The One-Night Bride For The Alpha

#Chapter 1 - Lila

The room felt suffocating, the air thick with sorrow and pain. Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded, "You can't leave me with him! You can't leave me here..." My words hung in the silence, echoing through the empty space that once held our laughter and love.

My father, Frank, was the Alpha of our pack, Ironclaw. But behind his powerful title lurked a monster, a cruel and abusive man who reveled in his dominance. Nothing my mother, Ellie, did was ever good enough for him. I could never remember a time when she was truly happy.

An Alpha was meant to protect and cherish their lunas, but Frank's heart was consumed by greed. After my grandfather, Ellie's father, passed away, Frank's thirst for power grew insatiable. He would stop at nothing to climb higher, even if it meant sacrificing the well-being of his own family.

Closing my eyes, I could still vividly recall that fateful night. The memory played like a haunting melody in my mind, each note filled with pain and terror. I could hear her screams echoing from the living room as my father's angry shouts pierced the air.

I mustered up the courage to inch closer, carefully navigating the darkness until I reached the top of the stairs. Glass shattered beneath my feet, remnants of my father's rage. He clutched his beer bottle tightly, his knuckles turning white as fury coursed through his veins.

My mother was terrified, her eyes wide with fear as she begged him to stop. But he was beyond reason, lost in his own darkness. With a swift motion, he swung the bottle, its jagged edges slicing through her delicate flesh. She crumpled to the ground, a pool of crimson forming around her.

I wanted to scream, to make him stop. But fear held my voice captive, leaving me frozen in place. He continued his assault, striking her with brutal force. Tears mingled with the blood that stained her face, a testament to the agony she endured.

As my father turned away, his twisted satisfaction evident on his face, our eyes met. I braced myself for what I believed would be my own fate - his wrath unleashed upon me. But to my astonishment, he simply walked away, leaving me trembling and alone on the stairs.

In that moment, I summoned every ounce of courage within me and locked eyes with my mother, who had lifted her tear-streaked face from her hands. Her gaze was filled with a mixture of pain and love, silently pleading for me to escape this nightmare.

It was then that I made a silent vow to myself - I would not let my mother's sacrifice be in vain. I would rise above the darkness that consumed our lives, seeking justice and freedom for us both. With determination burning in my heart, I took my first step towards a destiny that would test my strength and reshape my world."Time for bed, Lila," she whispered, her voice strained and ragged, as if each word caused her pain. The crimson marks on her neck offered a clue to the source of her discomfort. "I'll be there soon," she assured me, her promise hanging in the air.

With a nod, I ascended the stairs and returned to my room. It was a simple space, containing only the essentials: a mattress, a dresser, a closet, and a handful of toys. That was the extent of what I was allowed growing up. Frank, my father, had a knack for penny-pinching, refusing to splurge on anything beyond our basic needs.

Deep maroon curtains adorned my window, perpetually drawn shut by my mother. Day or night, it made little difference; the darkness enveloped me. Most nights, my mother sought refuge in my presence, unable to bear the company of my father. His infidelity was a recurring theme, a parade of different women, but one remained a constant.


Their paths intertwined around the time of my first birthday. My mother felt threatened by her constant presence, but my father dismissed her concerns, insisting that their relationship meant nothing. Yet, my mother's worries persisted. When I turned two, Caroline announced her pregnancy, causing Frank to distance himself from her. Skepticism lingered in my mother's mind, unsure if this woman truly carried his child, but it seemed as though Frank had severed ties.

Months passed, and then, like a ghost reappearing, Caroline returned, heavily pregnant. Apparently, Frank had been secretly tending to her needs, spending time with her at her place without my mother's knowledge. The sight shattered my mother's spirit, leaving her utterly broken.

She slinked into my bed roughly thirty minutes later, having wiped away most of the blood from her face, leaving behind a tapestry of bruises and gashes. Her eyes were swollen, her lips swollen and bruised, yet she managed a smile when she saw me. Even in her darkest moments, she found solace in my presence. She would often tell me that I was her reason for carrying on, that she would do anything to protect me. I was her moon, illuminating her in the depths of her despair.I uttered words that elicited a genuine giggle from her, a sound that brought immense relief to my weary heart. It had been far too long since I had witnessed such pure joy radiating from her being. The weight of my inability to shield her from pain weighed heavily upon me.

