The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1

"If we decide to tie the knot, you'll have to give up your job and become a stay-at-home wife. Take care of me and make sure we have a healthy baby boy within a year! I don't want a girl, they require more parenting!" The man boasted with a self-satisfied grin.

Vivian Washington stared at her blind date, a balding, plump man in his forties. It was evident that her stepmother, Alessandra, had orchestrated this meeting with the intention of pushing her towards an undesirable match.

Initially, the middle-aged man had criticized Vivian's makeup, but upon seeing her slender figure and composed demeanor, he believed he had found himself quite the catch. His next question was, "How tall are you?"

Bored to her core, Vivian casually stirred her coffee before softly replying, "I'm 5'6"."

The middle-aged man seemed content. "Hmm, your height is just perfect for me. I'm about 5'7". You might have to stand on your toes when we kiss, but don't worry, I can bend down a bit for you!"

Vivian's eyelid twitched ever so slightly. "Sir, I believe there may be some misunderstanding. A man who requires a woman to stand on her toes just to kiss him should be considerably taller than you."

This response displeased the middle-aged man, causing him to frown. "What do you mean?"

Just then, a tall and commanding figure entered the coffee shop, exuding an undeniable aura of strength. Vivian caught sight of him and immediately rose from her seat, making her way towards him.

"Excuse me, handsome. Could you come over here for a moment?" she beckoned.

The striking man's gaze turned icy cold. Before he could decline, Vivian boldly seized his tie, stood on her toes, and planted a precise kiss on his lips.

"You see? You should at least measure up to him in height if you expect a woman to go through the trouble of standing on her toes for a kiss.""You..." 

The middle-aged man's face flushed with embarrassment and anger as he pointed an accusatory finger at Vivian.

"Such audacity! Kissing a stranger like that! I will make sure the matchmaker hears about this and ruins your reputation. You can forget about finding a suitable date in the future!"

Vivian couldn't help but scoff, secretly pleased with the outcome of her daring act.

As the middle-aged man stormed off, Vivian turned her attention to the tall man who had come to her aid.

"I am truly grateful for your assistance, sir! If destiny allows, we may cross paths again. Goodbye!" She waved at him, ready to leave.

But just as she was about to make her exit, a cold and firm grip tightened around her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

A deep, icy voice pierced the air, sending shivers down her spine. "You kissed me, and you think you can simply walk away?"

Under the weight of his intense gaze, Vivian felt a surge of pressure building within her. She raised her eyes to meet the sight of a strikingly handsome face that had suddenly appeared before her.

His hair was impeccably styled, his features chiseled, and his demeanor exuded an air of calm confidence. It was as if he could effortlessly navigate any situation thrown his way.

But there was also an unmistakable aura of danger surrounding him, adding an intriguing edge to his allure.

Vivian couldn't help but berate herself inwardly. "I was so focused on getting rid of that middle-aged man and chose the tallest man nearby to kiss without even looking at his face. Now that I gaze upon him closely, he is unusually handsome and possesses a captivating presence."

Her brows furrowed slightly as she asked, "What do you intend to do now?"

The man remained silent, his lips moving as if he was about to utter something. Just then, a man dressed in a sleek black suit approached them with a grave expression, interrupting their tense moment.

"Mr. Campbell, there's a problem! Ms. Lavinia's flight has been forced to return due to adverse weather conditions."Vivian's heart raced as Wayne Campbell's words echoed in her ears. The man's intense gaze held a mixture of curiosity and amusement, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She couldn't understand why he had singled her out, especially when she looked nothing like the woman he had initially chosen to appease his grandfather.

Archer, Wayne's loyal companion, stood by silently, his eyes filled with disgust as they scanned Vivian from head to toe. Her heavy makeup, disheveled hair, and rebellious attire seemed worlds apart from the refined image expected of someone entering into a prestigious engagement with Mr. Campbell.

Uncertainty crept into Vivian's voice as she cautiously addressed the situation. "Sir, what do you mean by 'Her'? What are you planning to do to me?"

Wayne's expression remained cold and aloof, his arrogance apparent in every word he spoke. "I want you to be committed to me."

Surprise washed over Vivian's face, her eyes widening in disbelief. The weight of his proposition hung in the air, leaving her torn between curiosity and apprehension. Little did she know that this unexpected turn of events would set in motion a chain of emotions and challenges that would test the boundaries of her heart and reshape the course of her life."Are you kidding me, sir? I give you a peck on the cheek and you think I'm ready to commit to you? That was my first kiss ever, and I didn't even ask to be in a relationship with you!"

The man's eyebrows lifted slightly. "First kiss?"

