The Convenient Bride

Chapter 1: Let's Team Up For a Wedding

Donning an ethereal white wedding gown, Adeline Russell stood poised at the entrance of the bridal boutique. Her eyes welled with tears as she witnessed the couple locked in a passionate embrace within the confines of a lavish car parked by the street.

Expecting her fiancé to accompany her to the boutique, Adeline's heart sank at the sight before her. Unbeknownst to her, her fiancé had turned his back, engrossed in an intimate moment with another woman. A smirk adorned the woman's face as she met Adeline's gaze, brimming with mischief and disdain, through the car window.

The weight of the wedding gown threatened to crumble Adeline's knees. Never did she fathom that her beloved would engage in such deceit, especially not with her own sister.

Adeline clenched her teeth, consumed by a mixture of anger and frustration. "I can't believe how foolish I've been," she seethed.

Mere moments ago, Austin Brooks had sent her a message, expressing his eagerness to witness her in the wedding dress. Without a second thought, Adeline descended the stairs, eagerly awaiting his arrival.

And now, here she stood, adorned in a wedding dress, transformed into the punchline of a cruel joke.

In a fit of rage, clarity washed over Adeline. She understood what had transpired. It was her sister, Lavinia Edwards, who had sent the message, orchestrating this spectacle. Lavinia always reveled in being the center of attention.

Lavinia and their mother had conspired to win the affections of Adeline's father, and now it appeared they were vying for her groom-to-be as well.

What stung even more was the betrayal from Austin.

Austin was well aware of Adeline's disdain for Lavinia, yet he had chosen to align himself with her sister, stabbing Adeline in the back.

Adeline found herself trapped in a living nightmare, yearning for it all to be a figment of her imagination. Emotions surged within her, threatening to spill over and expose the treachery of her sister and fiancé to the world. The only option she had was to slip away unnoticed before Austin caught sight of her.

It didn't take long for Adeline's phone to illuminate with an incoming call from Lavinia.

"Did you witness that, dear sister?" Lavinia's voice dripped with provocation. "Austin has always loved me. He will not marry you, and I won't allow it either."

"He's mine. You'd better give him up now," Adeline declared, her voice filled with determination and a hint of desperation. She ended the call without waiting for a response, tears streaming down her face. Clad in her wedding dress, she ignored the curious glances from passers-by as she aimlessly wandered the streets.

Seeking solace, Adeline stumbled upon a cozy bar and ordered drink after drink, letting the alcohol numb her senses as she continued to cry. Eventually, exhaustion took hold, and she fell into a fitful sleep on the sofa.


The next morning, a ringing phone jolted her awake. Disoriented, she fumbled to answer it, holding the device to her ear. Before she could utter a word, Austin's voice crackled through the line, irritation lacing his tone.

"Adeline Russell, where were you? I waited for you at the bridal boutique all afternoon! If you can't take this seriously, maybe we shouldn't get married at all."

His words pierced through Adeline's haze, the sarcasm cutting deep. Ever since witnessing what happened in the car the day before, she had made up her mind that there would be no wedding.

Without a word, she hung up and made her way to the bathroom to wash her tear-stained face. Determined to put this bull shit behind her, Adeline stepped out of her room to settle her bill.

As she walked down the hallway, voices approached her, catching her attention. A tall, imposing man strode confidently, paying no mind to those around him. An assistant trailed behind, visibly flustered.

"Sir, the chairman has instructed that your main agenda for today is to go to the Civil Affairs Department with Miss Xu to officiate your marriage. Then you are to accompany her to the celebratory dinner," the assistant relayed, trying to maintain a respectful tone.

"I have better things to do," the man replied, his voice dripping with icy indifference.

Understanding the delicate nature of the situation, the assistant continued cautiously, sweat beading on his forehead. "I understand, sir, but the chairman insists that you get married today. If Miss Xu doesn't meet your expectations, he can introduce other women until one satisfies you."

