Unprotected Night of Passion

Chapter 1

“HR, Scarlett speaking. How may I he-”
"HR, this is Scarlett speaking. How can I assist you toda-"

"Scarlett? It's Jeffery. I need you to find a replacement for Camilla. Her daughter got into an accident, and she had to leave immediately to take care of her. I have no idea how long she'll be gone, so send me someone who isn't on the chopping block this week." Jeffery's tone was matter-of-fact, showing his indifference towards firing employees who couldn't meet his expectations.

Scarlett Wilson, the head of HR at Maverickrson Enterprises, was not only Jeffery's second cousin but also his best friend's wife. She was known to be the toughest woman working for him, and she understood him in a way that others couldn't. Scarlett could manage people effortlessly, even though she didn't need to work another day in her life. Jeffery admired her for that. 

"Oh my! Which of Camilla's daughters was injured?" Scarlett asked, genuine concern evident in her voice. She held Camilla in high regard, as she had been with the company for a long time, starting as Jeffery's father's personal assistant before becoming Jeffery's own.

"Susan," Jeffery replied, barely concealing his impatience.

The timing couldn't have been worse. Jeffery was in the midst of finalizing contracts for a major acquisition in Europe, and the documents prepared by his European office were in complete disarray. He needed those contracts fixed urgently.

"Oh no. And she just had twins a few months ago. That poor woman," Scarlett empathized over the phone. "Don't worry, I have the perfect candidate in mind. She's only been with us for six months, but her performance reviews are outstanding."

Scarlett thought of the young woman she had hired half a year ago. Despite being only twenty-four, she exuded maturity beyond her years. Scarlett couldn't help but smile, envisioning how Jeffery would react to her. The young woman had a conservative hairstyle, ill-fitting clothes, and no idea of her own attractiveness. Yet, she was the most competent employee Scarlett had come across in months.

"Fine, just send her up after lunch. I'm knee-deep in negotiations for the Germany buyout, and Camilla didn't have time to make the necessary corrections to the contract. I need them done by 3 o'clock, if not sooner."

"No need to worry. I'll inform her and send her to lunch. Can I offer her the same benefits and salary as Camilla?"

"Of course." Jeffery was about to hang up when he heard Scarlett call him back. Sighing, he reluctantly answered, "What is it now? I have work to do."

Scarlett hesitated for a moment, debating whether to keep the information to herself. However, she decided that Jeffery needed to know. "Shawn and I attended the symphony fundraiser last night."

Jeffery waited impatiently for her to continue, annoyed at the interruption. "And? I assume it was a success and all that."

"It was, but that's not the point."

"Well, get to the point. I have work to do, and so do you."

"I saw Calvin Martin there," Scarlett blurted out, holding her breath, expecting an explosion from Jeffery. Calvin Martin was a wealthy and influential businessman in Europe, and he had a complicated history with Jeffery. Scarlett was shocked to see him back in the States, especially in Denver.

Jeffery remained silent, letting Scarlett's words sink in. Sylvia's father was back in the country. He forcefully pushed down any emotions that threatened to distract him. He hadn't thought of Sylvia in months, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Sylvia Martin had taken the fashion world by storm at the age of sixteen. Three years later, she had met Jeffery at a fundraiser in New York City, and they had fallen deeply in love. Or at least, Jeffery had believed that Sylvia loved him as much as he loved her.

Their relationship had been the talk of social magazines, and the paparazzi had hounded them relentlessly. When Jeffery took over Maverickrson Enterprises from his father, he used his connections in Europe to expand the company. 

Everything seemed to be going well, or so he thought. Sylvia signed a contract with a prominent fashion house in Milan and temporarily moved to Italy. Jeffery missed her, but his responsibilities in the states kept him occupied. 

Four months later, he flew to Milan to surprise Sylvia for the weekend. He arrived at her apartment with flowers, only to find her in the arms of another man. The betrayal ignited a furious anger within him, and he promptly left, catching the next flight back home. Sylvia tried calling him repeatedly, but he ignored her calls. Honesty and loyalty were paramount to Jeffery, and her betrayal had cut him deeply. He told the media that they had decided to part ways amicably but remained friends. He had no desire to tarnish her reputation in the eyes of the public.In the dead of night, when the phone pierced the silence, Jeffery reached for it without a second thought. Little did he know that on the other end of the line was the woman who had once captivated his heart. Caught off-guard, he listened as Sylvia tearfully apologized and begged for his help. It seemed she had just discovered she was pregnant and expected him to come to her rescue. Jeffery knew the truth, however. There was no way the baby could be his, as he hadn't laid a finger on Sylvia in over five months.