Vivian let out a regretful sigh. "Yes! That was my first kiss in twenty years!"

This woman had quite the personality.

Wayne's expression turned cold, his voice devoid of emotion. "Take her away."

Before she knew it, Vivian was being led away by several men in black suits and placed into a luxurious black car.

Pearl Moon Mansion, the most extravagant mansion in the city.

Today, Wayne Campbell of the prestigious Campbell family was hosting a grand engagement party here. The banquet hall was filled with celebrities, indulging in food and drinks.

"I wonder who the lucky lady is that gets to be Mr. Campbell's woman."

"She must be a high-class, stunning, and elegant lady. No ordinary girl could catch Mr. Campbell's attention."

"Look, Mr. Campbell just arrived! He's so attractive..."

"Wait, is that girl with Mr. Campbell his rumored fiancée? She looks a bit..."

Not what they expected, indeed.

Under everyone's curious gaze, the eldest son of the Campbell family, Wayne, led an unconventional girl to the center stage of the banquet.

The host of the engagement party approached, microphone in hand, and began to address the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening and welcome to Mr. Campbell's engagement party!"

Vivian stood on stage, feeling incredibly nervous and helpless.

Yes, she had crossed the line with him without his consent. She knew she had messed up, and he could easily have her arrested. She was prepared to face whatever consequences the law would impose on her.

But she never in her wildest dreams expected this guy to be so audacious.

To drag her all the way here... for an engagement?!

Chapter 2

: A Clash of Styles

The murmurs of the crowd below the stage filled the air, each voice carrying a different expression as they chattered away. Some were perplexed, others judgmental.

"Is this Mr. Campbell's fiancée? Why on earth is she dressed like a street punk?" questioned one guest, unable to hide their astonishment.

"Shouldn't Mr. Campbell's woman be an elegant and beautiful lady? What in the world is that?" remarked another, their tone laced with disapproval.

"Hmm, Mr. Campbell certainly has unique taste," muttered a third, their curiosity piqued.

Vivian had intentionally dressed like a punk, hoping to deter potential suitors. However, Wayne appeared unfazed by the discussion surrounding his fiancée's unconventional attire. In fact, he seemed utterly indifferent to any doubts about his own taste.

Under the watchful and peculiar gazes of the guests, Vivian reluctantly exchanged engagement rings with Wayne. The host declared the ceremony over, prompting a round of forced applause from the crowd. Though discomfort lingered due to Mr. Campbell's choice of a bride, no one dared to withhold their applause for fear of offending him.

As Vivian stepped off the stage, all she yearned for was an escape from this sea of judgment and drama. Yet, her path was blocked by three impeccably dressed women who stood in her way, their gazes filled with disdain.

"Whose daughter are you?" one of them sneered, her voice dripping with condescension.

"Why did you come dressed like that?" another demanded, her tone laced with superiority.

"Do you truly believe you're worthy of standing next to Mr. Campbell?" the third woman added, her words laced with arrogance.

Vivian chose to ignore their presence, attempting to bypass them and avoid confrontation. However, the women refused to back down, persistently obstructing her path.

Growing impatient, Vivian glanced at their extravagant dresses and couldn't help but retort, "You're all dressed to the nines, but where are your partners standing next to Mr. Campbell?"

The women gasped in disbelief, unused to such biting sarcasm. Their blockade intensified, demanding an apology and showing no intention of letting her pass.

Meanwhile, not too far away, Crew approached Wayne and clinked glasses with him, a sly smile playing on his lips."Wayne, where on earth did you stumble upon this female thug? If you introduce her to your old man, he might just keel over!" Crew exclaimed, disbelief lacing his words.

In a nonchalant manner, Wayne responded, "The old man simply desires a daughter-in-law, any woman will do."

Crew grumbled, "There are countless women out there, why did you have to choose a thug to be your wife?"

Taking a sip of his wine, Wayne seemed lost in thought, as if reminiscing about something.

"Because, she's a sweet girl," he stated, his tone firm.

Crew was dumbfounded, staring at his typically reserved brother with utter confusion. "I never realized this before, but you certainly have an interesting taste!"

Suddenly, a glass of wine splashed onto Vivian, causing quite the commotion. Crew turned to witness the scene, raising an eyebrow. "Your fiancée is clearly being bullied. Aren't you going to intervene?"

Wayne squinted his eyes, an air of nonchalance surrounding him. "No need."

Before Crew could comprehend Wayne's cryptic response, he witnessed Vivian taking matters into her own hands. She grabbed a socialite's hair and forcefully knocked their heads together, as if she were slapping a watermelon. The impact left the two women unconscious, while the remaining socialite stood paralyzed with fear.