A cold smile played on the man's lips as he responded, determination gleaming in his eyes. "Well, it seems he hasn't given up. Bring me another eligible woman. Any of them will do, except those he has already sent. I will make him give up."Adeline perceived the man as a figure of action, his presence commanding attention. The assistant, taken aback, stumbled for a moment before regaining composure. "Sir, you must be jesting," he said, attempting to dissuade the man with desperation in his voice.

"Do I sound like I'm jesting?" The man's eyes, icy and penetrating, conveyed his seriousness. After all, marriage was a pivotal event in one's life. It couldn't be rushed, could it?

The assistant persisted in his efforts to convince the man to choose a woman, but the man remained silent, seemingly unfazed by the assistant's concerns.

As they passed by, Adeline seized the opportunity to fully appreciate the man's striking features.

Never had she encountered someone so flawlessly handsome. His face appeared as though it were sculpted by divine hands—thin lips, a prominent nose, and furrowed brows that exuded an air of sternness and enigma. His deep-set eyes held a shroud of mystery. Clad in a tailored suit that seemed to meld with his body, he emanated an air of indifference and unattainability, akin to that of a regal and untouchable king. His entire being emitted an aura of detachment and restraint, making others hesitate to approach him, intimidated by his commanding presence.

Adeline recognized the man. Kyle Anderson, the president of Regal Entertainment Group (REG), a tycoon in the entertainment industry. He rarely made public appearances, preferring to keep a low profile. Adeline had crossed paths with him once when she worked as an intern reporter.

She never anticipated encountering him again!

Lost in her reminiscences, Adeline watched as Kyle passed by without sparing her a second glance, sparking an idea within her.

Kyle needed a bride for his impending marriage, and Adeline had recently ended her engagement. Though there was no deep emotional connection between them, perhaps they could collaborate for the sake of a wedding.

The crux of her plan relied on ensuring that Lavinia understood Adeline's worth, despite her breakup with Austin. She needed to make Austin regret his actions.

As the idea blossomed in her mind, Adeline called out to the men before they vanished into the distance.

"Please, wait a moment, Mr. Anderson."

Her voice startled them, momentarily freezing their steps before they turned toward her.

Chapter 2: You Should Call Her "Mrs. Anderson”

"What's the matter?" the assistant inquired, positioning himself between Kyle and Adeline, attempting to halt her advance.

Adeline pressed forward, disregarding the assistant's feeble attempt to impede her progress. She acknowledged the men with a nod, ensuring her voice projected with clarity and confidence.

"I overheard you mention that Mr. Anderson is in need of a bride. Well, I am in search of a groom. It seems we may be able to assist one another."

"Pardon me?" The assistant stood there, utterly flabbergasted, his mouth slightly agape.

Kyle hadn't anticipated such audacity from Adeline. He studied her with his icy gaze, assessing her potential.

The first thing that caught his attention was the wedding dress she wore, a flicker of surprise briefly appearing in his eyes.

Adeline maintained her composure, exuding an air of casual indifference. Internally, however, her nerves churned as she endured such scrutiny. She couldn't be certain if Kyle would entertain her proposition, but she refused to let her anxieties jeopardize her chances.

Kyle was wealthy and hailed from a prominent family. Countless women vied for the opportunity to marry him and become his wife. Adeline understood the slim odds of Kyle choosing her, yet a small glimmer of hope persisted.

A lengthy silence pervaded the room, and Adeline struggled to suppress her restlessness. Eventually, Kyle addressed her. "Aren't you already engaged?"

"Let's just say he found someone else. Upon hearing your assistant mention your predicament, I thought perhaps I could be your solution. Please don't worry. I possess culinary skills and excel at domestic tasks. I am compassionate and empathetic. I will make an excellent wife—I will maintain my distance from other men and remain loyal to you. I will care for my husband dutifully and fulfill all the responsibilities of a wife."Adeline's eyes sparkled mischievously as she exchanged a sly smile with Kyle, their conversation taking on an air of casual intimacy.

Beside them, the assistant finally regained his composure, though his gaze held a hint of disdain that screamed, "Her? How preposterous."

Sure, Adeline's recent breakup with her fiancé was a sad affair, but come on. Even she knew how ludicrous her proposition sounded.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but Mr. Anderson has..." The assistant began, poised to reject her offer on Kyle's behalf, only to be silenced by a single glance from his employer.