Repulsed by her audacity, he hung up without uttering a word. Two days later, news of Sylvia's tragic demise reached him. Her suicide note blamed Jeffery for refusing to marry her, insinuating that she couldn't bear the shame of having a child out of wedlock. Calvin Martin, Sylvia's heartbroken father, managed to keep the note out of the media, but vengeance burned in his eyes. He held Jeffery accountable for his daughter's death. 

Jeffery considered confessing the truth to Calvin, but he knew the grieving father wouldn't listen. So, he remained silent, knowing that Calvin's wrath would eventually extend beyond the business world. Now, with Calvin's arrival in Denver, that time had come.

"Did you speak to him?" Jeffery asked Scarlett, his voice filled with resignation.

"He cornered us during the intermission. His eyes were filled with nothing but hatred when he mentioned you," Scarlett replied, concern etched on her face. "I know you and Sylvia had broken up before her death..."

"Scarlett, let it go," Jeffery interrupted firmly. "What happened between Sylvia and me is our own affair. I won't discuss it, especially now that she's gone. Calvin believes things that aren't true, and I've tried to set him straight, but he refuses to listen. It's on him." Jeffery paused, taking a deep breath. "Now, we have work to do. Was there anything else?"

Scarlett hesitated, unsure if she should press further. But she forged ahead anyway. "He asked me to deliver a message to you."

Jeffery clenched his jaw, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. Reluctantly, he urged Scarlett to continue, bracing himself for another threat. A part of him felt guilty for involving Scarlett and her husband in his feud with Calvin.

"He warned me that you were going to get what you deserve and told me to tell you to watch your back," Scarlett relayed. "He also mentioned a company called Global Tech. Does that mean anything to you?"

Jeffery cursed under his breath, quickly pulling up information on Global Tech. As he scrolled through the list of shareholders, his heart sank. Calvin Martin's company owned a significant portion of the stock—thirty-two percent, to be exact. No wonder Calvin had come to the states. He must have learned about Maverickrson Enterprises' hostile takeover negotiations and started talking to other bidders. The shareholders stood to lose a fortune when the company was split apart.

Calvin had tried to sabotage Jeffery's previous business dealings, which is why Jeffery had always avoided any company associated with the Martin family. He had no desire to harm Calvin or his loved ones, and he couldn't afford complications during the current negotiation.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jeffery let out a frustrated sigh. "Scarlett, don't worry about it. I'll handle the problem. Get me that assistant," he instructed, ending the call abruptly. Returning his focus to the contract before him, he made notes with a red pen. He would deal with Calvin later. Right now, he needed to finish these papers.

Scarlett shook her head, a mixture of exasperation and concern on her face. Jeffery's rudeness never failed to irk her. She hoped that one day he would learn to temper his impatience, even if only slightly. Shaking off her thoughts, she dialed the number that would summon Jeffery's temporary assistant to her office, praying that Calvin Martin's plans would crumble before they could take flight.


Jeffery Maverickrson, the CEO of Maverickrson Enterprises, was a man of many talents. If someone were to ask about the company's pursuits, the answers would vary. Maverickrson Enterprises specialized in acquiring struggling businesses and either selling them off piece by piece or transforming them into industry leaders. Their success was unparalleled.

At thirty-one years old, Jeffery was not only one of Denver's most eligible bachelors but also a man who never lacked female companionship. However, he was never seen with the same woman for more than a few weeks. His wealth only added to his desirability.

Jeffery had inherited the company from his father upon his retirement and wasted no time implementing changes. He transformed the small regional firm into a global powerhouse with interests spanning the globe.

Known for his impatience, Jeffery briefly considered calling Scarlett back to ensure she sent him an assistant who knew how to work without breaking down at the first sign of criticism. He was a perfectionist and expected the same level of dedication from his employees. He didn't mince words and had been advised more than once to improve his communication skills. Jeffery scoffed at the suggestion. He communicated just fine. He told people what needed to be done, and they did it. End of story. There was no need to explain his requests. As the boss, it shouldn't matter why he wanted something done. His employees were paid to complete the job to the best of their ability. Deciding that he would dismiss the assistant if she proved unsuitable, he returned his attention to the contract in front of him.