"" the socialite stuttered, her voice trembling.

Vivian remained expressionless, not uttering a single word. With a simple wave of her hand, the last socialite retreated, no longer blocking their path.

Crew couldn't help but smile. "Ah, now I understand why you chose her."

Wayne's eyes held a deeper meaning as he silently sipped his wine.

The young woman possessed a remarkable ability to approach Wayne swiftly and make a towering man like him bend down for a kiss with just one hand. Her strength and audacity made her truly extraordinary.

"Archer, take her to change," Wayne instructed.

"Yes, Mr. Campbell," Archer replied obediently.

Vivian, however, didn't follow Archer to change. Instead, she walked over and regarded Wayne with a hint of displeasure.

"You, you're truly unfair! I merely gave you a light kiss, and now you expect me to give myself to you? The price is far too steep. Can't I be committed to you in another way? Perhaps through financial compensation?" she proposed, her eyes shining with determination.

Wayne's gaze was captivating and filled with a sparkling intensity.He smiled, a sly curl to his lips as his gaze lingered on Vivian. "Hmm? Just how much do you think my kiss is worth?" 

Vivian's eyes flickered from his face to his thin, yet undeniably attractive lips. She pondered for a moment before responding, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "I suppose that's for you to determine. Though, I must say, you don't strike me as young and inexperienced. I wouldn't go over thirty dollars. I'm afraid that's all I can afford." 

The audacity of her words hit Archer like a slap in the face. Thirty dollars? Did she truly believe she could undermine the esteemed Mr. Campbell so easily? He raised a hand, silently commanding his men to step back. With deliberate intent, he reached out and gripped Vivian's chin, his touch not forceful, but laden with a menacing threat. 

"Little girl, when you dare to mock me so brazenly in public, you should be prepared to face the consequences," he warned, his voice low and dangerous. 

Vivian's brow furrowed, perplexed by the man's behavior. She couldn't fathom why he was fixated on her when her appearance today was far from remarkable. Nevertheless, she lifted the corner of her mouth, her eyes sparkling with defiance. Without hesitation, she retorted, "Alright then. Can I at least use the bathroom now?" 

Wayne didn't respond verbally. Instead, he simply gestured to his men, instructing them to escort her to the bathroom. 

A few minutes later, Archer returned to Wayne, his expression grave. "Mr. Campbell, it seems that Ms. Washington has managed to escape through the bathroom window. I've dispatched our men to pursue her." 

Wayne, ever composed and impeccably dressed, leaned back on the sofa. He swirled the red wine in his glass, his face betraying no emotion. "There's no need to chase after her. Find out her home address and send someone to retrieve her." 

"Yes, sir." 

Having witnessed the entire spectacle, Crew couldn't help but offer some advice to Wayne. "Wayne, are you truly intent on marrying a girl who clearly isn't suited for you? Perhaps..."Wayne's words lingered in the air, heavy with meaning. "Only a woman like her can become my wife," he declared.

Late into the night, Vivian returned to her home. As she stepped through the doorway, her father Arthur stood there, ready to strike her with an open hand.

"How dare you show your face here!" he bellowed.

Quick as a cat, Vivian instinctively evaded the impending blow, sidestepping with ease. The sight of her effortlessly dodging his slap only fueled Arthur's anger.

"Vivian, your mother went to great lengths to find a suitable man for you. How could you dress so casually and publicly kiss a stranger? Your actions have brought shame upon the Washington family! Your mother is being criticized because of you! Apologize. Apologize to your mother now!"

With a chill in her voice, Vivian slid her hands into her coat pockets and stared at him coldly. "She's not my mother."

In truth, she was Vivian's stepmother, scheming to marry her off in order to claim the Washington family inheritance. It was a game of manipulation and deceit.

Feigning concern, Alessandra interjected, "Arthur, I'm fine. Don't blame Vivian. She's young and naive. It's my fault as her stepmother..."

Arthur's heartache deepened as he witnessed his wife defending the misbehaving girl. He turned away and scolded, "You are so ungrateful! Alessandra has been nothing but good to you, and you can't even call her 'mom'!"

Tears streaming down her face, Alessandra put on a pitiful act. "Arthur, it's okay! She can call me Auntie Alessandra. I don't mind!"

Vivian wasn't surprised by Alessandra's behavior. The woman was a master at playing the victim. Arthur, blinded by her beauty, couldn't see through the facade.

With determination, Vivian handed Arthur a folder filled with information. "Dad, here's the truth about all the men Auntie Alessandra set me up with. Take a look, and if you find someone suitable, I'll marry him."