Caught off guard, the assistant's eyes darted anxiously around the grand hall. Kyle squinted, studying Adeline intently before clearing his throat.

"Well, alright then. Let's do it. You'll be my bride."

Did he actually say yes? Adeline couldn't believe her ears.

He accepted without hesitation.

Wasn't it too impulsive? Wasn't he being reckless? Wait, why was she the one caught off guard?

"Sir, are you sure? We know nothing about her background, not even her name. Wouldn't it be wise to conduct a background check before making such a decision?"

The assistant rushed to speak, hoping to give Kyle a moment of clarity amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

Kyle was aware of the myriad gold diggers who sought nothing but wealth, and it was difficult to discern if Adeline was one of them. She had addressed him as Mr. Anderson, indicating her knowledge of his status and importance. Perhaps this proposal was a ploy, and a lasting, blissful marriage wasn't what she truly desired.

"That won't be necessary," Kyle dismissed, his voice devoid of concern. His gaze remained fixed on Adeline as he continued, "There is only one condition. You must never regret your decision to marry me. Do you understand?"

Adeline nodded solemnly, her expression resolute. "Not a problem. That's all I have to do?"

With her nod, Adeline made up her mind, sealing their unconventional pact."Thank you for being open to this conversation," Adeline began, her voice filled with a mix of nerves and hope. "I would like you to promise me that we will take the time to truly get to know each other. Building a strong foundation for our marriage is important to me."

Kyle nodded, his expression serious yet attentive. "I understand where you're coming from, Adeline. It's only fair that we invest the time and effort into understanding one another. Consider it promised."

Adeline felt a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that their marriage was unconventional, but she believed in the power of genuine connection. As they sat in the cozy café, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They shared stories about their childhoods, dreams, and even their fears. Adeline discovered that Kyle had a passion for photography, which surprised her given his business-oriented persona.

As the afternoon turned into evening, Adeline found herself laughing and feeling a sense of comfort she hadn't expected. Kyle was more than just a successful businessman; he had depth and warmth that she was starting to appreciate.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Adeline and Kyle continued to explore their relationship, nurturing it with trust and understanding. Their conversations became more intimate, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

One evening, as they sat on the balcony of their apartment, watching the sun set, Kyle turned to Adeline with a tender smile. "You know, when we first got married, I wasn't sure what to expect. But I can honestly say that falling in love with you has been the greatest surprise of my life."

Adeline's heart swelled with love and gratitude. She never could have predicted that their arranged marriage would lead to such a profound connection. In that moment, she knew that they were meant to be together, regardless of the circumstances that brought them here.

And so, Adeline and Kyle's love story continued to unfold, filled with unexpected twists and turns, but always grounded in their unwavering commitment to each other. They had defied the odds, proving that sometimes, the most extraordinary love stories are the ones that begin with a simple promise and a leap of faith."Please, for now, let's keep our marriage under wraps. I have a lot of personal matters to attend to, and I don't want any of my issues to affect you or your business. Of course, you're free to do as you please. I promise not to interfere with your life."

As Adeline finished speaking, a glimmer flickered in Kyle's eyes, leaving her unable to decipher his emotions.

Several seconds passed before he finally broke the silence. "I may consider your request. However, I have my own conditions."

"Of course," she replied, nodding in understanding.

"Firstly, you must move into my house and live with me. It's crucial for us to maintain the facade of a happy marriage. Secondly, I have personal matters that I need to handle as well, which means I may or may not disclose our relationship and your identity when necessary. These conditions are non-negotiable."

"Yes, of course," she agreed, finding no reason to refuse his terms.

After their conversation, Adeline swiftly left the cafe.

Just as she departed, Johnny casually strolled in. He glanced at Kyle for a moment before speaking. "Sir, I still believe we should conduct a background check on her."

Normally, Kyle would have instructed Johnny to investigate any woman, even if it was just a casual date. Johnny couldn't understand why Kyle hadn't bothered to investigate the woman he had just married. It was completely out of character for him.