In that moment, as her worries melted away, I beheld a sight unfamiliar to me in her emerald eyes – happiness. An emotion so foreign, yet so captivating, that I yearned for it to linger indefinitely. And so, I succumbed to slumber, cradled in her loving embrace.

But when I awoke, her body lay cold, devoid of life. The once vibrant hue had drained from her half-opened eyes. Frank's claim that she had taken poison to end her own existence was but a deceitful fabrication. My mother would never choose to leave me behind. She simply couldn't.

That fateful night became a prison, its haunting grip refusing to release me even after a decade. No one dared question the circumstances surrounding my mother's demise. Frank, the Alpha, commanded unwavering trust from the pack. He concealed her bruises with makeup before the wake, allowing the swelling to subside before the ceremony.

Caroline, now living with their child, Lillian, stepped into the role of my mother. Frank redirected his anger towards me, subjecting me to brutal beatings. I endured it all, for I knew my mother had endured the same. Most nights, I confined myself to the sanctuary of my room, unable to bear the sight of my father. Each night, I offered prayers to my mother, desperately hoping she had found solace and happiness wherever she may be. That was all I wished for her.

The exact age at which I began inflicting self-harm upon myself eluded my memory. All I remembered was the relentless desire to rid my soul of its numbing emptiness. I craved any sensation, no matter how agonizing. Sitting on my bed, I would willfully drag the razor across my wrist, watching as crimson rivulets trickled down my arm, staining the very mattress that once held the warmth of my mother's presence.

When I turned ten, Frank wed Caroline. The pack paid no mind to his newfound union. Yet, despite his ability to deceive them, he could never deceive me. I knew of the monster lurking beneath his fur, the darkness that consumed him. Caroline attempted to assume the role of my mother by donning her clothing, adorning herself with her jewelry, and even enveloping herself in my mother's signature lavender perfume.I despised her, but my hatred for him was even more consuming. They were the catalysts that had torn my world apart, leaving behind nothing but shattered fragments of a life once filled with love and joy. 

"Stop pretending to be my mother!" I bellowed at Caroline, my voice laced with anger and grief. She had dared to scold me for carelessly leaving my belongings in the living room. "You will never be her; you could never replace her."

Her eyes widened, a mix of surprise and hurt flashing across her face. My father appeared from around the corner, his face flushed with rage, fists clenched as he advanced towards me. 

In that moment, fear did not grip me. I had reached a point where I no longer cared about the consequences. Let him unleash his fury upon me; I craved feeling something other than the overwhelming numbness that had engulfed me. 

"Mind your tongue when speaking to her," he hissed through gritted teeth, his anger barely contained.

"Try and make me..." I dared, my voice steady despite the storm brewing within me. I refused to show him any sign of fear. I wanted him to witness the depths of my hatred, to see the flames that burned within me. 

Before another word could be exchanged, his fist crashed into my jaw. I staggered backwards, my head colliding with the unforgiving wall. My vision blurred, spots danced before my eyes, and dizziness threatened to consume me. Before I could fully comprehend the assault, his other fist struck my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. 

I crumpled forward, retching onto the wooden floors, fingers trembling as I clutched my aching abdomen, desperately trying to stave off the urge to vomit again. 

Gazing up at him, all I saw was pure loathing etched upon his face. His icy blue eyes had darkened to the point of near-blackness, mirroring the depths of his disdain for me, just as he had looked at my mother. The red aura of his wolf pulsed beneath his skin, a potent reminder of the beast that dwelled within him, ready to unleash its fury. If he were to shift into his wolf form, I knew I would be utterly defenseless. I had yet to discover my own wolf form, a revelation that awaited me on my sixteenth birthday. 

I was powerless against him. Caroline stood by, a passive observer, offering no intervention, no solace. 

I expected another blow, but it never came. He left me there, broken and bloodied. He took Caroline with him as they exited the room together, leaving me to wallow in my pain and anguish. 

