Marked by my professor

Chapter 1

Skylar’s POV

As soon as I step into the foyer of Solstice Shifter Academy, I instantly regret getting up this morning, let alone coming here. Shock washes over me as I catch sight of none other than my boyfriend openly flirting with a girl. She’s not just any girl though, it’s freaking Sophia Wagner - the daughter of the owner of this damned university. 

My fingers twitch by my sides as he gently tucks a strand of hair behind her ears, using his other hand to pull her closer to him. How could he do this to me? How can Remy betray me like this? 

I was well aware of his playboy reputation before I got into a relationship with him, but I didn’t think it’d be a problem because I genuinely loved him. What I didn’t expect is that he’d make a complete fool out of me.

Now blinded by rage, my feet carry me to where they’re standing. Remy is the first to see me coming, his eyes widening as he abruptly pulls away from Sophia.

That’s right, you asshole.


“So how long has this been going on, huh?” I cut him off, my voice raising slightly. “How long have you been cheating on me, you dick?”

Sophia’s face breaks out into a devious smirk, and her indifferent attitude towards the situation only fuels my anger even more. Luckily it’s still pretty early in the morning and there are barely any students present, else I would have died from the embarrassment of causing a scene.

“Sky…baby, I can explain.” He tries to touch my arm but I brush it off, taking a step back. 

“Explain what? That you’re nothing but a lying cheater?”

“If you would just listen to me-”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about whatever explanation it is you want to give me.” I cut him off again, wiping furiously at the lone tear that slides down my cheek. “You might have managed to fool me this long but not anymore. You wanna play that game, Remy? We can play that damn game. You think I’m gonna cry for you like an idiot? I’m going to prove to you that you’re not the only one who can move on quickly.”

“Wait, Skylar!”

Not giving him the opportunity to say anything else, I walk off angrily. Remy doesn’t get to play me like an idiot. I’ll show him that I know exactly what buttons to push to upset him. 

That’s when I spot a man standing nearby with his hands tucked into his pockets. An idea pops into my head, and not thinking it through, I start proceeding towards him.

His brows furrow slightly as I get closer to him but I disregard it and clutch the collar of his shirt, pulling him in. 

“Um miss-” 

“I need you to please kiss me.”

I press down my lips to his, my eyes sealing shut as the reality of what I’m doing finally sets in. This is my first kiss, and it’s with a stranger. The man is unresponsive at first, still surprised by everything. I almost think he’s going to pull away but then I feel his hands circle tighter around my waist as he deepens the kiss.

Our lips mold together perfectly, causing tiny sparks to form all over my body. I never knew that a kiss could feel this way. Out of instinct, my hands move to tug at his hair. He lets out a small groan into my mouth that sends shivers down my spine.

Okay, I need to stop right now or I’ll lose my mind completely.

“What the fuck?” A voice roars behind us, causing us to break apart much to my displeasure. Remy has a killer look on his face as he stares at us like he’s a second away from losing his mind.

I can feel the false adrenaline I had finally dying down, and without thinking twice, I bolt out of there. I can’t believe I just did that. I kissed a total stranger and it was…really nice.

I knew that Remy would be watching, and I knew that it’d hurt him even more to see me give away my first kiss to someone else especially since he’s been begging me for it. Boo fucking hoo. He shouldn’t have cheated in the first place.

I definitely can’t attend the same class as him anymore because I’m afraid I wouldn’t know how to contain my anger, I mean, look at what I just did. I have to transfer to another class for the sake of my sanity.

With a newly found determination, I make my way to the academic advisor to request a schedule change. The door to her office is already wide open, so I just walk in.

“Morning, Mrs Gladys.”

“Ah, Miss Doukas, good morning to you too. What brings you around here?” She takes a sip from her coffee cup.

“I know this is unexpected but it’s really important that I switch one of my classes. I’d like to switch from history to combat class.”

“Miss Doukas, I hope you know that combat class is a class that requires a lot from you. You might not be able to handle its demands, especially because you’re still so young. And the last time I checked, you haven’t gotten your wolf yet.”