Arthur was taken aback, his expression growing grimmer with each page he flipped through in the folder...

Chapter 3

The men showcased in the profiles were painfully ordinary, hovering around the age of forty, and to make matters worse, most of them lacked a stable job! Arthur shot Alessandra a piercing glare, his dissatisfaction reaching new heights. "Some of these men are my age! Alessandra, how could you subject Vivian to these middle-aged suitors?"

Alessandra's demeanor stiffened, her guilt palpable. She had enlisted someone to fabricate the photos and profiles of these men, never anticipating that Vivian, who was usually reserved, would uncover their true identities. Panic set in as she hastily adopted an innocent expression. "Arthur, I have no clue how this happened. I meticulously handpicked the finest candidates for Vivian. It must be an error on the matchmaking agency's part!"

Vivian found the situation rather comical. "Auntie Alessandra, you didn't even bother verifying the authenticity of these men's information, yet you confidently referred to them as high-quality prospects. I may not be your biological child, but how could you take my lifelong happiness so lightly? Dad, I assume you wouldn't be proud if I ended up marrying one of these middle-aged men, right?"

Alessandra attempted to explain herself. "No... That's not..."

But Arthur refused to entertain her excuses. He flung the profiles at Alessandra's face, his disappointment evident. "Enough! You are hereby forbidden from meddling in Vivian's love life any further! I'll freeze your bank card this month. Spend less time recklessly wasting money and take this opportunity to reflect on your actions at home!"

A wave of pallor washed over Alessandra. "Arthur, you've misunderstood..."

Ignoring her protests, Arthur shifted his attention to his daughter, a tinge of guilt coloring his gaze. "Vivian, I apologize for subjecting you to these countless encounters with middle-aged men. You no longer have to endure these blind dates."

Vivian's smile blossomed. "Thank you, Dad."

As Arthur ascended the stairs, Alessandra locked eyes with Vivian, a malicious glint in her stare.Washington need some time to consider?”
Alessandra snapped out of her thoughts and nodded. "Yes, please give me a moment to gather my thoughts."
Archer and the men in black waited patiently as Alessandra rushed back inside to find Layla. She found her daughter in the living room, engrossed in a script.
"Layla, you won't believe what just happened," Alessandra said, trying to steady her voice.
Layla looked up, curiosity evident in her eyes. "What is it, Mom?"
"A man named Wayne Campbell, from the top-tier Campbell family, has come to propose to you," Alessandra revealed, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and disbelief.
Layla's eyes widened, mirroring her mother's reaction. "The Campbell family? Are you serious?"
Archer stepped forward, confirming the news. "Yes, Miss Layla. Mr. Campbell is very interested in you and has sent a betrothal gift."
Layla's heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The Campbell family was renowned for their wealth and influence, and Layla had always dreamed of finding someone who truly appreciated her for who she was, beyond her fame.
"Mom, what do you think?" Layla asked, her voice laced with hope.
Alessandra took a deep breath, her mind racing. This unexpected turn of events had caught her off guard, but she couldn't deny the possibilities it presented for her daughter's future.
"Layla, this is a remarkable opportunity," Alessandra said, her voice filled with conviction. "We should give it serious consideration. But ultimately, the decision is yours."
Layla pondered for a moment, weighing the potential of this union against her own desires and aspirations. She had always been fiercely independent, but the thought of finding love with someone who saw her beyond the glitz and glamour was undeniably enticing.
"Okay, Mom," Layla finally said, a determined smile forming on her lips. "Let's meet this Mr. Campbell and see where this journey takes us."
As Layla and Alessandra made their way back to the entrance, Archer and his men stood with anticipation, awaiting their decision.
"We're ready to meet Mr. Campbell," Alessandra declared, her voice brimming with newfound excitement.
Archer nodded, a hint of admiration in his eyes. "Very well, Mrs. Washington. You won't be disappointed."
With that, they all stepped outside, ready to embark on a new chapter that would forever change Layla's life. The night was filled with uncertainty, but also with the promise of love and endless possibilities."Do you really think Washington will disagree with this marriage?" Alessandra's voice snapped through the air, jolting her out of her thoughts. She quickly shook her head, trying to compose herself. "No, it's just that Layla isn't home right now. For such an important matter, shouldn't we wait until she comes back?"

Archer, however, interrupted her, his tone firm and unwavering. "Mrs. Washington, your daughter has already accepted Mr. Campbell's engagement ring. It's time for you to accept his gifts as well."

Layla had accepted the ring? Alessandra's mind raced, trying to catch up with the whirlwind of events. Had they been secretly dating? That child, Layla! She had landed herself such a wonderful boyfriend and hadn't even bothered to tell them!