Chapter 2

Faith was in the copy room when she heard Maverick Nelson call her name. Turning, she watched him enter the room and returned his smile easily. Maverick was two years her senior and one of the financial analysts for Maverickrson Enterprises. She wasn’t exactly sure what his job entailed, but she knew that his information helped the higher ups to determine whether to keep and expand a new company, or just split it into pieces and sell them off to the highest bidder.
Faith found herself in the copy room, her sanctuary from the bustling office, when Maverick Nelson's voice pierced the air. She turned and watched as he entered the room, his smile infectious. Maverick was a financial analyst at Maverickrson Enterprises, two years her senior. Though she couldn't quite comprehend the intricacies of his job, she knew his expertise influenced the company's decisions regarding expansion and acquisitions.

"Hey," she greeted him warmly, her reputation for beaming smiles preceding her.

"HR just called down," Maverick began, his smile faltering slightly at the concern that flickered in Faith's eyes. "Mrs. Wilson wants to see you in her office right away."

Faith's mind raced, trying to decipher what could have prompted such a summons. Typically, visits to HR ended with employees packing up their belongings and collecting their final paycheck.

"Did she mention why?" Faith asked, her worry palpable. Perhaps she had made a mistake, arriving late that morning. But Maverick quickly dismissed her fears with a half-joking response.

"Don't sweat it. Maybe she's planning to promote you," he suggested, attempting to alleviate her anxiety.

Faith shook her head, dismissing the notion. "I haven't been here long enough for that. Do you think she found out about me being a little tardy this morning?"

Maverick observed her closely, realizing her genuine concern. He placed a comforting hand on her arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry. You do excellent work here. There's no reason to assume it's something negative."

Faith absentmindedly nodded as she organized the stack of copies and stapled them together. Distracted, she failed to notice Maverick taking advantage of the moment. "So, how about grabbing dinner after work? My treat," he suggested, subtly encroaching on her personal space. In doing so, he caught a glimpse of bare skin in the vee where her shirt revealed itself.

Maverick had been persistently pursuing Faith ever since she joined Maverickrson Enterprises. However, she continuously offered excuses, citing visits to her mother as the reason for her unavailability. While Maverick despised her sartorial choices, he believed they served as a deterrent for other men seeking an object of desire. Unlike his acquaintances, who desired arm candy for social outings, Maverick recognized Faith's potential from the moment she stepped foot into the company. He had been slowly chipping away at her defenses, determined to reveal the gem hidden beneath the rough exterior.

Faith kept her hair tightly secured in a matronly bun at the nape of her neck, concealing its true beauty. But Maverick had stumbled upon her one afternoon, catching sight of her untwisted locks as she enjoyed her lunch outside. The breathtaking length of her hair, reaching the middle of her back with streaks of brown and copper intertwined, left him momentarily stunned. However, at first glance, most men would only see an ordinary woman with plain brown hair, unaware of the hidden allure.

Maverick knew better. He had begun to notice other remarkable aspects of Faith. Her scent always carried a hint of strawberries, she embraced her natural beauty without relying on makeup, and her thrift store wardrobe did little to accentuate her exquisite figure.

After six months of cultivating a friendly rapport, Maverick was ready to elevate their relationship, if only Faith would agree.

Faith gathered her papers and exited the copy room, momentarily puzzled by Maverick's proximity but choosing to overlook it for now. Her mind was preoccupied with the reason behind HR's summons.

As Maverick trailed behind her, Faith glanced up at him, realizing she hadn't responded to his invitation. Shaking her head, she replied, "I can't. I promised my mom I'd visit her after work tonight." She swiftly filed the copies into their respective folders, stealing a glance at Maverick, who lingered rather than returning to his own work area.

Growing weary of her excuses, Maverick had an epiphany. He nodded, determined to work with her reasons and eliminate them as obstacles. "No problem. We can swing by your mom's place before grabbing dinner," he suggested.

Faith recognized his intentions, the same motives he had been pursuing for the past three months – convincing her to go on a date with him. It wasn't that she didn't like Maverick; he was genuinely kind. However, her past relationships had left scars, and she already had enough on her plate caring for her mother and managing her own expenses. The stress of pleasing a man on top of everything else seemed insurmountable, especially considering her last boyfriend's unfavorable opinion of her capabilities.

"Maverick, thanks for the offer, but I don't think so," Faith responded, firm in her decision.