Spitting out a mouthful of blood onto the floor, I knew I could no longer remain in this hellish existence. I had to escape. 

The next time I returned, vengeance would be mine. He would pay for what he had done.

#Chapter 2 - Lila

As I made my way towards Alpha's residence, I stumbled through the town center, my fingers grazing the weathered bark of an ancient oak tree. Planted on the day of my birth, my mother used to say it symbolized my place as the heart of Ironclaw. Engraved at its base were my initials, alongside my mother's and an old friend's, Orion's.

The memory of that old friend tugged painfully at my chest, and I hastily brushed away the tears forming in my eyes before continuing on to Frank's house.

Standing outside the home I once knew so well, hesitation gripped me. Uncertainty clouded my thoughts, and a low growl rumbled from deep within my throat, betraying my inner turmoil.

Inside, familiar faces filled the house, including Lillian's. They danced and conversed, oblivious to my presence. I could only imagine the lies Frank and Caroline must have spread about me.

On the counter, a few bottles of beer sat, courtesy of Frank for his guests. Without hesitation, I cracked one open and took a long, steady drink. My head spun, consumed by a desire to take action.

"Ah! There she is! The birthday girl," Frank cooed as Lillian approached.

She smiled up at him, unaware of the monster he truly was. Hidden beneath her smile, I glimpsed the bruises Caroline tried to conceal, evidence that Frank hadn't changed.

This year marked Lillian's first transformation into her wolf form.

"I can feel the moon's energy coursing through me, almost hearing my wolf speak. It's surreal," Lillian breathed.

"This is only the beginning," Frank assured her, his smile masking his true intentions."First, it's your transformation, and then we will start planning on finding your mate!" My father's words dripped with false concern, attempting to masquerade as a caring parent. It was laughable, really. 

"You're so full of yourself," I scoffed, my words slurred from the alcohol coursing through my veins. Leaning against the wall for support, I took one final sip from the beer can in my hand before letting it thud onto the ground.

"You don't care about Ironclaw. You don't care about anyone or anything other than yourself," I spat, struggling to keep my words coherent. "Ever since you married my mother, you've been nothing but selfish. You've tarnished her name with your lies. You've disgraced my grandfather, the only honorable Alpha Ironclaw has ever known."

"Lila..." Caroline's warning voice reached my ears as she moved closer. "You've been drinking."

"That is enough!" My father's voice boomed through the house, sending shockwaves through the air and causing everyone present to turn their attention towards me.

Ignoring his outburst, I pressed on. "You will not come into my home, my pack, and my daughter's birthday, and speak to any of us in that manner!"

His fists clenched tightly, knuckles turning white with rage. I could see the desire to strike me in his eyes, and I welcomed it. Let everyone witness his true nature.

"Go ahead, Dad," I goaded, my voice laced with defiance. "Beat me like you did when I was ten."

He stood mere inches away from me, pausing momentarily. The stench of his rancid breath filled my nostrils as he breathed heavily. I refused to back down; in fact, I longed for a fight. I hoped he would oblige.

His gaze swept across the stunned faces of our pack, searching for a response. No one knew what to say, the silence suffocating. Finally, he turned his attention back to me, his lip curling in disgust.

I was familiar with that look.

"You have brought enough disgrace to this family," he growled, his Alpha voice dripping with fury.

"Me?" I let out a forced laugh, the bitterness evident in my tone. "I'm not the one who killed my mother."

Gasps of shock reverberated through the pack, including Caroline's. As if she didn't know the truth about what really happened to my mother.

"GET OUT!!!" His command echoed, shattering the fragile peace that had once enveloped the room."It was a grave error to grant you reentry into Ironclaw," he declared, his words slicing through the air with a sharpness that cut deep into my being.

I was taken aback, the audacity of him casting me out from my own pack leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I scoffed, unable to contain my contempt for his weakness and lack of understanding.

Without hesitation, I turned my back on this malevolent place, determined to distance myself from the toxicity that had poisoned my existence for far too long. The weight of the world pressed upon me, urging me to seek solace elsewhere.