I know exactly what she means. I am the youngest student ever to enter this university and because I’m not 18 yet, my abilities haven’t fully manifested. Werewolves typically only become a true wolf with all their potential activated at 18.

But at the end of the day, I am a Vorana wolf, and Vorana wolves are the strongest of were-kind. We possess abilities that other wolf breeds lack, and other than that, I’ve been training nonstop with my father since I was a little girl. 

I’m almost certain that this combat class will be a breeze to get through. Plus, if it gets me away from Remy, it’s perfect.

“I am very confident in my combat skills, ma’am, and age has never been an obstacle for these types of things.”

She shrugs her shoulders, “Well, I’m only an advisor. If you think you can handle it then why not.”

She starts doing the paperwork for my transfer and when she’s done, she hands me my new schedule. Imagine my surprise to find out that I have my first combat class going on right now.

“Thank you so much, Mrs Gladys.” I give her a sweet smile before making my way hurriedly out of her office and to the combat class arena. Luckily, my schedule has a map so I don’t have any difficulty locating it.

Much to my dismay, the class is already in full swing by the time I arrive, and going in now will for sure cause a disruption. I really hate unnecessary attention.

Curse you for making me late, Remy.

Taking the biggest breath in, I push the doors open before walking in. I, however, freeze in my steps when my eyes land on the professor who’s standing in front of the whole class.

No way. There’s just no way.

The universe is definitely playing a sick joke on me, because the man who’s going to be my teacher for the rest of the semester, is the same stranger  from earlier this morning.

The very same man I kissed to make Remy jealous.

Chapter 2

Skylar’s POV

I can’t believe that the man I kissed earlier is my professor. 

A small blush paints my cheek when flashes of how the kiss went runs through my mind. I can still recall how soft his lips were in mine. I wasn’t thinking straight when I walked up to him, but he was so handsome that it just seemed like the perfect thing to do at that moment.

He really is so handsome, with his chocolate brown messy hair, perfectly sculpted face and gray eyes that could make anyone fall to their knees at first glance. He also looks to be in his early twenties, so really there was no way I could have ever guessed that he was a professor. My eyes glance to his name where it’s boldly written on the table.

Professor Kael.

“You’re late for class.” His domineering husky voice booms throughout the class, causing the hair on my arm to stand. The class has definitely grown quiet now as all eyes fix on us, making me want to cower away.

“S-sorry sir, I had to follow the proper procedure to be able to fully transfer to this class.” 

“So you’re transferring. Do you have any prior experience when it comes to combat?” He folds his ripped arm in front of him. How can he act so casually like our lips weren’t merged to each other barely an hour ago?

“Actually sir, this would be my first time ever taking this class.”

“And why should I let you transfer here when you have no prior skills? How often do you even shift?”

With slight embarrassment, I sigh, “I haven’t been able to shift to my wolf form yet…because I haven’t received my wolf.”

His eyes darken as his jaw ticks slightly. “Then I’m afraid I can’t let you transfer here. This class isn’t suitable for you as everyone here must fight in their wolf form. Do yourself a good deal and wait till you get your wolf before you even think of transferring to my class. Do you understand?”

I let out a heavy exhale, feeling dejected and like a bucket of ice has just been thrown over my head. “Yes, professor.”

I make my way out of class but I don’t get far when a voice calls for me to stop from behind. A petite red-headed girl runs over to me.

“Hey, I’m Aurora. I just wanted to tell you that you can very much still take this class, but only if I attend it with you. We can train side by side and I can just basically show you the ropes until you get your wolf and be able to train on your own.”

“Really? That’s such a relief.” The earlier disappointment on my face fades to a happy expression. “I’m Skylar by the way. And what does Professor Kael think about this?”

“Professor Kael can come off as strict but he’s really just a perfectionist who loves it when things are in order. If we can prove to him that you’re in fact capable of handling this class, I’m certain he wouldn’t have an issue with it.”

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the little slut.” I heave out a tired sigh as Sophia Wagner takes taunting steps towards us. I just can’t seem to catch a break today, it seems. “I must say, Skylar, I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“What are you talking about, Sophia?”