"Come on, Faith. You never join us on Friday nights. And you've mentioned not having a boyfriend currently. I don't understand what the problem is," Maverick pleaded, his tone tinged with frustration. Faith despised the notion that she owed him an explanation. She didn't.

Chapter 3

Faith stepped back around her desk and headed for the elevator before saying, “Maverick, I would prefer we be friends. I don’t have time for anything else. I need to go upstairs, I’ll see you later.” As the elevator door closed, Faith could see the look of disappointment on Maverick’s face but knew he would get over it. She had never known Maverick to be lonely for long and she figured he was already chatting up the next name on his list. Smiling, she was proud of herself for standing her ground.
Faith gracefully stepped back from her cluttered desk and made her way towards the elevator, her voice laced with a gentle plea. "Maverick, let's be friends. I don't have time for anything more. I need to head upstairs now, but I'll see you later." As the elevator doors closed, she couldn't help but notice the flicker of disappointment in Maverick's eyes. Nevertheless, she knew he would bounce back swiftly. Maverick was never one to stay lonely for long; she imagined he was already charming the next person on his list. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, proud of herself for standing her ground.

However, her smile quickly faded as she watched the elevator draw closer to her destination. Faith couldn't fathom why she had been summoned to Mrs. Wilson's office. To her knowledge, she hadn't violated any rules in the employee handbook, and her slight tardiness this morning by just two minutes surely wouldn't warrant termination, right?

It wasn't even something within her control. The light rail had arrived on schedule, but fate had intervened when a cyclist abruptly crossed its path. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but the delay had caused the light rail to fall behind schedule.

The uncertainty tied knots in Faith's stomach. Losing this job was simply not an option, not now. Her mother's nursing care required monthly payments, and with the next one due in just two weeks, Faith could barely scrape by by combining her upcoming paycheck with her meager savings from the previous one.

Her mother had suffered a debilitating stroke seven months ago, rendering her left side completely immobile. The nursing facility had kindly reduced their fees, considering her mother lacked insurance coverage. However, with only Faith shouldering the financial burden, every penny counted. Faith had been pursuing her degree before her mother's illness struck, but circumstances forced her to abandon her studies and accept a job to cover the mounting expenses.

Todd, her then-boyfriend, had attempted to be understanding, but when their rare moments of togetherness only resulted in Faith's exhaustion-induced slumber, he called it quits. His hurtful words lingered in her mind, poisoning any hope of a new romantic relationship. Cold. Frigid. Sexless.

Faith convinced herself that caring for her mother and working tirelessly to make ends meet were enough for now. Finishing her degree seemed like a distant dream, demanding energy she simply couldn't spare. For the past six months, she had merely existed, barely living.

During her mother's initial hospitalization, Faith practically resided on the fourth floor as a temporary resident. The nursing staff quickly became acquainted with her, even arranging a makeshift bed in their lounge for her to rest. The first few weeks were critical, and Faith couldn't bear the thought of leaving her mother alone, fearing she might pass away in solitude.

When the time came for her mother to leave the hospital, the social worker strongly advised against attempting to care for her at home. With her mother's inability to walk or use her left side, she required round-the-clock assistance. Reluctantly, Faith agreed and diligently searched for a suitable nursing facility that could accommodate her mother's needs while working with her on payment arrangements.

Securing the secretary position at Maverickrson Enterprises felt like an early Christmas present, providing just enough income to cover her mother's expenses, rent for a room in a dilapidated motel across town, and a meager amount for food. After relocating her mother to the nursing facility, Faith terminated the lease on their small house and sold off their belongings to settle the hospital bill.

Yet, it still wasn't enough, and in the near future, she would have to start making monthly payments to the hospital as well. Fortunately, the Catholic charity associated with the hospital granted her some time to find a job before initiating the payment plan. She had two more months before that grace period expired.

During her interview with Mrs. Wilson, she had been promised excellent prospects for promotion. If she performed well, completing her ninth month of employment would result in a ten percent raise. That extra income would provide Faith with some financial breathing room, allowing for a more varied diet, a small monthly payment to the hospital, and even the chance to purchase a few additional comforts for her mother. Losing this job was simply not an option.

Summoning her courage, Faith knocked gently on the office door before slowly turning the handle at the sound of Mrs. Wilson's invitation. She entered the office quietly, closing the door behind her.If she were on the verge of termination, Scarlett preferred to spare anyone else the discomfort of overhearing the news. She wanted to leave the building before word got out.