Realizing she couldn't keep the guests waiting any longer, Alessandra hurriedly invited Archer to take a seat. But instead of entering, he signaled his men to bring in the gifts.

"In three days' time, Mr. Campbell himself will come to marry Ms. Washington," Archer announced, his voice filled with assurance.

Alessandra was taken aback. "Three days? Isn't that... too rushed?"

But Archer remained unfazed, his confidence unyielding. "Mrs. Washington, rest assured. Mr. Campbell has meticulously arranged everything for the wedding. It will be nothing short of perfection. Your daughter will be treated with utmost care and respect."

Perfection? Alessandra couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Mr. Campbell. He truly cared for Layla!

Once Layla married into the Campbell family, she would ascend to a position of power and prestige. Wealth and honor would be at her fingertips, and everyone who laid eyes on her would have no choice but to show their utmost respect.

The thought filled Alessandra's heart with joy. "Alright! We will make sure to prepare our daughter for her new life within these three days!"

Archer nodded, bidding his farewell. "Then I won't disturb you any longer. Goodbye."

As Alessandra reveled in the excitement, Arthur emerged from his room, drawn by the commotion outside. "Who was here? And what are all these...?"

Alessandra's ecstatic smile spread across her face as she caressed the valuable gifts, her body trembling with anticipation."Arthur! I have extraordinary news! Wayne from the illustrious Campbell family has set his sights on our Layla! Just take a look at these lavish gifts they've bestowed upon us!" Alessandra exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Arthur's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? Wayne? Are you referring to Wayne, the renowned CEO of the Campbell Corporation who recently returned to the country?"

Alessandra nodded vigorously, her enthusiasm contagious. "Yes, him! That's the one!"

Arthur's hand instinctively clutched his chest, fearing that the sheer exhilaration of the moment might induce a heart attack. "Good lord! I never fathomed that our Layla would capture Mr. Campbell's attention!"

Alessandra beamed with pride, relishing in the realization of their daughter's allure. "Whose daughter is she now?"

"Alessandra, you've raised an extraordinary daughter," Arthur admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of admiration and surprise.

Alessandra couldn't help but seize the opportunity to bask in Arthur's praise. "So now you're singing my praises? Just a moment ago, you were threatening to freeze my bank account!"

Arthur chuckled, his previous anger now a distant memory. "Ah, I was merely caught up in the heat of the moment. Vivian may not be your biological daughter, but you've done an exceptional job raising her. However, I must admit, I'm concerned about letting her go on a date with such an older man."

Alessandra's expression softened, her tone filled with genuine concern. "I didn't mean to. Vivian grew up in the countryside, headstrong and fiery. I merely wanted an older man who could appreciate her spirit and treat her kindly. Who could have predicted that the matchmaker would deceive us about the details?"

Arthur's earlier apprehension dissipated as he realized the depth of Alessandra's intentions. "Alessandra, I was mistaken. I see now that you have our daughter's best interests at heart."

With just a few words, Arthur's fears were laid to rest, leaving Alessandra feeling triumphant. She couldn't help but think to herself, "Does that little girl Vivian truly believe she can challenge me?"

Little did Alessandra know, her daughter Layla was on the brink of marrying into the prestigious Campbell family. Their lives were about to be transformed, and they had no time for the likes of Vivian.

The next morning, Alessandra urgently summoned her superstar daughter Layla to return home immediately.

As Layla walked through the door, her face filled with frustration. "Mom, why the rush? I have a photoshoot this afternoon!"

Alessandra couldn't contain her excitement as she blurted out, "It's about your wedding with Wayne Campbell, of course!"

Layla's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wedding? What wedding? I don't even know this guy!"

A wave of panic washed over Alessandra as she realized her daughter's lack of awareness. She quickly launched into an explanation about the marriage proposal and the extravagant gifts.

"Layla, how could you not know about the firstborn son of the Campbell family? Didn't you accept the engagement ring he sent you?"

Chapter 4

Layla's brows remained furrowed, her mother's words leaving her perplexed.

"A ring? When did I... Oh, right! Mom, it's all coming back to me now. Yesterday, I received a diamond ring from an anonymous fan through delivery! I was worried about the media blowing it out of proportion, so I didn't wear it out!" Layla explained, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Alessandra couldn't contain her joy upon hearing this revelation.

"That's it! Mr. Campbell must have harbored feelings for you for quite some time, and he chose to confess his love under the disguise of a fan! I did some digging, and the man who proposed to you yesterday was indeed Mr. Campbell's private assistant!"