“Oh don’t play dumb with me, Skylar cause it doesn’t suit you. Why don’t you just admit that the only reason you chose to attend this class is so you can flirt shamelessly with Professor Kael.”

Sophia Wagner has never liked me, and I used to be so affected by it cause I just didn’t know why, especially because I’ve been nothing but nice to her, but now I’ve simply come to terms with it.

What I didn’t see coming was for her to be the person my so-called boyfriend would cheat on me with.

“Hey, don’t speak to her like that.” Aurora chimes in.

“You just keep your mouth shut, you little rat. You’re no one to talk to me, do you understand? You’re nothing but a lowly omega, and lowly omegas don’t butt into the big dog’s business.”

“Okay, that’s enough, Sophia. I’ve tolerated your little jabs and insults, and even the absurdity of your accusation of me flirting with the professor, but what I will not tolerate is you throwing insults at Aurora.”

“And what are you going to do about it? Go home and cry?” She scoffs before continuing, “It’s just like the professor said. You’re not fit for this class so why don’t you just run along and save yourself the further embarrassment.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong Sophia, because I’m going to prove to you and everyone else here that I am fit for this class and I deserve to be here even without my wolf.”

“Oh yeah? How’re you going to prove it?” She smirks. I look around the hall to see that a lot of students have already gathered around us. They all look back at me expectantly, waiting for my next move. 

I mutter all the confidence in the world before raising my brow at Aurora. “What do you think about a mini combat right now?”

She smiles, getting into position. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Without a word, I launch myself forward, my fists a blur of motion as I aim a swift jab at Aurora's head. But it seems that she calculated it, because she swiftly dodges the blow, countering with a powerful uppercut that sends me staggering backwards.

The fight erupts into a frenzy of punches and kicks, each strike fueled by the raw intensity of our determination. I dance around Aurora, my movements fluid and unpredictable, landing blows with pinpoint accuracy that leaves her reeling.

As the fight rages on, there was nothing but the exhilarating rush of combat, the primal thrill of testing my skills and proving it in front of everyone present. At the back of my mind, I hope that Professor Kael is also watching. 
With a final blow, I land a powerful hook to Aurora’s jaw, sending her crashing to the ground. Cheers erupt around the hall and a grin of victory breaks out on my face. I offer a hand to Aurora, helping her up as we pant in ragged gasps.

Suddenly, the cheers die down as the sound of phones ringing simultaneously fills the hall. Everyone’s gaze falls on me and murmurs erupt. My brows meet in a frown at their reaction, and that’s when Aurora shows me her phone, my breath knocking out of me afterwards.

My stomach drops when I see that they’re looking at pictures of the kiss between Professor Kael and I earlier this morning.

Chapter 3

Skylar’s POV

“I can’t believe she was making out with the professor...”
“Oh my god, that’s distasteful…”
“She should be ashamed; kissing the professor? Really?”

The endless mockery and laughter from students around fill my ears, making me want to instantly disappear as my eyes water. How did I even find myself in this situation? 

How do I come back from having a video of me kissing the professor circulating around school? Goodness, what would my parents think? How could I be so careless? Who even was recording and who’s responsible for circulating the video?

My fingers start to shake by my side as what I suspect to be a panic attack starts forming inside of me.

“Enough!” A voice booms and everywhere falls to an instant pin-drop silence. Everyone’s eyes focus on Professor Kael as he walks up to the front of the hall. The power in his voice is enough to cause goosebumps on my skin. 

I have a feeling this man is widely feared. There’s just something domineering about his aura. With a stern look on his face, he continues. “I can’t believe that you students are gullible enough to fall for silly internet tricks. It is so obvious that the pictures are fake.”

Murmurs erupt around the hall. I wipe the tears on my face, feeling my heart slightly swell at the simple gesture of the professor defending me in front of everyone.

“That’s right. These are photoshopped pictures and I’m disappointed that you would believe this. Now I hope everyone goes back to class and we can all forget that whatever this whole thing was never happened. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Professor Kael.” Everyone choruses as we all disperse to our seats.

