Concrete Forest

Chapter 1

: A Rainy Night

The raindrops streaked down the glass windows, distorting the city lights into a blurry mosaic of stars. Odessa Baker had finally returned home after her whirlwind wedding to Ronin Reed. It had been a hectic week for her, consumed by a gruesome murder investigation.

The body of a woman had been discovered near the Tongue River, and the initial assessment pointed to homicide due to the wounds on the victim's head. This was a rare occurrence in C City's Southern District, known for its strong law and order. The incident had attracted significant attention, with videos and photos flooding the internet, fueling public opinion.

The higher-ups were personally invested in the case, demanding unwavering dedication from Odessa and her colleagues in the serious crimes unit. Day and night, they tirelessly worked on the investigation, but progress had been disappointingly minimal.

As Odessa returned to her office, exhaustion weighed heavily on her. She struggled to keep her tired eyes open as she sifted through the investigation transcripts. Her neck grew stiff and achy, prompting her to tilt her head back and rub it. When she looked down again, she noticed a bouquet of wilting roses tucked beneath her desk.

These flowers had arrived three days ago, but the chaos of the investigation had prevented her from paying them any attention. Now, she finally had a moment to focus on the accompanying card. It was pale pink and bore the name "Thucydides" written in familiar fountain pen handwriting, addressed to "Miss Odessa."

A surge of recognition coursed through Odessa as she picked up one of the dried petals, twirling it absentmindedly. It was from Ronin, her husband. Placing the rose back on the table, she realized it was time to go home.

Ronin, a professor at the university, had purchased an apartment near the school. It was their first time living together, and Odessa felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension as she stepped into his abode. The apartment exuded a sense of spaciousness and elegance, bathed in shades of gray and white that mirrored Ronin's cold and enigmatic personality.

In an attempt to make herself at home, Odessa slipped into Ronin's slippers and pajamas. It was in that moment, clad in his clothes, that the reality of her marriage to this man hit her like a lightning bolt. Her heart skipped a beat, the weight of uncertainty settling upon her shoulders.

As Odessa glanced up, she was startled by the sound of the washroom door clicking open. Ronin emerged, his presence commanding attention. "Make sure to blow dry your hair before going to bed," he instructed, his voice carrying an air of authority.

Odessa's short, dark hair appeared dry and crisp, but she had never been bothered by it. In her childhood, her hair had been long and lustrous, like satin, until circumstances led her to cut it short. Lost in her thoughts, she nodded absentmindedly and retreated back to the washroom to follow Ronin's advice.

When she returned, Ronin was already in bed, engrossed in a book illuminated by the soft glow of a bedside lamp. Its content remained a mystery to Odessa, who found herself contemplating where she should sleep. Sharing the same bed with Ronin felt like a leap, given that their relationship had progressed rapidly in just three months. She didn't want to give him the wrong impression.

Sleeping on the floor seemed like a safe compromise. Odessa voiced her decision, "I'll sleep on the floor. I need to wake up early, and I don't want to disturb your sleep."

Ronin's gaze shifted from his book to meet her eyes. His narrow eyes, framed by thin eyelids and deep blue pupils, pierced through her. It was a gaze that could unsettle even his students, but Odessa sensed a different meaning behind it. It was as if he knew something she didn't, a secret hidden within those piercing eyes.

Though he remained silent, the invisible pressure emanating from Ronin conveyed a clear message - she would not be allowed to sleep on the floor. His gentlemanly demeanor would not permit it. Yet, it was equally evident that he had no intention of sacrificing his own comfort for her sake.

Like a turtle retreating into its shell, Odessa crawled onto the bed, propping herself against the edge. She adjusted the comforter, trying to find a semblance of comfort in this unfamiliar situation. The silence enveloped them, broken only by the sound of pages turning.

Suddenly, Ronin's voice cut through the stillness, catching Odessa off guard. "What time tomorrow?"

Confused, Odessa asked, "What time for what?"

"What time do you start work? I can give you a ride," Ronin replied, his tone unexpectedly gentle.

Quickly declining his offer, Odessa insisted, "No, no, I'll take the subway myself. It's not far. You don't have to worry about it."

Ronin countered, "I'm not busy."

Caught between gratitude and reluctance, Odessa struggled to find the right words. It was always difficult to refuse anything when Ronin had made up his mind.

After a brief pause, Ronin set his book aside and reached over to turn off the bedside lamp. Darkness engulfed the room, but the faint glow seeping through the curtains offered a hint of illumination.

They sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. And in that silence, a world of unspoken emotions simmered beneath the surface.

Chapter 2

Odessa could tell that he was not asleep, and she was well aware that pretending to be asleep would only make the situation more uncomfortable. In an attempt to ease the tension, Odessa asked, "What book were you reading?" 
Odessa could sense that Ronin was wide awake, and she knew that pretending otherwise would only add to the tension between them. In an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, she asked, "What book were you reading?"