Layla's mind raced as she processed this information. The Campbell family was renowned and influential, and Mr. Campbell himself was a prominent figure in the business world.

The idea that Mr. Campbell, someone she had never even met, was infatuated with her and proposed without hesitation made Layla's cheeks flush with a rosy hue. Her charm seemed to be irresistible.


In the afternoon, Vivian returned home carrying an exquisite photo frame. She changed into her slippers and headed upstairs, only to be intercepted by Layla on the way down.

"What's that you're holding? Did you steal some jewelry from my wedding?" Layla sneered, her disdain for her countryside-born sister evident in her tone.

Vivian paused, maintaining her composure as she responded, "This is my personal item."

"Show it to me!" Layla demanded, her dissatisfaction with Vivian always simmering beneath the surface. She believed that her sister had tainted the Washington family's reputation and never showed her any respect.

Layla snatched the item from Vivian's grasp, disappointment etched on her face.

"Oh! I thought it was something valuable. It's just a picture of your mother, the mistress!" Layla remarked, her words dripping with contempt.

Vivian's eyes flashed with hurt as she reached out to retrieve the frame, but Layla intentionally let it slip from her hands, allowing it to crash onto the floor."Oops, it slipped right through my fingers," Vivian muttered, gazing down at the fallen photo frame beneath the worn pages of the Washington family's ancient photo album. Her eyes welled up with tears as she realized it was a picture of her beloved mother, recently unearthed and carefully placed in the frame to be kept close to her heart.

Seething with anger, Vivian snatched Layla's clothes in a cold, calculated fury. "Pick it up!" she demanded, her voice dripping with disdain.

Layla, undeterred by Vivian's wrath, smirked defiantly. "Do you dare lay a finger on me? You know nothing about what I'm capable of!"

Vivian's mind raced, connecting the dots. The Campbell family, the same name as the man who had coerced her into an unwanted engagement just yesterday. The mention of their prestigious status sent shivers down her spine.

"You're referring to the elite Campbell family?" Vivian asked, her voice shaky.

Layla's smug expression grew even more pronounced. "Yes! Are you trembling with fear? You should be! Wayne Campbell, a wealthy and influential man, is both my admirer and suitor. He wants only me now! Those gifts you see over there are wedding presents from his family. So, I suggest you keep your hands off them. You wouldn't be able to afford the consequences if anything were to happen to them."

Vivian cast a hesitant glance at the gifts Layla pointed to. Suddenly, a realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. Could it be true? Had that man actually delivered wedding gifts?

After a brief moment of contemplation, a glimmer of determination flickered in Vivian's eyes. She turned to Layla and spoke with a hint of a smile, "Well then, allow me to extend my congratulations to you! But do you truly believe a prestigious family like the Campbells would accept an actress with a tarnished reputation in the entertainment industry as their new lady?"

Layla winced at Vivian's words, her vulnerable spot hit square on. "You needn't concern yourself with that! Mr. Campbell loves me immensely, and he will protect me."

"Is that so?" Vivian replied, her smile widening. She said no more, leaving Layla to ponder over her cryptic response.

Gently picking up her mother's picture, Vivian tenderly brushed off the dust, then turned and ascended the stairs. Her mind raced, searching for a way to extricate herself from the troubles brought about by that man from the previous day.If Layla's heart still yearned for marriage, then it would undoubtedly be the best decision. However, doubts now mingled with her once eager anticipation.

Vivian's words had struck a chord within Layla. The Campbell family was renowned for their elite status, while she, a mere artist with a modest level of fame, wondered if she would ever be accepted by their esteemed elders. The weight of her recent bad press only further fueled her insecurities.

In that moment, Layla made a resolute decision. The allure of the entertainment industry paled in comparison to the prospect of becoming a young lady of the Campbell family. She knew she had to sever ties with her career and embrace this new path.

Just as Layla prepared to call her agency and terminate her contract, her phone buzzed insistently. Normally, she would have disregarded the call as another nuisance, but the caller ID revealed the name of a wealthy businessman she had recently encountered. Intrigued by the prospect of closure, she reluctantly answered.

"Babe, where are you? I miss you! Come to the hotel and keep me company tonight!" The man's voice oozed with a repulsive familiarity.

Layla's disgust was palpable. "Don't call me babe, you old man. You make me sick."

The man's tone turned defensive. "What did you say? I disgust you? Don't forget how you begged me to get you the lead script for the last movie!"

Unfazed, Layla responded with unwavering resolve. "I've quit the entertainment industry, and I don't give a damn about any lead scripts. You can give them to whoever you like! Don't call me again!"