My eyes meet Sophia’s for just a moment, where she has a look of rage on her face. 

“For some reason, I don’t believe what the professor said.”

“Huh?” I ask Aurora as we sit beside each other.

“That the pictures are photoshopped. I think you actually kissed him. You know you don’t have to lie to me, right? We’re already friends, plus I wouldn’t judge you if you did. It’s very understandable if you fall for him. He’s only 23 and already the alpha of Frostvale Pack.”

My mouth drops as I give her an incredulous look, “He’s the alpha of Frostvale Pack?”

“Mhm,” She affirms before focusing her attention forward as the professor begins his lecture.

I can’t believe he’s the alpha of Frostvale Pack, but I’m also not surprised. The domineering way he spoke and the way we all fell to the command of his voice should have been a giveaway of the alpha blood in his veins.

I remember my mother telling me she was born in Frostvale Pack, where the previous alpha was a powerful Lycan. I’ve heard so many scary things about him, like he ruled his pack with an iron fist, and how he killed people without any conscience.

He was deeply feared, and not just in his pack but other packs in extension. Even among his fellow alphas.
I wonder how Professor Kael managed to overthrow him and become the new alpha of Frostvale Pack.

I try to focus my attention in class and in a matter of an hour, it finally comes to an end. Aurora and I exchange phone numbers before she proceeds to her next class. 
I watch everyone leave the class one by one, deciding to stay back and apologize to the professor about the photo.
I can imagine that he must be mad at me, even if he did defend me from the side talks. I was the one who kissed him out of the blue, so I had to own up to my actions.

Once the hall is empty, I make my way to his desk. “Professor Kael, do you have a moment?”

His eyes lift up from the book he was writing in and my body involuntarily reacts to the heat of his gaze. “Sure. What is it, Miss Doukas.”

“I just wanted to apologize for the photos that were circulated. It truly wasn’t my intention for any of this to happen and I promise that I had no idea we were being recorded.”

“It’s alright, Miss Doukas. There’s no need to stress the issue. I’m more interested in your fighting skills. I watched you wrestle Miss Anderson earlier and I must commend you for your combat skills. In fact, they remind me of Alpha Benjamin’s skill of the Silverwood pack. You don’t happen to be his daughter, do you?”

A faint blush appears on my cheeks, “Actually, I am.”

“That’s really impressive. Your father has done an impeccable job training you.”

I’m unable to stop myself from blurting out my next words, “Since you seem to be familiar with my dad, I’d like to invite you to my eighteenth birthday party tonight. It would mean a lot to me if you came.”

He gives me a small smile, “I’ll try my best to be there.”

I walk out of class with a giddy feeling growing inside my chest. I can’t believe I just invited my professor, who I just kissed earlier on, to my birthday party. I especially can’t believe that he agreed to come.

Maybe today isn’t so bad afterall.

After school, I head home quickly to prepare for my party tonight. I’m really excited about turning 18 because then I can finally get my wolf and live out my full potential.

“Is that you, princess?” My mom calls once I walk in.

“Hey, mom.” I give her a hug, giggling as she tightens her arms around me.

“How’s the birthday girl feeling? I bet you’re really excited for tonight.”

“About that, I wanted to tell you something. So I sort of invited my professor to the party who also happens to be the alpha of Frostvale Pack. His name is Kael and—”

“Wait a minute, Alpha Kael?” She cuts me off with surprise evident in her tone.

“Yes?” My brows pull together in a slight frown at her reaction. “Is there something wrong with that?”

“Honey, it’s just that Alpha Kael is the son of the former Frostvale Pack Alpha, Lycan.”

My stomach drops at that revelation. “Wh-what?”

Chapter 4

Skylar's POV

What really are the odds?

I had no idea that Lycan had a son, let alone that that son would turn out to be my professor who I just invited to my birthday party.

“I’m so sorry, mom, I had no idea who his father was. I swear if I had known, I wouldn’t have bothered to invite him.”