Scarlett glanced up and winced inwardly at the fear in the young woman's eyes. She believed she had been summoned here to be fired. Little did she know what awaited her. "Faith, thank you for coming up so promptly. Please, take a seat while I sort out this paperwork."

Faith accepted the offer and sat primly, her hands folded in her lap. Mrs. Wilson appeared far too cheerful. Could she truly be happy about firing someone? One would hope not!

Scarlett straightened the last file before her and looked up at Faith with a smile. "So, how have things been going here?"

"I really enjoy working here, Mrs. Wilson," Faith replied timidly.

"Please, call me Scarlett. Mrs. Wilson sounds like my mother." Scarlett accompanied her request with another smile and a wink. Faith mustered a weak smile and nodded in return.

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I called you up here in the middle of the day," Scarlett continued. Seeing Faith's nod, she went on, "Well, it seems there's been a family emergency that has taken the CEO's personal assistant away for a while. He needs an immediate replacement, and that's where you come in. Your supervisors have given nothing but positive feedback, and I'm recommending you for the position."

Faith swallowed, trying to comprehend what she was being told. A promotion? "Mrs. Wilson," she began, but at the sight of a raised eyebrow, she corrected herself, "I mean, Scarlett, is this...like a promotion or something?"

Scarlett nodded. "Sort of. It's not a permanent promotion, as Camilla plans to return eventually. Her daughter was injured and has newborn twins at home. Camilla will be staying with her until things settle down."

"So, it's like filling in for someone on vacation?"

Scarlett nodded. "Yes and no. Yes, you'll be filling in for Camilla, but after a week of working with Jeffery, you might be the one in need of a vacation. He's a real taskmaster and a perfectionist to the extreme. Plus, he's incredibly arrogant, so be careful when correcting his mistakes."

Faith tried to recall the name Jeffery but drew a blank. Her employee folder had listed the CEO as Mr. Maverickrson.

Noticing Faith's confusion, Scarlett continued, "Jeffery is expecting you to start right after lunch today. He has some important contract negotiations and needs the corrections made by 3 o'clock. Camilla had to leave before that could be completed. I know it's only 11 now, but maybe you could take an early lunch break and use the extra time to settle in upstairs."

Faith nodded. "Sure, I can do that. Where exactly is Camilla's office?"

"Camilla's office is the entire top floor, right outside Jeffery's office." Scarlett smiled at Faith's stunned expression and reached into her desk, pulling out a special key card which she handed to her.

Faith took the card, examining it first before looking up at Scarlett for an explanation. "The top floor can only be accessed with that key card. There's a slot on the panel; just slide it through, and it'll take you straight up. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'll need you to sign these payroll forms so they can adjust your salary accordingly."

Faith took the forms and began reading them, her hands trembling as she saw her new salary. It was five times what she currently earned, and the relief of not having to worry about money overwhelmed her. She glanced up at Scarlett to confirm she was reading the numbers correctly, and Scarlett nodded, saying, "Keep reading. It's a fantastic opportunity for you, and you absolutely deserve it. If you could sign where I've indicated, I'll send them down to Payroll right away. You should see the increase in this Friday's paycheck."

"This week? Really?" Faith was in complete shock. She quickly signed her name and handed the papers back. When Scarlett smiled at her, she asked, "Should I go now?"

Scarlett nodded. "Yes. And don't let Jeffery push you around. Tell him I said to be nice, or he'll answer to me. And remember, his bark is worse than his bite, I promise."

Faith nodded, wondering at the peculiar statement as she went to gather her belongings. She wasn't sure if she should actually tell her new boss to "be nice" and would likely disregard that advice. She also hoped the advice was unnecessary, and her new boss wouldn't require anyone to remind him to "be nice."

Chapter 4

Faith collected her purse and lunch, and then made a stop at the ladies room to make sure her hair was still neatly collected at the nape of her neck, and that her attire was presentable. Having little resources at her disposal, Faith brought her lunch each day and usually ate it under one of the shade trees located in front of the building.
Faith gathered her belongings, ensuring her hair was neatly pinned at the nape of her neck and her attire was presentable. With limited resources, she brought her own lunch each day and often enjoyed it under the shade of a tree outside the building.

Examining her appearance in the mirror, Faith shrugged. Her khaki skirt, pleated and full, fell just above her ankles. The button-down shirt she wore was a size too small for her ample breasts, but she had no other options. She only owned five outfits that she deemed suitable for a professional environment.