On the other end of the line, the slick old man seethed with anger. He had even gone so far as to purchase a diamond ring for Layla, sending it to her through express delivery. Now, she acted as though she didn't even know him.

Ungrateful woman! He vowed to ensure she would never find success in the entertainment industry again. She would be blacklisted.

Three days later, the Washington family hosted a lavish banquet to celebrate their daughter's upcoming nuptials. Friends and relatives gathered to partake in the joyous occasion.

Alessandra, the matriarch of the family, spared no expense in ensuring that Layla's marriage ceremony was nothing short of grand. As she surveyed the opulent setting, she couldn't help but admire the splendor of the Campbell family's own weddings.

"So grand," Alessandra murmured to herself, "no wonder they are considered an elite family.""All these cars, they're like rare gems, limited editions of luxury models!" exclaimed one of the wedding guests in awe.

"That car at the front, I've only ever seen it in magazines. It must cost a fortune!" remarked another guest, marveling at the extravagant display of wealth.

"Damn, Layla is one lucky woman. She's marrying a top-tier guy like Mr. Campbell!" whispered a jealous friend, unable to hide her envy.

Layla, adorned in her stunning wedding gown, basked in the adoration and compliments from her relatives and friends. A smug smile played on her lips, making her feel as proud as a peacock.

Amidst the festivities, Layla couldn't help but wonder about Vivian's absence. Was she hiding somewhere, consumed by envy? Let her be envious. No amount of envy could grant her what Layla had.

As Layla eagerly anticipated meeting her groom, her mind wandered, imagining what kind of man Mr. Campbell would be. Handsome, no doubt. He would kneel before her, pouring his heart out, while others looked on with envy...

The wedding procession halted in front of the grand Washington family mansion. Wayne, a tall and commanding figure, emerged from the lead car, exuding power and elegance.

Archer, the best man, motioned for the groomsmen, all impeccably dressed in suits, to step out of their cars and follow Wayne towards the lavishly adorned front door of the Washington Manor.

However, Wayne suddenly paused, his sharp eyes fixed on the rooftop of the mansion. There, he spotted a woman in her pajamas, leaning against the railing, casually munching on fries as she observed the scene below.

Their gazes locked for a fleeting moment before the woman swiftly turned and disappeared. Vivian's heart sank. Had Wayne seen her on the balcony? She had a sinking feeling that she had been caught.

She had worn heavy makeup earlier in the day, but had already removed it. Would he recognize her? To err on the side of caution, Vivian made the decision to leave the house immediately.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the groom came to a sudden halt, leaving Archer puzzled. Approaching him, Archer inquired, "Mr. Campbell, the front door of the Washington family is right there. Why aren't you going in?"

Chapter 5

Wayne arched an eyebrow, his narrow eyes fixated on the vacant balcony.

Without skipping a beat, he nonchalantly commanded, "You fellas go ahead and head in!"

Archer seemed taken aback but didn't dare to question Mr. Campbell's instructions. He simply motioned for the groomsmen behind him to follow suit.

"Alright, let's move!" Archer beckoned as they all made their way into the villa.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Wayne discreetly slipped away. In that moment, no one noticed his presence at the back door of the Washington Manor...

From behind the doors emerged a young woman, her stride purposeful as she hummed the tune of the wedding march.

But before she could take more than a few steps, her neck was abruptly yanked backwards. Suspended in mid-air, her feet dangled helplessly, resembling a lamb caught in the act...

"Trying to make a run for it, are we?" The man's voice resonated with a chilling depth, sending shivers down her spine.

Vivian turned her head towards her assailant, recognizing the voice almost instantly. It was Wayne!

With just a single glance, Wayne had managed to identify her!

But Vivian had prepared for this scenario. She turned to face Wayne, her voice trembling and stuttering, "Wh-why did you grab me?"

As Wayne caught sight of the woman's face, he froze, releasing his grip almost reflexively...

Before him stood a woman adorned with freckles, eyebrows that met in the middle, plump lips, and eyes accentuated by vibrant eyeshadow. Her appearance was peculiar, even more exaggerated than characters from the silver screen.

Vivian couldn't help but revel in Wayne's surprise at her unconventional looks.Vivian's heart sank. How could she get rid of this ring that seemed to have a mind of its own? She had to find a way to convince Wayne that Layla was the better choice. Desperation fueled her words as she pleaded, "Please, Wayne. I'll do anything to help you marry Layla. Just give me a chance."

Wayne's gaze softened, a hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Anything?"

Vivian nodded fervently, her voice filled with determination. "Yes, anything. I'll make sure Layla falls head over heels for you. I'll be your wingwoman, your confidante. Just please, let me go."