"An investigation is certainly in order. I need to understand why she would ask a stranger to marry her," Kyle said, his lips pinched as if deep in thought.

"Yes, sir. I'll provide you with the results as soon as possible. But I can't help but wonder..."

"Wonder about what?"

"I wonder if you've ever encountered Miss Russell before?"

Otherwise, how could he marry a complete stranger without any reason?

Kyle didn't respond. He watched as Adeline disappeared from sight and a smile tugged at his lips. "Johnny, from now on, you should address her as Mrs. Anderson."

Chapter 3: Make Them Regret

After bidding Kyle farewell, Adeline returned home with a heavy heart. As she stepped through the door, a sight greeted her that pierced her soul like a thousand needles. Lavinia, her stepmother Sophia, and her father Nathan were engrossed in a lively conversation, their laughter filling the air. It was a scene of blissful family harmony, but Adeline felt like a stranger intruding upon a sacred ritual.

Her face turned to ice as she closed the door behind her, refusing to acknowledge their presence. She made her way upstairs without a word, her footsteps resounding with a silent protest.

Nathan, taken aback by her coldness, erupted in anger. "Stop!" he bellowed, his voice filled with fury.

Adeline halted in her tracks, her indifference palpable. "What do you want?" she asked, her tone devoid of emotion.

"You were out all night, and now you return without even a greeting or a word of explanation! Do you have any love or respect for your family and your parents?" Nathan's reprimand dripped with disappointment and disapproval.

Adeline sneered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Parents? My mother has been gone for ages, and my father might as well be dead to me."

Nathan's hand slammed down on the table, his rage consuming him. "How dare you! You ungrateful daughter!"

Lavinia, ever the peacemaker, placed a comforting hand on Nathan's back. "Dad, calm down. Getting angry won't solve anything," she said, her voice filled with understanding.

Sophia, the epitome of a caring homemaker, rose from her seat and gently interjected. "Adeline, you shouldn't speak to your father like that. He is still your father, after all," she suggested in a calm and composed manner.

Adeline's smile turned cold, her words laced with bitterness. "Look at her, then look at me. Should I learn from her how to steal someone else's fiancé or how to be shameless?"

The room fell silent, the tension thickening. Lavinia's expression contorted in anger, but before she could unleash her wrath, Sophia stepped forward, her own anger simmering. "Adeline, how can you speak about your sister like that?"

Adeline's voice dripped with defiance as she retorted, "I am my mother's only child.""Where did I get a sister? Oh, right. Because some desperate woman resorted to dirty tactics to ensnare a wealthy married man," Adeline's voice dripped with disdain. "You took my father away from my mother, and now your daughter has taken my fiancé from me. Like mother, like daughter. Both of you seem to have a knack for stealing other people's men."

Lavinia and Sophia's faces flushed red in an instant.

"Adeline, you've crossed a line!" Sophia's entire body trembled with anger. "All these years, I've dedicated myself heart and soul to this family. I may not be your biological mother, but I am still your family. How could you speak to me like that?"

"You're not my family, just my dad's shameful mistress! You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. Your behavior is simply ridiculous," Adeline replied disrespectfully.

Sophia's face contorted with rage. She despised being called a mistress. When Adeline's mother was alive, Sophia had endured great resentment. When she finally passed away, Sophia became Nathan's official wife.

Since then, no one had ever referred to her as a mistress. But in this moment, Adeline had not only said it, but said it loudly. Sophia felt a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

"Mom, please don't be angry," Lavinia attempted to console her, seeing Sophia's pale face. She turned towards Adeline, a hint of coldness flashing in her eyes as she approached.

Adeline met her gaze with an icy stare.

Leaning in closer, Lavinia whispered in Adeline's ear, "Interesting, Adeline. You keep accusing us of being whores. But who are you, really? You're so powerless that you couldn't even hold onto your own man. I didn't steal him from you. Austin came to me, begging for happiness."

Lavinia spoke softly, ensuring only Adeline could hear her. "And you know what? I'm already pregnant with his baby. It's a shame, really. You and Edwards have been together for so many years. He may have loved you once. But in the end, it doesn't matter. I seduced him once, and he fell for me."