My mom shushes me quietly, giving me a sweet smile. “It’s alright, princess, don’t beat yourself up about that. You couldn’t have known. Besides, I believe Alpha Kael is different from his father and shouldn’t be judged by his actions.”

“I think so too.” My mind flashes back to our kiss from earlier today and how he defended me in front of the whole class. He didn’t seem like half the monster his father is, so I believe they’re polar opposites.

“In other news, I wanted to talk to you about something. I heard about what happened with Remy and how he cheated on you. I’m so sorry, my princess.”

I let out a heavy sigh, “It’s okay, mom. At least I got to know who he really is.”

“I can’t believe that boy would toy with my daughter like that. Wait till I tell your father about it.”

“Mom, I beg you to please not tell dad about this.” I cut her off with a pleading look. “If dad finds out, it could create problems between him and Remy’s father and I can’t imagine being the reason their longtime friendship falls apart.”

“But honey, we can’t just let that boy get away with hurting you.”

“Mom, please, just please promise me that you won’t tell dad. Come on, mom.”

She rolls her eyes, finally agreeing. “Okay, fine, I won’t tell your dad about it.”

I let out an exhale, “Thank you.”

“Now go on upstairs and get ready for your party before your friends start to arrive.”

I proceed to my bedroom to freshen up and get dressed. After applying some light makeup and curling my hair, I put on my birthday dress which is a satin red gown that hugs my figure perfectly, given to me by my dad. 

He’s always had an eye for fashion, even more than my mom. Once I’m satisfied with my look, I make my way downstairs. I spot my two best friends, Brianna and Rosie, who let out a squeal when they see me.

“Holy hell, Sky, you look astonishing.” Brianna compliments.

I blush, “Thanks, girls, and you both look beautiful too.”

“How does it feel to finally be 18?” Rosie asks, wiggling her brows at me.

“I’m just really anxious about getting my wolf. Oh my God, what if I never get it?”

“Bullshit, Sky.” Brianna waves me off. “I’m 100% certain that you’ll get your wolf so don’t even think about having any doubts.”

“That’s right,” Rosie chimes in. “Now come on, let’s get this party started cause there’s no room to feel anxious today.”

We giggle as we walk out to the garden where the party is being held. At the back of my mind, I can’t help but wonder what my wolf will be like. 

What color would she be? What size would she be? Excitement courses through me at the thought of finding my wolf.

After saying hello to everyone around, it’s finally time to cut the cake. As I’m about to, I spot a movement from my peripheral vision and I look up to see none other than the man of the hour, Alpha Kael, walking in.

He’s wearing a black shirt with the first few buttons open and black slacks that make his olive skin pop. I almost drool just by looking at him. This man looks like he was sculpted h by the gods himself.

All the while, I’m expecting him to come over and wish me a happy birthday just as everyone’s doing, but he never comes. In fact, he seems indifferent and he’s been keeping to himself at a corner since he arrived.

It leaves a bitter taste on my tongue as disappointment washes over me, knowing how excited I was to invite him today.

He hasn’t even spared me a single glance since he got here.

“There’s the birthday girl.” A voice says from behind.

“Uncle Aiden!” I rush over to give him a hug.

“Happy birthday, Sky Sky. Look at you, you’re finally 18.”

“Are you ever going to stop calling me sky sky?” I pout my lips like I hate it when the truth is I secretly love it, and I think he knows I do too.

“Nope,” He chuckles. “It’s funny how I was looking around and you wouldn’t believe who I saw here. Pray tell, how were you able to convince the Alpha Kael to come to your party today? Cause as far as I know, the man absolutely hates gatherings and he rarely smiles.”

I’m slightly shocked to find out that Alpha Kael hates social gatherings. He never told me anything about that, so why did he still say yes when I invited him.

No wonder he hasn’t associated with anyone since he got here. It makes sense if he isn’t a people person. 

I feel better about gaining a new insight on his character.

“Sky, your boyfriend’s here!” Rosie calls from behind, interrupting my conversation with Uncle Aiden. 

He excuses himself as I focus back on Rosie. “Remy’s here?”