A moment of silence hung between them, the weight of their unspoken agreement palpable. Wayne finally nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Alright, Vivian. You have a deal. Help me win Layla's heart, and I'll set you free."

Relief washed over Vivian, but she knew the challenge ahead would not be easy. She had to convince Layla that Wayne was the man of her dreams, all while suppressing her own growing feelings for him.

As they walked towards the villa next door, Vivian couldn't help but steal glances at Wayne. His strong presence, his piercing gaze - there was an undeniable allure about him. She pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself of her mission.

Deep down, Vivian knew that this arrangement was just a temporary facade. But for now, she had to play her part convincingly. And maybe, just maybe, she would find a way to break free from the clutches of the ring that bound her.“Then go and purchase some,” Vivian suggested, her tone tinged with frustration.

"That oil has been discontinued. It's no longer available," Wayne responded, his voice calm but firm.

Vivian's smile faded slightly as she bit her lip in disappointment. However, a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she suddenly pointed behind Wayne. "Sir, look quickly! There's a seven-colored pig!"

Wayne remained expressionless, a subtle smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. He found her antics endearing, yet somewhat childish.

In the blink of an eye, Vivian, who had intended to escape, found herself caught once again by Wayne. He effortlessly lifted her off the ground and carried her away, despite her futile struggles.

Meanwhile, Archer had just led a group of dashing groomsmen into the Washington family's elegant living room when his phone interrupted the moment. Mr. Campbell was calling. Archer paused, respectfully ending the call before turning to his groomsmen and leading them out of the room.

Alessandra, who had been watching smugly, hurriedly approached Archer. "Archer, why are you all leaving? The bride is still inside!"

Archer glanced at Alessandra with a furrowed brow. "Mr. Campbell has decided to personally fetch the bride."

Alessandra's eyes widened in disbelief. "Fetch the bride? That can't be right! Layla is still in the house!"

Archer's confusion deepened, and he responded curtly, "Ma'am, you must be mistaken. The woman our young master is marrying is not named Layla."

With that, Archer briskly walked away, leaving Alessandra stunned and rooted in place. Her face drained of color as the realization hit her. They had mistaken the bride's identity.

Whispers spread through the room like wildfire, and Arthur, who had just been the center of compliments from relatives, suddenly became the subject of ridicule.

Furious, Arthur turned to Alessandra and unleashed his anger. "Alessandra! What the hell is happening? Didn't you say Mr. Campbell-""Campbell is marrying Layla?" Alessandra's innocent eyes widened in shock. "I... I didn't know this would happen! When the Campbell family came to propose, they said they wanted to marry our daughter. Even the betrothal gifts were sent to our house... Arthur, didn't you see it too?"

Arthur's fury boiled over, his hand connecting with Alessandra's cheek in a resounding slap. "How could you arrange it without clarifying things first? You've made our Washington family lose face!"

Meanwhile, Layla, adorned in her wedding dress, waited anxiously for her groom to arrive. But as time ticked by, it became clear that he was a no-show. Intrigued by the commotion outside, she rushed out of the room, her gown trailing behind her. "Dad, mom! What's going on out there? Where's my groom, Mr. Campbell?"

"Layla, Mr. Campbell's butler just informed us that there has been some kind of mix-up," her mother explained, her voice tinged with disbelief. "They've gone to fetch the real bride."

Layla's heart sank, and her mind struggled to comprehend the situation. "What? Mom! How can there be a mix-up in something like this? Wasn't Mr. Campbell supposed to marry me?"

Alessandra, still reeling from Arthur's blow, clutched her swollen face. "Layla, don't blame your mom. I'm just as flummoxed..."

The relatives, who had always harbored resentment towards the Washington family, seized the opportunity to mock them. "Layla, stop fooling yourself! You should have known that a man of Mr. Campbell's stature wouldn't marry an actress like you, with all your scandals!"

"I always wondered how you managed to snare someone like the Campbells. I guess it was all a big misunderstanding!"

"Layla, go back to your acting career! It's only in the soap operas that you get to marry your dreamy rich men! Hahaha..."

Unable to bear the weight of her relatives' ridicule any longer, Layla shot Alessandra a resentful look before fleeing back to her room. Her anger burned within her, and she felt a deep sense of shame. How could she ever face anyone again?

But amidst the turmoil, one question consumed her thoughts: How could there be such a mix-up? Wasn't it Mr. Campbell who had given her the ring? No, she refused to believe it. Who on earth did Mr. Campbell go to pick up? And more importantly, who was this mysterious woman? Did she live nearby, like Layla?

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