Adeline couldn't believe her ears. The words echoed in her mind, leaving her utterly stunned."What was Lavinia talking about? Pregnant? Lavinia carrying Austin's child?" Adeline's mind raced as she processed the shocking revelation. The betrayal cut deep, and she couldn't fathom how Lavinia and Austin could have deceived her for so long. It was a cruel humiliation that left her feeling foolish and naive.

Determined to confront the situation head-on, Adeline made up her mind to tell their father about the affair. Surely he wouldn't condone such deceit. "I'll inform dad immediately. I'm certain he won't stand for this either," she declared, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. Adeline envisioned a future where she would be engaged to Austin, leaving Lavinia completely out of the picture.

Lavinia's smile grew wider, a smug expression of pride as if Adeline's pain fueled her joy. "Lavinia, you are shameless!" Adeline's voice shook with rage, her hurt so profound that she couldn't feel any physical pain in that moment. Unable to bear the weight of the betrayal at home any longer, she stormed upstairs to change her clothes before heading straight to work.

Adeline worked at Times Entertainment Group (TEG), one of the nation's leading entertainment companies renowned for its spicy gossip reporting. It was a cutthroat and competitive environment, but Adeline had thrived since joining as an intern straight out of university two years ago. Now a reporter, she had broken numerous astonishing stories, steadily building her reputation in the industry.

However, during the morning meeting, Adeline's discomfort had been noticeable, resulting in a scolding from the manager for her absent-mindedness. The reprimand only intensified her already somber mood. Sensing her friend's distress, Eulalia used the excuse of chasing a hot news story to whisk Adeline away to a nearby cafe.

"Adeline, you tried on your wedding dress with Austin yesterday, didn't you? Why do you look so pale? Has something terrible happened?" Eulalia's concern etched across her face, genuine care radiating from her eyes.

Overwhelmed by Eulalia's heartfelt concern, Adeline felt the dam of her emotions burst, tears streaming down her face. All the pain and sorrow she had suppressed in her heart came pouring out, and she found solace in the presence of her dear friend.

"Eulalia, why am I crying? What has happened to me? Please, help me make sense of it all," Adeline sobbed, her voice choked with anguish. Eulalia's panic mirrored her own confusion, unsure of how to console her lifelong friend.

They had known each other for years, and Adeline had always projected an image of strength and resilience. Yet beneath that facade, she remained tender-hearted and vulnerable.With unwavering optimism and a steely resolve, she faced every obstacle that came her way. But today was different. Eulalia had never seen her friend, Adeline, cry like this before.

As Adeline wiped away her tears, she mustered the strength to share what had happened. Listening intently, Eulalia's anger boiled over. Slamming her hand on the table, she stood up abruptly.

"Shameless bitch!" Eulalia exclaimed, her voice laced with fury. "Lavinia is so nasty! And Austin, what a scum! I can't believe I didn't see through their hypocrisy. He's nothing but a jerk!"

Her voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and betrayal. "Why did he have to choose Lavinia? He knows how much I despise her," Eulalia continued, her frustration evident.

Adeline had tried to pretend that the situation didn't affect her, but Eulalia knew better. She could see the pain etched in her friend's eyes, like a wounded cub desperately seeking solace.

Eulalia's heart ached for Adeline, knowing the hardships she had endured over the years, including her complicated family dynamics. Adeline's mother had passed away while Nathan, her father, was already involved with another woman - Sophia Zhao.

The affair had taken a toll on Adeline's mother, deteriorating her health until she succumbed to her illness. Soon after, Sophia married into Adeline's family with Lavinia, cunningly usurping Adeline's rightful place in her own home.

Sophia and Lavinia made it their mission to make Adeline's life miserable. They put on a facade of kindness in front of her father, only to treat her like garbage as soon as he turned his back. Adeline's life resembled a twisted version of Cinderella, where she was robbed not only of her father's love but also half of her inheritance.

Now, Lavinia had even managed to steal Adeline's fiancé. It was a cruel blow that cut deep into Adeline's heart, leaving her feeling vulnerable and broken.