The pub, a relic of my father's past infidelities, beckoned to me from within the shadows of the night. Its walls whispered stories of forgotten desires and shattered dreams. I knew it was a dangerous path to tread, but the allure was too strong to resist. I craved the numbing embrace of alcohol, hoping it would drown out the memories that haunted my every waking moment.

As I stumbled towards the entrance, the familiar scent of stale beer and worn wood greeted me like an old friend. I took a seat at the bar, my senses already dulled by the demons that resided within the amber liquid. Each sip sent my head spinning, threatening to plunge me into a state of unconsciousness.

"Another one, please," I slurred, my voice barely recognizable as my own, as I slid the empty bottle towards the bartender. His eyes met mine, a silent question lingering in the air between us.

"I believe you've had your fill for the night," he replied, his voice laced with concern, as he gently removed the empty vessel from the counter.

A voice, unfamiliar yet strangely comforting, interrupted our exchange. "Beer, please," it requested from beside me.

Turning my gaze towards the source, I found myself confronted by a tall figure. His dark hair and olive skin exuded an aura of mystery, while his eyes, golden and captivating, held a depth that seemed to penetrate my soul. Adorned in a leather coat that accentuated his broad frame, his presence commanded attention. The intricate tattoos that adorned his chest and arms hinted at a life lived on the edge.

I couldn't discern whether he was part of the pack or an outsider like myself. My frown deepened as I stared up at him, unsure of his intentions.

"You seem like you could use another," he remarked, a hint of amusement dancing in his voice.

"Thanks," I muttered, taking a sip of the offered beer. "Do I know you?"

"No," he replied, his voice tinged with a touch of mischief. "But you'll want to."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh, will I?" I retorted, my skepticism evident.

A self-assured smile curled upon his lips. "I'm going to be the highlight of your night," he declared, his words brimming with confidence.

Suppressing a laugh, I raised the bottle to my lips once more. "My night is already quite extraordinary," I lied, the bitterness of the alcohol coating my tongue. "I highly doubt you can top it."

He leaned closer, his gaze intense. "You know," he murmured, his tone filled with playful danger. "It's not safe for a delicate beauty like you to wander these streets alone."

I bit down on my lip, fighting back a wave of laughter that threatened to escape.Seriously, that was his attempt at a pickup line? I couldn't help but scoff inwardly at his lack of creativity. "I'm not so delicate," I retorted, trying to maintain a sense of dignity amidst the cheesy banter.

With a sly grin, he pushed another beer in my direction. "Why don't you prove it?" he challenged, his eyes sparkling with seduction and hunger. The atmosphere shifted, and our laughter faded into something more intense.

His lips brushed against my ear, sending an electrifying chill down my spine. "Why don't we get out of here?" he whispered, his voice laced with urgency. The proposition hung in the air, tempting and dangerous.

In my intoxicated state, the idea of a one-night stand seemed momentarily appealing. Before I could make a decision, he wrapped my arm around his and guided me to my feet. My coordination faltered, and I stumbled, falling into him. If anything, it only made me laugh harder, oblivious to the change in his demeanor.

As we hurried through the dimly lit streets, his grip on me tightened possessively. Suddenly, he steered me towards the edge of a building, pressing me firmly against the wall. Heat radiated between us, and I could feel his arousal through his pants, seeking entrance. My breath hitched; this wasn't how I expected things to escalate.

"Wait..." I managed to say, my voice breathless and uncertain. I attempted to push against him, but his strength overwhelmed my feeble resistance. The more I struggled, the tighter his hold became, suffocating any semblance of control.

"Stop..." I pleaded, my words barely audible. Panic welled up inside me, but I couldn't find my voice to scream. It felt as if my very existence was trapped within the confines of my throat.

Just as he was about to proceed, headlights pierced through the darkness, hurtling towards us with alarming speed. The imminent danger jolted us both out of our reckless encounter. In a split second, he withdrew and hastily adjusted my disheveled clothing.

My heart pounded wildly against my chest as the car screeched to a halt beside us—a little red Porsche that I didn't recognize. The driver's side door swung open and slammed shut, revealing another man who swiftly emerged from the vehicle. Tall and imposing, his presence felt oddly familiar. His light brown hair and chocolate eyes, adorned with golden rings, exuded an air of rugged masculinity. It was him.