Glancing down, Faith made a mental note to polish her shoes later that evening, hoping not to forget. They were practical brown leather shoes with flat soles, making the daily journey from the light-rail stop to her modest motel room bearable. Sighing, she closed her eyes and reminded herself that this was temporary. Someday soon, money wouldn't be so tight, and she wouldn't have to rely on thrift shops or live in a rundown motel room across town. Things would get better, they had to. There was nowhere left to go but up.

Shaking off her wishful thinking, Faith applied a touch of lip gloss, squared her shoulders, and exited the ladies room. She needed to make a good impression on the CEO, Mr. Maverickrson, and hoped he was a patient man. She considered taking her lunch outside to enjoy some sunshine, but then remembered Scarlett mentioning a deadline in the afternoon. She could savor the outdoors another time.

Today, Faith retrieved the key card from her pocket and swiped it through the elevator slot. Uncertain about the nature of the corrections she needed to make, she wanted to prove to Scarlett that she was capable of handling the job. The peanut butter sandwich in her purse could wait.

As the elevator doors opened, Faith stepped into a plush reception area, complete with cozy seating arrangements. A large desk, adorned with filing cabinets and bookshelves, occupied one corner of the room. She approached it, assuming this was where she would be working. A nameplate indicated that Camilla Barnes sat there.

Faith placed her purse beneath the desk and noticed the neatly typed notes waiting for her. The office door behind her was slightly ajar, and she briefly considered announcing her arrival. However, she decided to peruse the notes first and familiarize herself with her work area. Scarlett had told her that Mr. Maverickrson wasn't expecting her until after lunch, so she had a few minutes to ensure she knew how everything operated. She didn't want to appear incompetent during her first meeting with the CEO.

Faith swiftly navigated through the various passwords and computer program commands that Camilla had left for her replacement. She was grateful for the thorough instructions and found that they all worked perfectly.

Pulling up Mr. Maverickrson's calendar, she discovered that he didn't have any meetings scheduled for the afternoon. Glancing at the office door, she pondered whether she should knock and announce her presence or wait for him to exit.

Taking a moment to survey the office, Faith's gaze landed on a picture of a distinguished-looking man hanging across the room. She admired how nice he looked and hoped his personality matched his pleasant appearance. The silver-haired gentleman had a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face that made her feel at ease. He reminded her of her grandfather who had passed away when she was just a child.

Reviewing the notes once more, Faith located the instructions on using the intercom system. Deciding to page Mr. Maverickrson, she picked up the phone and pressed the correct sequence of buttons.

She heard a beep coming from behind the partially closed door, but instead of someone answering the page, the door swung open, revealing the most stunning man she had ever laid eyes on. He appeared annoyed, to say the least.

Jeffery heard his phone being paged from the front office and, glancing at the clock, stormed across his office to confront whoever was trespassing at Camilla's desk. If Violet had somehow convinced security to let her up to his office again, heads were going to roll. Violet was the latest in a long line of slim, high-society women that Jeffery had been dating.Last night, he had bailed on their symphony date, consumed by the impending acquisition. He knew she wouldn't take it well and braced himself for the tantrum awaiting him when they next met.

Usually, he would have Camilla swing by the jewelry store and pick up a trinket that said both "I'm sorry" and "It's over." Camilla had impeccable taste and didn't mind spending his money. In fact, she reveled in informing him of the exorbitant amounts she had splurged on.

Once, he had dared to growl at her, only to be put in his place. She had reminded him that if he was going to fool around, he shouldn't whine about the cost of cleaning up his mess. She had also made it clear that he could buy those gifts himself.

Jeffery had quickly backed down, offering an apology—an act he rarely engaged in. Camilla had laughed heartily at his struggle to apologize and suggested he practice in front of the mirror each morning. He had growled at her again, effectively ending the conversation.

As he flung open the door, he expected to face a sulking Violet. Instead, he found a young woman sitting at Camilla's desk, phone pressed to her ear. She stared at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. Her brown hair was severely pulled back into a bun, and although her skin appeared flawless, she seemed unfamiliar with cosmetics.

Her eyes were almost gray, speckled with freckles across her nose bridge. Her mouth looked soft and inviting. Jeffery observed her carefully and concluded that she was perfectly ordinary.