Trying to console her friend, Eulalia wrapped her arms around Adeline in a comforting embrace. In a soft, soothing voice, she offered words of solace, hoping to bring some warmth to Adeline's shattered spirit.

Adeline wiped away her tears and nodded, grateful for Eulalia's support. "Thank you, Eulalia," she whispered. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Sooner or later, Lavinia and Austin will regret treating me like this. I won't let them get away with it."

Chapter 4: Slander

At noon, Adeline and Eulalia grabbed a quick bite to eat outside before returning to the company. As they walked in, they were met with a crowd of colleagues huddled around a computer, engaged in intense conversation.

"Goodness gracious, this man is truly something else! This is beyond scandalous!" exclaimed one of the onlookers.

"It seems like some shady business is going on inside!" added another.

"Austin really should have been more careful, don't you think? Getting caught doing something like this in secret, and to top it off, there are photographs. His reputation is going to take a serious hit," chimed in a third colleague.

"Hey, Adeline, Eulalia, come over here and check this out. There's some major news about the young master of the Brooks Group. Apparently, he spent three hours with a girl at a hotel last night. Take a look..."

One of the eager colleagues waved them over, urging them to join the discussion.

Adeline and Eulalia were taken aback by what they saw. They exchanged glances and quickly made their way over to see what the commotion was all about.

The scandal involving Austin had spread like wildfire on the internet. The photos were explicit, capturing intimate moments between him and the mysterious girl.

Austin, who had always been regarded as a gentle and refined individual, was hailed as Prince Charming by countless admirers. He had a significant following on social media platforms like Twitter.

Eulalia glanced at the photos and sneered. She turned to Rosily and said, "Let's go, we don't need to subject ourselves to these distasteful images."

Silently, Adeline followed Eulalia back to her seat, feeling a heavy sense of discomfort.

Not long after she sat down, Adeline's phone rang. It was Austin calling.

She hesitated for a moment before answering.

Before she could utter a word, Austin's voice, filled with anger, boomed through the phone. "Adeline, I never expected this from you. Is this your way of seeking revenge because I'm with your sister now?""Do you think I did this on purpose?"

Adeline was taken aback by the accusation, her confusion evident in her response. "I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about."

"Stop pretending, Adeline. Lavinia already spilled the beans! You deliberately exposed our relationship, didn't you? Even if I cheated on you, you had no right to drag Lavinia into it. She's your sister, for God's sake. You shouldn't have labeled her a nightcAndersonb girl, let alone spread such scandalous rumors while she's pregnant." Austin's disappointment hung heavy in the air as he blamed Adeline.

Adeline's eyes widened in disbelief, her body tense with anger and heartache despite the sweltering heat.

How absurd!

He was the one who betrayed her. When he called, she expected an apology or an explanation, but instead, he shifted the blame onto her.

And he was the man she had loved for over a decade...

Sorrow overwhelmed Adeline. "Yes, I wanted revenge." Her heart throbbed with pain, yet she maintained a cold demeanor. "Austin, take a moment to reflect. Have I ever intentionally hurt you all these years? You were the one who betrayed me first, and now I've taken my revenge. Seems fair, doesn't it?"

"I never knew you could be so cruel." His voice dripped with disappointment.

"And I never thought you'd stoop so low as to get involved with Lavinia." Adeline's smile held a bitter edge. "Austin, if you thought I wasn't deserving of you, you could have told me sooner. I wouldn't have forced you to stay with me. But instead, you chose Lavinia and humiliated me in the process. Who's the real ruthless one here?"

"Humph, there's no point in discussing this now.""You'll regret this, Adeline!" Austin's angry voice echoed through the phone before he abruptly hung up. Adeline stared at her phone, her heart sinking with a mix of emotions. The love she had once felt for him now seemed like a cruel joke. How foolish she had been to believe in their relationship.

Eulalia, who had been standing nearby, had overheard the entire conversation. Her blood boiled with anger towards Austin for slandering Adeline. If he were there in that moment, she would have gladly given him a piece of her mind.

But her immediate concern was for her friend. She could see the pain and sorrow etched on Adeline's face. "Adeline, you shouldn't let this get to you. Don't let them spread this news..." Eulalia urged, her voice filled with compassion.

