.

Realizing she was once again face-to-face with the despicable man who had used her, Jacinda felt a surge of irritation and shouted, "Get out of my way!"

Ignoring her outburst, he extended his hand to wipe away her tears, his voice gentle as he asked, "What happened?"

"It's none of your business, you... you bastard!" Jacinda snapped, her voice laced with anger and pain.

She snatched the handkerchief from his hand, threw it to the ground, and fled, tears streaming down her face.

Watching the scene unfold, the bodyguard grew increasingly concerned for his boss. He stepped out of the car and approached Robert cautiously. "Young Master..."

Robert, surprisingly calm, picked up the discarded handkerchief and instructed the bodyguard, "Let's head to the office."

Chapter 5

In the heart of B City, within the grand headquarters of Wolf Group International, a hush fell over the conference room. The executives, a collection of ambitious minds, sat in anticipation, their silence permeating the air.

The previous evening had brought an unexpected notice from the CEO's Office. At precisely eight o'clock, the message arrived, bearing news that sent ripples of excitement and trepidation through the ranks. Today, the CEO, an enigmatic figure who had never graced the company with his presence, would finally make his appearance.

The CEO of Wolf Group International was a legend in B City, shrouded in mystery. Three years prior, an unknown buyer had astounded the city by securing the most coveted business block for a staggering two billion dollars. And astonishingly, that was just the beginning. The construction of the tallest building in B City, christened Wolf Group, followed suit, costing a mammoth ten billion dollars. Wolf Group swiftly expanded its reach, delving into various industries like hotels, catering, real estate, finance, and even film and television. It became the epitome of success, the reigning titan of B City's corporate world. Yet, the identity of its owner remained a tantalizing secret, known only by his first name, Dominick.

Now, as the clock struck ten, a figure approached the conference room, stirring anticipation among the executives. All eyes turned towards the door, their hearts pounding in unison. Mason Garcia, the Executive President and Chief Secretary of Wolf Group, led the way, guiding the mysterious CEO into the room with a deferential bow.

Then, as if stepping out of a magazine spread, Robert Martin entered the room. Tall and elegant, he exuded an aura of refined nobility. Heads turned, jaws dropped, for no one had anticipated that the elusive mastermind behind Wolf Group would be such a captivating young man. The executives were left in stunned silence, their gazes fixed upon Robert, unable to tear their eyes away.

Unfazed by the lingering awe, Robert made his way to the head of the table, the embodiment of authority. His piercing gaze surveyed the room, commanding respect from all who met his eyes. Instantly, the executives rose as one, a wave of deference washing over them. "Welcome, Mr. Martin!" they chorused, their voices filled with genuine admiration.

Robert, always a man of efficiency and precision, wasted no time. He addressed the room concisely, his words carrying weight and purpose. In less than half an hour, the regular meeting drew to a close, leaving the executives inspired and driven by the force that was Robert Martin.Mason accompanied Robert into the CEO's Office, a space that had been vacant for far too long, awaiting its rightful owner. The office was adorned with decorations of Robert's choosing, reflecting his taste and authority. As Robert settled into the large chair behind the desk, a satisfied smile graced his face.

Having worked alongside Robert for years, Mason could sense his boss's contentment. Standing on the other side of the desk, he couldn't help but smile in relief. "Mr. Martin, I believe it won't be long before everyone discovers that you are the true boss of Wolf Group. I wonder how your family will react once they find out."

Robert's smile held a significant meaning, catching Mason off guard. "They won't find out anytime soon. Prepare an internal document and instruct all the executives to keep it a secret."

Mason was taken aback. He had assumed that Robert would reveal his true identity upon returning home from abroad. To his surprise, Robert intended to continue maintaining the facade. "Are you still planning to keep it a secret?"

Robert's response was unexpected. "My brothers would go crazy and become even more stressed if I were to go public. It's better for me to remain an useless freeloader. After all, my father's health is delicate, and I don't want him to worry about us."

Mason was well aware of the complicated dynamics within the Martin family. Having served Robert for many years, he understood the surface-level friendliness that masked the power struggles over equity and property. Robert had become the so-called freeloader due to his older brothers' actions. If it weren't for his father's failing health, Robert would have stayed away longer.

Now, with their father's condition worsening, Robert's filial devotion was unwavering. He had endured his brothers' mistreatment for years and didn't mind prolonging the charade a little longer. Understanding the situation, Mason responded, "I see. Shall I continue handling the business affairs on your behalf?"

"Yes, everything should proceed as usual," Robert confirmed. As they conversed, Mason's phone suddenly rang, surprising him. After listening intently to the person on the other end, he looked at Robert with a serious expression and began to report.

"We have identified the woman from last night. She is Mrs. Martin's nephew, Ethan Diaz's girlfriend. Her name is Jacinda Bryant."

Robert felt a sense of astonishment wash over him. "She's Ethan's girlfriend? Well, that's interesting!"

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