She wore nondescript clothing—a button-down shirt and khaki skirt that hinted at thrift store finds rather than high-end fashion. She seemed unassuming and average. As he approached, she quietly set the phone down, stumbled against the chair she hadn't pushed back far enough, and gasped. Rubbing her hip, she moved away from the desk.

Jeffery's gaze followed her hand, and as he examined her more closely, his opinion shifted. Now standing, it was apparent that her figure was anything but ordinary. Despite the unremarkable clothing, she had curves in all the right places. Her hips flared, and the outline of her ass was tantalizingly visible beneath the fabric.

He couldn't help but notice how her shirt strained to contain her ample breasts, the button between them seemingly on the verge of bursting open. Her considerable assets were complemented by a tiny waist and slender shoulders.

At around 5'4", she was shorter than his towering 6'5" frame. Unlike other women her age, she didn't attempt to add height with three-inch heels. Instead, she wore the ugliest pair of brown flats he had ever seen.

"Who are you?" Jeffery asked, attempting to mask his impatience. He needed to finish reviewing the contract before lunch so the new secretary could make the necessary fixes this afternoon. He didn't want any interruptions. Clearly, security had misunderstood where this young woman needed to go. She must have been searching for the personnel department, hoping for an entry-level position in his company. But before he could dismiss her, she spoke up, and her smoky voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Um... Mrs. Wilson sent me up here. She said you needed a replacement for Camilla?"

Jeffery watched her intently as he approached. She seemed young and uncertain. Was this the secretary Scarlett had mentioned? Had she seen this girl recently? "How old are you?"

Faith swallowed nervously, then straightened herself slightly. "I'm twenty-four, Sir."

"Stop with the 'Sir' crap," Jeffery demanded, hating the honorific that made him feel ancient. Having just celebrated his thirty-first birthday, he wasn't thrilled about reminders of his age.

Faith nodded, catching herself. "Yes, Si—" She paused, unsure how to address him.

Jeffery smiled as she corrected herself, giving her a point for obedience. "The name's Jeffery. Not Mr. Maverickrson, just Jeffery."

Chapter 5

Faith nodded. She couldn’t bring herself to say it. It seemed rather informal to call the CEO of such a large company by his first name. Maybe she would just call him Mr. Maverickrson anyway. She felt much more comfortable with that title.
Faith nodded, her lips sealed shut. It felt too informal to address the CEO of such a colossal company by his given name. Perhaps she should stick with Mr. Maverickrson instead. It offered a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Jeffery approached her desk, his steps bringing him closer to her. The scent of vanilla and cinnamon wafted through the air, growing stronger with each stride. It was an unusual combination, not one he typically found appealing. But on her, it seemed to fit perfectly. Sweetness intertwined with a subtle spice, hidden just beneath the surface.

As he neared, Faith couldn't help but shift her weight from one foot to the other. Was it nerves that made her move, or was her body simply reacting to his proximity? His presence certainly had an effect on him.

Faith observed his approach, unable to stand still. Her hip throbbed painfully from her collision with the desk, and she longed to soothe it. However, when she had attempted to do so earlier, his eyes had fixated on her hips. The flicker of heat she had witnessed in his gaze had put her on guard.

"I believe I asked you a question that demands an answer, Miss...?" Jeffery's words hung in the air, waiting for a response.

A blush crept onto Faith's cheeks as she realized she had neglected to introduce herself. In an attempt to cover her mistake, she took a step towards him, extending her trembling hand. "Sorry. It's Faith. Faith Hill, Mr. Maverickrson." This man standing before her was not the kind, gentle soul depicted in the photograph that adorned the office. He exuded an air of predatoriness, causing her cheeks to flush even more as she struggled to maintain eye contact.

Jeffery accepted her outstretched hand, feeling an electric current surge through him. He had never experienced such an immediate connection with a woman before. After a brief shake, he released her hand. "Just call me Jeffery." He held her gaze, watching as she looked down and away, clearly nervous in his presence.

Faith attempted to calm her racing heart as he reprimanded her choice of words. She met his eyes again, struggling to suppress the butterflies that had taken up residence in her stomach. "Sorry, Mr. Maverickrson. I mean..." She shook her head, frustrated by her inability to form a coherent sentence. Looking away once more, she made another attempt at pronouncing his name correctly. "I'm sorry, Mr... um... Jeffery," the last word escaping as a whisper.

"It's just Jeffery. No need for 'Mr.'"

Meeting his gaze once more, Faith swallowed before quietly repeating, "Jeffery."