Adeline took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She mustered a weak smile, attempting to reassure Eulalia. "I'm fine, really. I don't have any feelings for him anymore."

Eulalia knew better than to accept that at face value. She could see the hurt in Adeline's eyes, the betrayal that cut deep. "They've gone too far," she said through gritted teeth. "And the timing of this scandal, right after you caught him cheating, it's too suspicious. It's as if they want to make Austin think you did this on purpose."

As Adeline listened, a glimmer of realization flickered in her eyes. "You might be right," she murmured, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Before, Austin always believed I didn't know about their affair. But now, he called me directly and blamed me for no reason. It must be Lavinia! She wanted to make Austin hate me, to completely erase me from his life. She orchestrated this!"

Eulalia's eyes widened in surprise at Adeline's deduction. She hadn't expected her friend to connect the dots so quickly. Perhaps there was more to Adeline than met the eye.Eulalia's rage ignited instantly, boiling within her. "Disgusting, shameless, vile!" she seethed. "To achieve her goals, that woman stooped to such low tactics, even going so far as to dub herself the nightcAndersonb girl for sympathy! She's despicable! Ah, it infuriates me to no end. I could just kill them..."

As Adeline's world spun out of control, inside the CEO office of Regal Entertainment Group, Kyle's attention was drawn away from his computer by Johnny's entrance. The document Johnny placed on his desk demanded his immediate attention.

"Oh?" Kyle shifted his gaze and picked up the report.

Every detail of Adeline's life was meticulously documented, from her birth and upbringing to her family dynamics, romantic history, and relationships with others.

As Kyle read through the report, his brows furrowed deeply, his eyes growing colder by the second.

Johnny could clearly sense Kyle's displeasure. It was evident that the bitter experiences Adeline had endured, as detailed in the report, had managed to stir the emotions of his typically unyielding boss.

It was the first time Johnny had witnessed Kyle display such concern for a woman.

Without skipping a beat, Johnny continued his report. "President, there is another matter. We investigated the trending news that Times Entertainment Group exposed earlier today. It appears that Lavinia Edwards was behind the spread of those photos, specifically targeting Madam. Additionally, the Brooks Group has called for a press conference, and it remains uncertain whether it will have any negative impact on Madam."

Kyle's face darkened, his eyes narrowing. "Where is Madam at the moment?"

"She is currently working in the company," Johnny replied.

Kyle contemplated for a moment, then abruptly stood up, grabbing his coat from the hanger. "Prepare the car. Also, get in touch with TEG's general manager. I would like to have a discussion about the movie investment he mentioned during our last meeting."

"Understood, President!" Johnny nodded, accepting the order. He swiftly turned around and exited the office, ready to carry out Kyle's instructions.

Chapter 5: Protect Prince Charming

Austin Brooks' shocking news reverberated throughout the internet, prompting the Brooks group to swiftly organize a press conference in order to address the situation head-on.

Standing before the reporters, Austin confirmed that he was indeed the man in the picture, but clarified that the "nightcAndersonb girl" was actually his fiancée, someone he had kept hidden from the public eye until now. To everyone's surprise, he announced his intention to marry her in the near future.

The revelation of their relationship sent shockwaves through the public, creating an instant uproar. Amidst the chaos, Adeline stood silently, her emotions in disarray. This was the same man who had once promised her that he would proudly declare to the world that she was his fiancée, that they would build a life together filled with happiness.

Yet, in a matter of seconds, he shattered those promises by declaring his love for another woman.

Adeline couldn't bear to watch any longer and shut off the news channel on her computer, desperately trying to block out everything related to Austin.

Little did she know, Austin had plans to exact revenge on her.

Soon after the press conference, Adeline began to notice her coworkers treating her differently. Their glances were filled with contempt and sneers, leaving her puzzled and hurt.

It wasn't until she overheard a group of female coworkers gossiping that she realized what was happening. "I can't believe my Prince Charming would stoop so low as to be with a nightcAndersonb girl. And to think, she's his fiancée," one of them exclaimed.