His expression was etched with fury, and I couldn't help but feel a flicker of fear ignite within me.

#Chapter 3 - Lila (1)

"Don't make me repeat myself," Orion growled, his words dripping with menace. Finally, the man relented, releasing me with a force that nearly sent me sprawling to the ground. Tears welled in my eyes, my body trembling uncontrollably. I couldn't rid myself of the sensation of his hands on me, the taste of his lips against mine, the way he had held and possessed me.

No amount of scalding water could wash away that feeling.

"Lila, get in the car!" Orion commanded, his voice a sharp, urgent order. Uncertain if I could even manage to walk, the world before me blurred into four distorted figures. The enigmatic man stepped into my path, determined to keep me there, but with Orion's fury simmering just beneath the surface, I knew better than to defy him.

"She doesn't want to go anywhere," the man sneered, his fists clenched, spoiling for a fight.

"I wasn't asking," Orion spat through gritted teeth. "Get in the damn car, Lila," he repeated, his voice tinged with a mix of desperation and authority. Summoning all my strength, I stumbled past the man, attempting to reach the safety of the vehicle. But he swiftly blocked my path, his arm outstretched, halting me in my tracks.

"Let her go!" Orion bellowed, a vein pulsating on his forehead, threatening to explode.

"What if I don't?" The man's tone dripped with defiance, a challenge hanging in the air.

Fear gripped me as I pondered what Orion might do. Throughout my life, he had always been my protector, a steadfast presence akin to an older brother. We had lost touch when I was twelve, on his eighteenth birthday, and his absence left a void that still haunted me.He no longer graced the school in Moon-Valley with his presence. It was a shock to see him here, standing before me. Before Orion or the man could utter another word, Orion lunged at him, grabbing hold of his coat. With a forceful shove, the man and his bike crashed to the ground with a resounding thud.

The man glanced up at Orion, who seethed with anger, his breath escaping through clenched teeth. "What the fuck, man?!" the guy exclaimed, struggling to rise to his feet. Orion's fist collided with his jaw, blood spraying from the man's mouth. I could barely contain my surprise. Another blow followed, striking the other side of his face, the sound of his nose cracking echoing through the air. Blood streamed from his nostrils, staining his shirt.

His nose was definitely broken.

"Lila!!!" Orion's voice pierced through the desolate streets of Ironclaw, jolting me from my daze. He didn't have to say it twice; I stumbled towards his car and slipped into the passenger seat. 

"Don't you EVER go near her again," Orion growled as he turned and made his way to his vehicle.

The guy sat there, stunned, as Orion sped away.

Stupid girl.
What on earth was she thinking?
Going off with that guy, not even knowing who he was. She had only met him once at a bar and decided to trust him. What if I hadn't been there to protect her?
He knew she was completely wasted, yet he still intended to take advantage of her. What a despicable piece of garbage.
Lila sat beside me, tears streaming down her face, her features soaked. They both remained silent for a while, Orion trying to rein in his anger before it consumed him entirely. Lila was likely attempting to process the events that had just unfolded.
The stench of beer clung to her; it was always her drink of choice.Why was she even in Ironclaw, of all places? Seeing Lila again after all these years dredged up the painful memories of their forced separation. It had been the hardest thing he ever had to do, but it was necessary. On his 18th birthday, he discovered that Lila, only 12 at the time, was fated to be his mate.

His love for her had only deepened with time, but he knew he had to wait until she became an adult before officially claiming her as his luna. How could he explain to her that he always knew where she was? That he could sense her emotions and when she needed him the most? That their wolves had never lost their connection? She wouldn't comprehend any of it. She was still just a kid.

Gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles turned white. "Why don't you tell me what the hell you were doing here, Lila," he said through gritted teeth.

She fell silent for a moment, gazing out the window and resting her head against the door. The alcohol was getting to her, and she struggled to stay awake. "I just wanted to feel something," she whispered.

"You could have gotten hurt," he growled. "Or worse..."