Jeffery gave her a pointed look, nodding in acknowledgment. He then picked up the stack of papers she had discovered on the desk and began flipping through them. Camilla had done an exceptional job, as always. As Faith continued to shift her weight from one foot to the other, he placed the papers back on the desk and took a moment to study her.

He wondered if she was naturally this quiet or if it was simply nerves. Either way, it didn't matter much to him. He didn't anticipate spending a great deal of time conversing with her. Just as he was about to delve into her capabilities, the phone on her desk began to ring.

Faith stared at it dumbfounded, unsure of what to do. Jeffery walked around the desk and answered it himself, maintaining eye contact with her. "Jeffery Maverickrson speaking."

"Jeffery, I spoke with Faith. She should be arriving shortly. I sent her to lunch early so she could assist you with the contract issues this afternoon."

Jeffery nodded, his gaze still locked with Faith's. "She's right in front of me."

Faith blushed and averted her eyes, realizing she was the topic of conversation. Jeffery watched the blush creep up her cheeks and briefly marveled at it. He rarely encountered women who could still blush so easily. It was a charming quality, one that made him contemplate the things he could say and do to elicit that reaction. His eyes trailed down her neck, wondering if she blushed that lovely shade of pink in other areas as well.

Scarlett's voice continued over the phone, oblivious to the silent exchange between Jeffery and Faith. "I know she appears young, but she's twenty-four and the most talented individual I've ever hired.""Go easy on her for the first few days, and keep your growls to a minimum."

Jeffery couldn't help but let out a low growl in response, watching as Faith's eyes widened and she instinctively took a step back. He immediately regretted his reaction, resisting the urge to reach out and pull her closer. It bothered him that she seemed afraid of him, and he didn't like it one bit.

Dismissively growling into the phone, Jeffery hung up and turned his attention back to Faith. "I assume Scarlett sent you here because she believes you're capable of getting the job done?"

Faith nodded, her lips moistening as she attempted to respond. "Yes, Si... Jeffery. She mentioned that you have a contract that needs some fixes before 3 o'clock today?"

Jeffery nodded, refocusing on the task at hand. "Yes. I'll send it over shortly. I'm going to lunch, and since you're already here, I expect to see a finished copy on my desk when I return."

Faith watched as Jeffery walked towards his office without waiting for her agreement. What if there were numerous corrections or if she struggled with the computer?

Moments later, Jeffery emerged from his office and found Faith still standing where he had left her, rubbing her hip with a pained expression. Had she injured herself?

Noticing his return to the reception area, Faith removed her hand from her hip and opened her eyes. She observed Jeffery approaching her with the document in need of assistance, moving with a predatory grace. He had broad shoulders, towering nearly a foot above her. As her gaze drifted downward, she caught a glimpse of a slender waist before quickly raising her eyes back up.

Jeffery noticed her eyes roaming over his body, and instead of feeling irritated, he found himself hoping she liked what she saw. He certainly enjoyed the sight before him. He couldn't understand why she insisted on wearing unflattering clothes that hid her figure, but her gaze sparked a fire within him. His eyes lingered on her lips, longing to taste them. He wondered about the length and softness of her tightly pulled-back hair, and the true color it held.

"Faith, I need the changes marked in red fixed, ten copies made, and placed on my desk. I shouldn't be longer than an hour. And do us both a favor, double-check your work for mistakes. I won't be pleased if we have to make more copies and correct it again."

Faith swallowed, taking the document he handed her. He gave her another mysterious look before leaving through the elevator. Faith stared at the closed doors for a moment before snapping out of her daydreaming and returning to her temporary desk.

Glancing through the document quickly, she was relieved to find only a few corrections that wouldn't take long to fix. Looking around, she spotted a copy machine discreetly hidden behind a screen and large potted plants. She wouldn't have to encounter Maverick again just to make copies for Jeffery.

After proofreading the contract one final time, she sent it to the copy machine and stood up, preparing to retrieve the copies. Stretching her arms above her head, she felt a button pop off her shirt. Glancing down, she groaned when she realized that the button meant to fasten her shirt between her breasts was now missing. She frantically scanned the floor, hoping to spot the clear plastic button.

Just as she was about to give up, she checked the clock and realized Jeffery could return from lunch at any moment. Deciding to finish the contract first and then search for the button, she swiftly collected the copies from the machine, neatly stacked and stapled them, and placed them front and center on Jeffery's desk.

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