"I was reading 'The Lord of the Rings'," he replied.

Odessa raised an eyebrow in surprise. This was not the kind of book she expected Ronin to be interested in. She always thought he preferred sophisticated, specialized reads with titles that were completely unintelligible.

"I wasn't aware it fell under the genre of fantasy," she commented sarcastically.

Ronin shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, I enjoy a good fantasy every now and then."

Odessa chimed in, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy. "I have roses. Thanks for appreciating them."

Ronin responded indifferently, "The students grew them for an experiment. It's nice that you appreciate it."

"Well, thank you, student," Odessa said with a hint of playfulness, but Ronin remained silent.

To Odessa, these short conversations felt like essential responsibilities in their marriage, which she fulfilled by saying comforting words like, "I'm going to bed." But Ronin remained unresponsive, and as Odessa tried to lie down and rest, she found sleep elusive.

Her mind wandered to her relationship with Ronin. They had known each other since childhood, but as they grew older, they drifted apart. It was only through their parents' arrangement that they reconnected. Interestingly, it seemed that their parents were more excited about the marriage than Ronin and Odessa themselves. They went on a few dates to get to know each other better, but Ronin was always quiet and laid-back. Odessa never expected anything extraordinary. Surprisingly, it was she who proposed to Ronin after three months, and even more surprisingly, he said yes.

At least Ronin was faithful, and that was something Odessa appreciated.

"Odessa," Ronin called out to her, and in her drowsy and confused state, she slowly snapped back to reality, replying dreamily, "Yes, I am."

A gentle touch from Ronin's slightly cool hand brushed against Odessa's back. Suddenly alert, she jerked away, arching her back and asking, "Why?"

Caught off guard, with their warm breath mingling uncomfortably close, Ronin kissed her on the lips.

One kiss was light, a mere testing of the waters, while the other was deep, meant to drown out all thoughts.

Odessa paused for a moment, and when she responded, it wasn't as resistant as she had initially expected. There was something about Ronin's clean and refreshing scent that she couldn't quite place, but it felt comforting and reassuring.

His kisses weren't passionate, but they held a depth that spoke volumes. It seemed like he had a natural talent for expressing his desires through a simple kiss, as if he was born with it.

At least Odessa could sense that.

She wasn't arrogant enough to agree to marry someone and then reject their advances. Besides, Ronin was undeniably attractive.

Pulling at his collar, Odessa responded to his kisses with increasing passion.

As their lips and tongues intertwined, he reached up and gently held Odessa's face, creating a small distance between them. In the darkness, only his eyes shimmered like fireworks, resembling stars.

Odessa let out a soft gasp before playfully saying, "You smell amazing."

"Really?" Ronin's voice was slightly hoarse, and Odessa listened intently, feeling a slight tingling sensation in her ears. Ronin moved closer and whispered softly, "Would it be better than David Turner?"

Chapter 3

Odessa's eyes widened in shock. A police firearm? That revelation sent a chill down her spine, raising a multitude of questions and suspicions. How could a police firearm be involved in a murder case? Was it a result of corruption within the force or a tragic accident?

Alana continued, her voice filled with weariness and frustration. "We're still investigating how the victim got hold of a police firearm. It's a major breach of protocol and security."

Odessa's mind raced, thoughts swirling like a tempest. The implications of this discovery were profound. It meant that not only was there a killer on the loose, but also that someone within their own ranks was involved. The trust and unity that once defined the department now felt fragile, teetering on the edge of collapse.

As they entered the conference room, Odessa couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. Her fellow detectives, usually boisterous and confident, were now hushed and somber. The weight of the situation hung heavy, casting a shadow over the room.

The team leader, Detective Reynolds, stood at the front of the room, his expression grave. His authoritative presence commanded attention, and everyone turned to him, awaiting his instructions.

"We have a delicate situation on our hands," Detective Reynolds began, his voice steady. "We need to handle this case with utmost care and discretion. The fact that a police firearm was used raises serious concerns, not just for the victim, but for the entire force."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Our priority is to identify the deceased and determine how he acquired the firearm. We cannot let this tarnish the reputation of our department."

Odessa listened intently, her mind focused on the task ahead. She knew that finding the truth would require unwavering determination and a willingness to face uncomfortable realities. The path ahead was uncertain, but she was resolved to uncover the dark secrets that lurked within their own ranks.

As the meeting progressed, Odessa's mind began to piece together fragments of information, connecting dots that seemed inconsequential at first. She realized that this case went far beyond a simple murder investigation. It was a test of loyalty, integrity, and the very essence of justice.