The mere thought of any harm befalling her sent shivers down his spine.

"You never answered my question," she murmured softly. "How did you know I was here?"

"It doesn't matter," he muttered.

"Where are you taking me?" Her voice trembled.

He hadn't considered where he was taking her; he only knew he had to get her out of Ironclaw. Away from all the chaos.

"Moon-Valley," he replied.

He knew that's where she had settled after leaving Ironclaw at the tender age of ten.

#Chapter 3 - Lila (2)

She ventured into the art school, her home away from home, sharing a dorm room with her dearest friend, Scarlet. Moon-Valley, under the guidance of Alpha Zephyr, had become a sanctuary for her. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, even after Orion's abrupt disappearance from Lila's life. He remained connected to Zephyr, a steadfast presence in their lives.

"Must we return there?" Lila implored, her eyes batting in the hope of swaying his decision.

His frown etched deeper lines on his forehead. "Why would you resist going back?" he questioned, casting a sidelong glance at her while keeping his focus on the road.

"I'm just not prepared to face it yet," she confessed, her voice barely above a murmur as she fixated on her restless hands.

"Then where do you wish to go?" he inquired, the weight of the question hanging in the air.

Lila propped her legs up on the seat, drawing her knees close to her chest as she gazed up at him. "Anywhere but there," she whispered softly.

Orion sighed, grappling with the uncertainty of their destination. However, before he could dwell on it for long, her legs slipped off the seat, and a gasp escaped her lips.

"We need to stop," she erupted urgently.

Glancing over at her, he noticed her deteriorating state. She clutched her stomach, and the reason for her distress became evident, prompting him to swiftly pull over.

She flung the door open, her balance wavering as she stumbled out. Before he could join her outside, she was already emptying the contents of her stomach onto the dirt.

The vomit stained her clothes, an unfortunate consequence. Orion rubbed his temple wearily, attempting to shield her blonde hair from the mess before it was too late.

His efforts were in vain.

He groaned as she teetered dangerously close to her own vomit. "Alright, new plan," he muttered under his breath as she finished retching.

Tears streamed down her face, intermingling with the remnants of her distress. Her body trembled, barely able to support itself.

Gently, he wrapped his arms around her fragile frame, guiding her unsteady steps back towards his car.As she slid back into the comfort of his car, tears streamed down Lila's face, her sobs echoing through the vehicle. Orion, his heart aching for her, wasted no time in taking charge. "I'm taking you back to my place so we can get you cleaned up," he gently informed her as he accelerated away from the desolate roadside. Her response was wordless, her cries continuing to consume her.

Minutes stretched into an eternity before the weight of the silence became unbearable for Orion. Breaking it, he mustered the courage to inquire about Lila's torment. "Lila, what's going on with you?" he finally asked, his voice laced with concern. She lifted her tear-stained face, her features flushed and puffy, a portrait of brokenness. In a voice barely above a whisper, she confessed, "I'm in pain, Orion."

His desire to reprimand her melted away, replaced by an overwhelming urge to protect and console her. All he wanted was to take her home, to shield her from the world's cruel grip.

Navigating the familiar streets of Sabrebite, the town where he had assumed the role of Alpha after his father's passing, Orion drove with a sense of purpose. His home, nestled within a patchy wooded area, offered solace and seclusion. Parking the car, he took a moment to collect himself, realizing that there were no words left to ask. Lila had briefly spoken of her father's expulsion from Ironclaw and the haunting suspicion of Frank and Caroline's involvement in her mother's demise. How could an Alpha betray his own kin? His luna? His daughter?

Lila stirred in her sleep, her groans of agony piercing the silence. Blinking away the remnants of slumber, she squinted at the porch lights that illuminated the car. Confusion clouded her gaze, only to be replaced by a profound sadness as she glanced down at her disheveled attire. Defeat washed over her, and amidst tears, she apologized repeatedly. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice choked with remorse. "I drank so much..."

Orion's reassurance flowed effortlessly from his lips. "It's okay," he assured her, his voice a soothing balm for her wounded soul. His attention shifted when he noticed her struggling with the seatbelt, its clasp stubbornly refusing to yield. With practiced ease, he released her from its grip, extending a gentle hand to help her out of the car.