"Whoever leaked those photos has no shame," another chimed in.

"And to think Adeline did this on purpose, just to steal her sister's fiancé," a third voice added, dripping with disdain.

The words hit Adeline like a dagger to the heart. She knew then that Austin had taken his revenge, and he had done it swiftly and mercilessly. The anger that coursed through her veins was overwhelming.

How could he be so cruel? How could he turn against her so heartlessly?Adeline, the lone innocent amidst a sea of accusations, watched as Austin and Lavinia relentlessly targeted her, their actions akin to a stab in the back. When would their torment cease?

"You know nothing. Cease your gossiping," Yayo¡i erupted upon witnessing Adeline's pale countenance. Her voice boomed through the office, directed at her female colleagues.

"Everyone is aware now. If Adeline is truly innocent, why would Austin defame her?" challenged another coworker.

"You're right. Austin would never stoop so low. I believe Adeline must have confessed her love to him, only to be rejected. Unable to accept it, she resorted to exposing those photos."

"How outrageous. My heart aches for her sister," someone lamented.

Within this pressure cooker of a workplace, individuals sought every opportunity to bring each other down. Adeline had become fresh meat thrown into a den of ravenous wolves.

Their words pierced like arrows, each one causing her immense pain.

"Silence, or I shall show you no mercy," Eulalia, Adeline's friend, snapped, her temper reaching its boiling point.

Witnessing her friend endure such treatment, fury surged within Eulalia, compelling her to teach them a lesson. She even rolled up her sleeves in preparation for a fight.

"Eulalia, what are you planning?" a concerned girl asked, instinctively stepping back.

Eulalia nonchalantly replied, "To teach you all a lesson."

With those words, she lunged forward, engaging in a brawl with the coworkers who had just been berating her moments ago.

Adeline stood in shock, observing the situation rapidly deteriorate. In a desperate attempt to intervene, she hurriedly pulled Eulalia away from the fray.

Amidst the chaos, someone shoved Adeline, causing her to stumble. She teetered dangerously close to the edge of a nearby table, on the verge of suffering a severe injury. But she did not fall.

"Adeline!" Eulalia's scream pierced through the commotion, prompting the others to halt in surprise.

As Adeline teetered on the brink of disaster, a mysterious figure clad in black suddenly emerged, swiftly catching her before she could plummet.In his arms, she found solace and security. His touch was gentle yet firm, his hands expertly cradling her. Adeline couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she looked up at him. He was like her own personal guardian angel, watching over her in this moment of vulnerability.

The office fell into an eerie silence. When did he arrive? No one seemed to notice his entrance, not even Adeline. She had braced herself for impact, expecting pain, but instead, she found herself enveloped in his warmth and protection.

Her face pressed against his chest, she could hear the steady rhythm of his heart. The scent of his cologne filled her senses, triggering a faint familiarity. Adeline stood up, her gaze fixed on the man who had just saved her. The first thing she noticed was his strikingly handsome face, followed by his tall and commanding presence. His eyes, cold yet bright, held her captive as he made sure she was unharmed.

It was Kyle.

"You..." Adeline's voice trailed off, her eyes widening in disbelief.

And she wasn't the only one taken aback. The entire office buzzed with astonishment.

"Is that Kyle Anderson, the CEO of Regal Entertainment Group?"

"I must be hallucinating. How can someone so famous be here?"

"It really is him!"

"Did you see? He even hugged Adeline..."

Excitement rippled through the office, conversations growing animated. Even those who had been at odds with Adeline just moments ago couldn't help but steal glances at him.

Kyle was a titan in the entertainment industry, a king among men. His companies held sway over the showbiz world, and any artist under his wing instantly became a star. Countless talents would kill for the chance to sign with his company.

If Austin Brooks was the Prince Charming women dreamed of, then Kyle was the embodiment of their ultimate fantasy. He operated in the shadows, his work shrouded in mystery. Few women had ever been granted the opportunity to get close to him.

No one could have predicted his sudden appearance at TEG, a small company. And now, he had not only saved Adeline but also extended his help. Envy seeped through everyone, witnessing this extraordinary act of kindness.

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