The rain continued to fall outside, its rhythmic patter providing a backdrop to the storm brewing within the Major Crimes Unit. Odessa knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, filled with unexpected twists and turns. But she was determined to navigate through the darkness, guided by her unwavering commitment to the truth.

And so, as the meeting concluded and the team dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, Odessa stood resolute, ready to dive deeper into the heart of the mystery. With each step she took, she could feel the weight of the case pressing against her chest, but she refused to let it crush her spirit.

She was a detective, a seeker of truth, and nothing would deter her from unraveling the threads of deception that threatened to tear their department apart. The stakes were high, but Odessa was prepared to risk everything in pursuit of justice.

Chapter 4

: Hidden Truths

Major Crimes Chief Dennis Brown's eyes immediately fixate on Odessa as she enters the room. The weight of the conversation hangs heavily in the air as he brings up the topic of the police gun. Odessa's nod confirms her understanding, but her reaction is far from expected.

As Dennis reveals that the missing police guns from the "8-17 case" are involved, Odessa's face drains of color. A mixture of shock and excitement takes hold of her, causing her voice to rise in pitch as she exclaims, "Really?!"

Dennis is taken aback by the extreme emotions that flicker across Odessa's face. He witnesses a transformation from a deathly grayness to a fiery expression, revealing a depth of emotion he had not seen before.

Nodding once more, Dennis continues, "Your brother tragically lost his life during the transportation of those guns five years ago. I know you've spent the last five years tirelessly investigating their whereabouts."

The memory of that fateful day resurfaces in Odessa's mind. On August 17th, the C City SWAT team was ambushed while transporting the guns. Two officers were killed, and all 24 police guns vanished without a trace.

Despite recovering 18 of the guns in subsequent investigations, the remaining six remain elusive, and the mastermind behind the criminal gang remains at large. The "8-17 case" has remained unsolved, leaving a painful void in Odessa's heart since her brother, Jakob, was one of the fallen officers.

For five long years, the lost guns held a mysterious absence in the world. But now, with the discovery of an unidentified female body on the C city river bank, the missing guns have resurfaced.

The news hits Odessa like a jolt of electricity. Her excitement is palpable, but Dennis's words shatter the illusion. "I believe it would be best for you to avoid getting involved this time."

Odessa's face contorts into a frown, and her voice becomes sharp with frustration. "Why? What am I supposed to step back from? My brother wasn't a suspect; he was killed by that group!"

Dennis snaps, his patience wearing thin. "The way you're acting right now, if I say one thing, you'll have to wait ten times longer!"

An uneasy silence settles between them, but Dennis reaches out and gently pushes Odessa's forehead, slowing down his tone. "Odessa, as the leader of the group in public, I have a responsibility to ensure the operation goes smoothly. In private, you have to listen to what the MENTOR says."

Odessa leans on the table defiantly, her hand planted firmly on its surface. "I don't understand."

Doubts creep into her mind. Is she being treated as a potential threat to the operation simply because she is Jakob's sister?

"If you don't understand, go out and figure it out." Dennis's tone leaves no room for negotiation. "Follow orders."

Odessa knows Dennis well enough to recognize his unwavering personality. He is not just an old grumpy person who speaks in riddles. She cannot argue with him.

"On what basis?"

Her defiance fades, and she lowers her head. Her eyes glisten with unshed tears, but she refuses to let them fall.

Dennis struggles to control his anger, gesturing with his hand and letting out a defeated sigh. "Okay, just get out of here."

There is a significant pause before Odessa wipes her tears away with the back of her hand. She looks up at Dennis, her lips pressed tightly together, and determination burning in her eyes.

"I won't focus on '8-17.' I will always investigate the girl's death."

Odessa ends her statement and leaves the conference room without looking back.

Dennis calls out to her, but his voice falls on deaf ears. Frustration fills him as Odessa returns to her desk, collapsing into her chair.

Alana, who had been engrossed in her case report, notices Odessa's distress. She leans closer, handing her a glass of water. Concern lingers in her voice as she asks, "What's happening? I haven't seen you cry since I've known you."

Odessa shakes her head, attempting to dismiss the turmoil within her. "It's nothing."

Alana insists, her voice filled with empathy. "If it truly is nothing, then gather yourself and have Young review the security footage."

There are a few remaining tapes capturing intersections that likely lead to the riverbank where the unidentified female body was found. By carefully analyzing them, they might uncover crucial information about the victim's last movements.

Unable to remain idle, Odessa composes herself and replies, "Alright, I'm on my way."

Just as she prepares to head to the surveillance room, the door swings open, interrupting the chaotic atmosphere of the Major Crimes Unit. A brief silence ensues before someone finally speaks up, curiosity lacing their words. "And who might you be?"

"My last name is Reed. I'm here to meet someone."