Enveloping her trembling frame in his arms, Orion held her close, providing a sanctuary within his embrace. She surrendered willingly, finding solace against his chest as tears continued to flow, mingling with the unspoken pain that consumed her.He couldn't ignore the tremors that wracked her body, compelling him to hold her even tighter. Leading her into his humble abode, she lingered hesitantly at the doorway, her eyes meeting his in a moment of vulnerability before she finally stepped inside. As he observed her taking in her surroundings, he realized that despite being an Alpha, his home was modest. He preferred the intimacy of a smaller space, with a few bedrooms, bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a home office where he conducted his work outside the office.

"We should freshen up," Orion suggested, his voice hushed to avoid startling her.

She remained silent, her fingers fidgeting with nervous energy near the entrance, using the doorframe for support. Even in her inebriated state, it was evident that she felt uneasy.

Retrieving a T-shirt that would offer her some coverage from his bedroom drawers, he also grabbed some clothes for himself and a couple of towels. Returning to Lila, he noticed she hadn't moved, still standing by the entrance, lost in her own thoughts.

Meeting her gaze, he intertwined his fingers with hers and gently guided her towards the bathroom. The sound of running water filled the room as he adjusted the temperature to a comfortable warmth, turning to face her.

"I'll give you some privacy," he offered, ready to leave the room. But before he could make his exit, her grip tightened on his biceps. Tears welled up in her eyes once more, and she anxiously bit her lip.

Her habit of biting her lip whenever she was nervous or lost in thought was something he wished she would break. Yet, as he stared into her eyes, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming desire to taste her lips himself.

"Please don't go. I don't want to be alone," she pleaded, her voice quivering with fear.

#Chapter 4 - Orion

How could he have allowed this to happen? For the past five years, he had protected her, watched over her without her knowledge. And yet, he had failed to prevent this violation. Anger twisted his lips into a snarl as he replayed the events in his mind.

The woman, taken aback by the storm brewing on his face, exuded an air of unease that gradually transformed into fear. Worry etched deep lines in her eyes, soon replaced by traces of sadness and heartbreak. It pained him to see her like this.

Sighing heavily, he turned away, granting her the privacy she sought to cleanse herself. He couldn't fathom why she wanted him to stay, but as she undressed, he felt her proximity, her presence enveloping him. Her fingers danced along his spine, tracing invisible patterns through the fabric of his shirt. And then, her bare body pressed against his, erasing any doubts or uncertainties.

Allowing her to remove his shirt, he turned back to face her, captivated by her radiant features. Their lips met, still carrying the faint taste of beer. Softness greeted him, and he allowed his teeth to graze her bottom lip, a gentle tug pulling forth a delicate moan from deep within her throat. Encouraged, he bit harder, drawing her closer, their bodies melding together.

Her breasts pressed against his bare skin, and he cupped one tenderly, bringing it to his lips. Tracing the contours of her nipple with his tongue, she threw her head back, surrendering to the ecstasy that consumed her.With a gentle tug of his teeth, he pulled at the fabric, his fingers tracing the contours of her body. As he discovered her most intimate area, she sought support against the sink, her balance precarious yet determined. A surge of satisfaction washed over him, knowing he had the power to elicit such pleasure. Her eyes closed, surrendering to the ecstasy he ignited within her.

But just as he anticipated her climax, their roles reversed in an unexpected twist. Lila, driven by an urgent desire, pressed him back against the sink. Breathless, he pulled away, his gaze fixed upon her. His voice, husky with anticipation, questioned her certainty.

"I just need to feel something," she whispered, her vulnerability palpable. Aware of her virginity and her lingering intoxication, he hesitated, unwilling to cause her harm or cross any boundaries. Yet, the thought of another man's hands on her consumed him. He vowed to protect her from such violation.

Leaning down, he claimed her lips with an intensity that matched his possessiveness. Their bodies pressed against each other, the sink offering stability amidst a whirlwind of emotions. The memory of that man pinning her against the wall, her terror evident, fueled his anger. Clutching the sink, he restrained himself from unleashing his fury upon the wall.