I don’t wait for a response before I proceed towards the entrance, and sure enough, there he is with his little Sophia. The nerve of the two of them.

“What are you two doing here? I don’t remember inviting you to my party.” I cross my arms, glaring at both of them. My eyes dart to where he has his arms around her shoulders.

“I can’t wish my boyfriend’s ex a happy birthday?” Sophia smirks and it makes me want to slap it off her face. “I promise we came here in good sport.”

“Are you even listening to yourself right now? You sound like a lunatic.”

“You’re free to kick me out in front of all these guests if my presence bothers you that much.” She challenges, taking a step towards me with her hands on her hip.

My eyes glance around the garden and thankfully, everyone seems to be too preoccupied to notice us. I decide then I wouldn’t let anything or anyone ruin my celebration, much less if that person is Sophia.

So, I swallow my pride.

“You know, I feel so bad for you, Remy because I know that she doesn’t really like you.” I focus back on Sophia. “You’re just doing this because you want to take what’s mine, or am I wrong? This is some game to you, isn’t it?”

She rolls her eyes, “Oh my sweet little Skylar. That’s quite an imagination you got there.”

“How else do you explain it? It’s crystal clear to me cause you’ve never really liked me. But guess what? After today, I’m getting back what’s rightfully mine.”

She snorts, “Is that supposed to be a threat?”

“Call it whatever you want but it’s a fact. And on that note, you better stay away from Aurora and don’t even think about bullying her anymore, or else you’re not going to like what I’d do.”

“The only one who’s not going to like what I’d to her is you. You better watch your back with me, Skylar, because I’m capable of anything.”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

She walks up closer to me as she sneers, “We’ll see about that.”

Chapter 5

Kael’s POV

Life truly is one unpredictable motherfucker. I still vividly remember how I found out about my father’s death twelve years ago. I was only nine when it happened. I was asleep in my room when my mom suddenly woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me of his passing.

“My son, there’s something I have to tell you.” I scoot over so she can sit beside my bed.

“What is it, mommy?” 

“It’s about your father. He is no longer with us.” My brows furrow at her words, not quite understanding it. “He has passed away.”

“My father is dead?”

She nods, her gaze softening momentarily before hardening again with resolve.. “I know I barely tell you anything about him but it’s with good reason. My son, your father wasn’t exactly a good person.”

“What do you mean, Mom? What has my father done?”

She takes a deep breath before continuing, “Your father…was abusive to me. He would beat me up when he got angry, and it got progressively worse until he finally rejected me as his mate. He drove me out of the pack even though I was carrying you in my tummy. He abandoned us, and he never asked to see you.”

My eyes widen in shock. I’ve been under the impression that he was simply too busy with his Alpha roles to come see us, meanwhile the truth is that he rejected us as his family.

“But that’s not all he’s done. Your father’s thirst for control blinded him to see what’s right. He’s done things…things that I can’t even bring myself to speak of.” Her voice trembles with emotion as she continues, her hands clenching her fists. “He’s killed people in cold-blood, and imprisoned so many innocent pack members. He never cared about anything or anyone but himself. He was a monster, my son, and that’s why I had to protect you from him.”

She takes my hand in hers, squeezing gently. “As his heir, it seems you have to take over as the new alpha of Frostvale pack.”

“M-me? An alpha?” I stutter as the fear of such a responsibility hanging over me shakes me. Most nine year olds my age are too busy stuffing their faces with food and only worried about the next playdate location, but here I am about to take over as Alpha of a land I know nothing about.

“Listen, my son, I know you’re scared. Anyone in your shoes would be, but my dear, you were born for this. You were born to rule as alpha someday, it’s just that the day has arrived unfortunately sooner than we would have wanted it to.”

“I don’t know what to do, mommy. I don’t know the first thing about being an alpha or even how to rule.”

“I know you don’t, my dear, but with time, I promise that it’ll get easier. I believe in you, my boy, and I know that you can do this. Plus you won’t do it alone. You’ll have helping hands until you’re old enough to make decisions. Everything will be fine, okay?”