Alana, standing by Odessa's side, gasps and instinctively grabs her arm, giving it a small shake. "This... this isn't the person we...?"

Odessa looks up, locking eyes with the newcomer. For a moment, time stands still before she blurts out, "Why are you here?"

Chapter 5

: The Enigmatic Professor

Ronin Reed had arrived at the house looking dashing and exuding confidence. He immediately spotted Odessa and made a beeline towards her, his eyes searching her face as he questioned, "Why are your eyes red?"

Odessa absentmindedly rubbed her eyes and replied, "Me?"

Alana, who stood nearby, observed the interaction between Ronin and Odessa with no surprise. She glanced at Ronin, then at Odessa, and asked, "Do you two know each other?"

Ronin heard the question clearly and a hint of curiosity flickered in her eyes as she looked at Odessa.

Beneath Ronin's silent stare, Odessa felt a surge of anger, the kind that stems from feeling belittled. She wanted to explain herself, but didn't know where to begin.

With her recent busy schedule and numerous cases, Odessa hadn't found the opportunity to inform everyone about her marriage. Moreover, she and Ronin had decided against having a wedding, so only their families knew about it for now.

Yet, despite the understandable circumstances, Odessa couldn't help but feel vulnerable under the intensity of Ronin's gaze.

Before she could gather her thoughts and respond, a voice from behind, Dennis, completely interrupted her train of thought. "Professor Reed? You're still here, huh?"

Ronin's expression remained impassive as she shifted her gaze from Odessa to Dennis and calmly replied, "Captain Brown."

"I'm glad you're here," Dennis gestured for Ronin to enter the conference room.

Now it was Odessa's turn to feel confused.

Ronin raised her hand, gently shook Odessa's shoulder, and said, "Wait for me."

"Huh?" Odessa uttered, bewildered by the situation.

Without waiting for further questions, Ronin walked over to Dennis and entered the conference room, leaving Odessa puzzled. It was only when Alana nudged her with her arm that Odessa snapped out of her thoughts.

Curiosity piqued, Alana inquired, "How do you know Professor Reed?"

"Well..." Odessa hesitated, "You're familiar with her too?"

"Of course I am," Alana responded, giving Odessa a puzzled expression. She continued, "Don't I have a cousin in the East End police force? Our group has had encounters with them in the past regarding their success rate in solving crimes, and they always came out on top. Do you know why?"

She gestured towards the conference room and added, "It's because they have this professor!"

Odessa remained silent, waiting for Alana to elaborate. Intrigued, she tiptoed towards the conference room door, with Alana following closely to eavesdrop.

Inside the conference room, Dennis wore a slight smile as he introduced Ronin's identity to the Major Crimes team.

"As the more experienced members of the group may already know, this is Ronin Reed."

A few people at the back of the room chuckled, remembering the conflicts they had with Ronin in the past when playing against the East End.

"Don't let her young age deceive you, she is currently working as an associate professor at the Polytechnic University. This time, she has joined the Serious Crimes Unit as an expert from abroad to assist us in the next phase of the investigation. Let's all give her a round of applause and welcome her!"

After the applause died down, Ronin couldn't help but correct, "It's actually associate professor."

Dennis was slightly taken aback, not expecting Ronin to be so serious, and burst into laughter. "Whether it's full professor or associate professor, as long as they can help solve cases, they're great professors."

Another wave of laughter filled the conference room. As Ronin settled into her seat, the meeting began and the atmosphere grew increasingly intense. Outside the conference room, Odessa found herself at a loss for words.

"My cousin has the nerve to claim that he doesn't look worse than Ronin," Alana remarked, sipping her tea and letting out a sigh. "Hey Odessa, do you know what nickname the female police officers in the East End have given her?"

Odessa shook her head, admitting that she really didn't know much about Ronin.

The elders had simply introduced her as a teacher at the Polytechnic University.

Odessa had always assumed that Ronin was just an ordinary college teacher, and with both sides of her family to focus on, she hadn't paid much attention to the specifics of Ronin's job.

Knowing that Ronin worked in the Serious Crimes Unit, Odessa understood her lack of interest and showed her support.

Now, Odessa recalled the things she should have noticed, like the crime books on the shelves of Ronin's home. She had seen them, but hadn't paid them much mind.

However, if Odessa had shown even the slightest interest in getting to know Ronin, she would have noticed the unique nature of her work.

Exhaling deeply, Odessa didn't feel a strong connection with Ronin, but the guilt of being such an inadequate wife slowly tormented her.

She decided to ask Alana, "What's the nickname?"

Alana chuckled mischievously.

Through the window, they caught a glimpse of Ronin's impressive back, both in appearance and demeanor, making a strong impression.

"Government-owned roses," Alana replied with a smile.

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