How could she allow another wolf to touch her like that? He was the only one worthy of such intimacy. Never again would he permit anyone else to lay a finger on Lila. She belonged to him, and him alone.

Her fingers traced the outline of his pants, eagerly seeking more. Her breaths came in sharp gasps, mirroring his own hunger for her. Curiosity led his tongue to explore her mouth, a dance of softness and warmth that left them both yearning for more. In each other's embrace, they continued to discover the depths of their desires.

Lila's touch sent shivers down his spine, a delicate juxtaposition of vulnerability and sensuality.He craved more of her presence, an insatiable desire that consumed him. With a longing so profound, he yearned for every part of her. As their lips parted from their passionate kiss, she embarked on a tantalizing journey, planting a trail of tender kisses along his torso, descending to her knees. The warmth of her breath sent shivers down his spine as she wrapped her lips around his throbbing manhood, teasingly sucking with deliberate slowness.

His head arched back in ecstasy as her skilled tongue traced every inch of his length. She expertly encircled his tip with her luscious lips, intensifying the rhythm of her movements. A symphony of pleasure echoed through his veins, her soft moans fueling the fire within him, causing him to release hints of his essence into her eager mouth.

Her eyes sparkled with delight as the taste of him graced her tongue. He tenderly ran his fingertips through her hair, savoring the intimate connection they shared. Yet, just before reaching the pinnacle, he halted their fervent exploration.

"Wait," he gasped, his voice laced with urgency. "I don't want it to end like this."

Drawing her close, he kissed her deeply, their tongues intertwining in a passionate dance. His gaze fixated on the medicine cabinet near the sink, where he retrieved a condom. With a primal growl, he tore open the silver packaging, anticipation radiating from his every pore.

Her eyes never left him as he adorned himself with protection, her eagerness palpable. The time for restraint had passed; he hungered for her with an intensity that defied reason. Lifting her effortlessly onto the sink, he savored the sweet melody of her soft moans as he entered her, their bodies merging in a symphony of pleasure.

Beads of sweat mingled with remnants of past tears on her forehead, a testament to the raw emotions that coursed through them. She surrendered herself to the sensation, her eyes gently closing, allowing the profound connection to envelop her.

Once more, their mouths found each other, their tongues dancing in perfect harmony. He held her tightly, afraid that loosening his grip would cause her to vanish from his grasp, fading into the abyss of his fears.Orion was determined to hold onto her, to keep her by his side for as long as possible. After all this time apart, he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to his mate without him knowing. The guilt gnawed at him, regretting the distance he had allowed to grow between them. Alpha Frank would pay for the damage he had caused, that much was certain.

As his anger swelled, Orion's thrusts became more forceful. Lila let out a pained moan, but she didn't resist. They both needed this connection, this release. In their union, their emotions intertwined, their bodies entwined, and their shared animosity fueled their passion.

Finally, they reached their climax together, their bodies collapsing in a tangle of limbs. Lila appeared exhausted, and Orion knew she needed rest. He wanted to give her privacy, to allow her to clean up without his presence. This time, she didn't stop him from leaving the bathroom.

Her silence spoke volumes, and a pang of worry shot through Orion's heart. Was she upset with him? He reminded himself of the age difference between them, with Lila being only 18 and himself being 24. He had to tread carefully, to ensure he didn't push her away.

Soon enough, Lila emerged from the bathroom, clad in the shirt he had left for her. It covered her completely, down to her knees. Her features shimmered from the shower, and her wet blonde curls cascaded in loose ringlets around her shoulders.

Orion gestured towards the bed across the room. "You should get some sleep," he suggested. Lila glanced at the bed, then back at him, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she recalled their recent intimacy. They held each other's gaze for a long moment before she finally looked away.

Slipping into his bed and pulling the blanket over herself, Lila seemed so at ease. Orion couldn't help but imagine a future where he would wake up to her presence every morning.

"Orion..." she murmured sleepily.

He responded softly, "Yes?"

A small smile tugged at her lips as she said, "Thank you for coming back for me."

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