It’s not like I have a choice. Whether I’m ready or not, I have to become the new alpha of Frostvale pack, so even though I was nervous and scared half to death, I mutter a dejected, “okay, mommy” to my mom.

“You have to promise me, my son, that you won’t turn out like your father. You’ll be the complete opposite of him, and you’ll only do good. Promise me that you won’t forget any of the good values I taught you, and you won’t let yourself be swayed by power like your father.”

“I promise you, mommy.”

I remember not feeling remorseful in the slightest, but instead, indifferent to his death. My father was far from being a good person. He was the closest thing to a devil, even.
Not only did he reject my mother as his mate, but he also drove away to another pack, not even caring that she was pregnant. And he was a killer.

I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him because I hated him, but unfortunately, I couldn’t change the fact that I was his sole heir and had to take up the responsibilities of being the new alpha of Frostvale Pack.

So, I had to leave with the beta of Frostvale Pack to commence my role as their new alpha.

My mother couldn’t leave with me because she swore never to set foot in Frostvale Pack anymore, and it broke me because I wanted to be with her. But I couldn’t blame her or question her actions.

I can proudly say that since then to now, I’ve fulfilled my promise to my mother, and that’s all I can ever want.

“Alpha Kael?” Alpha Benjamin summons, breaking me out of my thoughts. 

I glance around the Solstice Shifter Academy meeting table where everyone is gathered to discuss the possibility of introducing a combat course to the students. 

According to Alpha Benjamin, it’s wiser to train the students in school to better prepare them for the possibility of a war or any other potential conflict.

“Pardon me, you were saying?”

“I was just telling the other members of the committee how I think you should be appointed as the professor of the combat class because you are the strongest alpha amongst all of us.”

I nod with a shrug, “It’d be my honor to take on the role of professor at your academy, Alpha Benjamin.”

He cheers loudly, “Wonderful! I think our purpose for this meeting has well been achieved, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome on board to Solstice Shifter Academy, Alpha Kael.”

“It’s my pleasure.” I say to everyone around the table as they welcome me.

“Alpha Kael, this calls for a celebration.” One of the professors say, Michael, as I can tell on the name tag on his shirt. “I must invite you to come with us to get drinks at the bar.”

“I really wish I could but I’d have to pass,” I politely decline. I haven’t been one for social gatherings, and I prefer to be by myself all the time.

It’s been this way since I was a little boy. I guess I’ve always preferred my space, so much so that people have resorted to labeling me a loner. I don’t mean the title.

Everyone exits the conference room, leaving just Alpha Benjamin and I.

He sighs, “I don’t mean to impose on you, Alpha Kael, but don’t you think it’d be a good idea to open up and be more receptive to making friends? I see this as a golden opportunity for that.”

I roll my eyes, “I think I’m good with that, Alpha Benjamin.”

“I’m just saying, it could also help you find your destined mate.”

My destined mate. I’ve always detested the thought of having a mate. I remember how my father lost his life for loving a Vorana wolf, and because of that, I swore to never fall in love.

What good is love if it only leads to destruction?

I don’t believe in love. I think it’s just a major distraction that always ends up causing more harm than good. I can’t imagine ending up the same way my father did because of love.

There is one thing I’m certain of. I’ll never fall in love and I could care less about my mate.

However, the moment I step into Skylar’s birthday party, I am proven incredibly wrong.

The first thing I notice is that everyone’s staring at me, and I’d say that it’s something I’m used to, but this time around the look is different. It’s a look that indicates that I’m not welcome here and I guess they must have figured out my identity by now.

Soon enough the whispers begin all around me, but I block them all out and instead focus on why I’m really here; Skylar. Just as if she senses that I’m thinking about her, she appears from inside, looking as radiant as ever.

As I continue watching her, the familiar presence of my wolf stirs within me. It has been restless ever since I arrived at the party, pacing and growling in the back of my mind.

‘What is it?’ I mutter, frustrated with both myself and my wolf. ‘What are you trying to tell me?’
Suddenly, my wolf's voice comes through, clear and commanding. ‘Mate. Skylar is our mate.’


Why is she?


Why now?

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