The Four Horsemen's Pursuit



The last recollection I possessed of my previous life revolved around four boys. The way the sun's rays shimmered on their hair as our laughter echoed through the trees. The scorching heat of summer in Richmond Park, coupled with the scent of dry grass and the distant haze of London's skyline. In those innocent and carefree days, the world appeared boundless.

However, that freedom was cruelly snatched away by those who claimed to protect me. Chains now bind me to a new reality, one of desolation and seclusion. I find solace in memories from long ago, forgetting that they exist solely within my imagination. I struggle to remember the person I once was, before this calamity befell me.

Hours blend into days, days merge into weeks, and soon years have passed since I last laid eyes upon anything beyond the confines of my prison walls. The weight of the life I've been condemned to burdens my heart, preventing me from fully experiencing the wonders the world has to offer. It keeps me "safe."

But what is safety when you cannot glimpse anything outside your cage?

What is life when you cannot truly live it?

I believed I was destined for eternal solitude. Then, one fateful day, I was released from the castle I had been raised in and entrusted with a simple yet crucial task.

To search, infiltrate, and obliterate by any means necessary.

Returning to the city I could scarcely recall, I set out to find them.

To search.

To infiltrate.

To destroy.

I will stop at nothing to achieve my objective, to grant them their deepest desires. Only then can I taste the liberation I yearn for so desperately.

I will deliver to them the heads of the men known as the Four Horsemen.

Or perish in the attempt.

Part I - One

Part I
Part I



There's something empowering about overlooking the kingdom you reign over. The people moving about their daily lives, like ants scurrying for their colony. That's what humanity is.


There are those who work tirelessly day in and day out, and those who enjoy the rewards. Who sit in their lofty towers, observing the world pass by, hoarding their billions simply because they can.

Which category do I fall into? The answer would be neither.

I do not enjoy the rewards.

I do not work tirelessly.

I infect.

The face of our company had to possess beauty. It's how you win people over. Charm and charisma only come after the initial impression. It's how you keep them engaged. You lure them in, ensnaring them so deeply that they can never escape. Humans are not difficult to understand. You appeal to their primal desires, and soon enough, you will get what you want, leaving them oblivious to the manipulation they have undergone. Blind to reality.

It's truly quite simple at its core.

Women desire to be with me.

Men aspire to be me.

I have infiltrated their minds. I have made them see a perfectly crafted illusion of what it means to be wealthy, handsome, powerful, and successful. Unfortunately, it was all lies they were fed, keeping them coming back for more. Like lost souls dangling on a string, hoping one day they will become just like me.

I am an infection they can never rid themselves of.

And that's exactly how I like it. Keeping them under my control while I drain them until they are nothing but an empty husk. A mere shadow of the person they used to be. Then I toss them aside, watching as they are devoured by the wolves.

That is the most satisfying part. Witnessing the culmination of my efforts with their ultimate downfall.

"Observing your domain again, Pres?" Bradley's voice broke through my thoughts, and I turned to find him standing by my desk, his fingers gliding over the glass surface. He embodied darkness, with his midnight black hair and indigo eyes. Bradley always dressed in dark colors, reflecting his temperament. It was something he concealed most of the time, but I knew the truth. His namesake was spot-on; he was a dragon disguised as a man, not to be trifled with under any circumstances.

I infect, but Bradley? He dissects until there is nothing left.

"Perhaps," I replied, meeting his gaze. Although I may be the face of our business, Bradley is the CEO. He makes the tough decisions and takes all the blame. He maintains the delicate balance between our legal operations and those that reside in the shadows.

Fortuity would not be where it is today without him.

"Are you prepared for today?" he asked.

I nodded, turning back to the window. The city sprawled before me, stretching as far as the eye could see. We stood at its center, the axis. Money makes the capitalist society thrive. And what do we deal in?

Money. Money. And more money.

It was never about becoming wealthy; it was always about power. And we possessed it in abundance. Money simply provided us with the means to expand our influence. And expand we did.

The four of us built our company from the ground up. No one dares challenge our authority. No one stands against us. Those who have tried learned their lesson the hard way. We show no mercy. We offer no second chances. Ruthless efficiency is our trademark.

"It's time we ignite the world," I muttered, knowing he would hear me.

He snorted.

"Isn't it already burning?"

I shrugged, gesturing toward the window.

"This? This is nothing. They haven't witnessed anything yet."

"I hope you're right."

A grin spread across my face as I turned away from the city, locking eyes with Bradley. He wasn't smiling. Tension creased his forehead. Bradley never relaxed or let things go. He took every misstep as a personal offense. He wouldn't rest until every detail was fixed. He left no stone unturned. That's why he leads our company, leaving me to be the public face. I have no patience for what he does.

"I'm always right," I said.

"More like always the arrogant narcissist."

I spread my hands, winking at him.

"I have every reason to be."

Bradley rolled his eyes before walking toward the door. He was accustomed to me, to my refusal to take life too seriously. However, I possessed an intimate knowledge of the market. This was our only option to secure our future.

He paused in the doorway, his back rigid and his hands twitching.

"We're sacrificing everything. You can't tell me it doesn't concern you at all."

I ran my tongue along my bottom lip. We had every reason to fear the consequences that lay ahead. But we never did anything halfway. We were always one step ahead of the game we played. Luck had favored us, but it would eventually run out. I intended to ensure it never did.

"I leave the worrying to you," I replied.

He shook his head. Bradley probably wished he could throw me off the roof of the building for my lack of fear in the face of adversity. He had called me reckless on numerous occasions.

Where would we be without my insistence on taking risks and throwing caution to the wind?


I made us who we are.

"I suppose it's time to set the trap and watch the cards fall," he said abruptly, not giving me a chance to respond. He walked out, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I shoved my hands into my pockets and glanced at the windows one last time.

The world was not prepared for us.

It never had been.

Some called us monsters in suits.

And they would be correct.

We were not kind or compassionate. We relentlessly pursued our goals, without caring who we trampled on to achieve them. The casualties and collateral damage did not keep me up at night. They were an integral part of who we were and what we did.

If you desire power, you cannot afford to have the same morals as the ordinary people. You must step outside the boundaries of right and wrong. Enter the gray area and never look back. That's where you'll find the darkest and most depraved among us. Those who would sooner tear out your throat than offer you a helping hand.

Bradley, Landon, Justin, and I were no longer seen as mere men.

We were gods.

By entering the gray zone, we proved that we were not to be trifled with. And no one dared challenge us.

They dubbed us the Four Horsemen.

A title I embraced and ran with. The men who would bring about the end of the world had always fascinated me, and the idea of us being those men amused me to no end. We were not the harbingers of the apocalypse. Or were we?

Ultimately, it didn't matter. Once you have a certain image, you must uphold it. And it was time for us to fully embody our name.

Time to become the Four Horsemen once and for all.


Justin stared down at his watch, questioning why he continued to endure the daily frustrations. They should have arrived by now. He couldn't understand why he expected anything different. Those three had no concept of punctuality, nor did they care about inconveniencing others with their tardiness.

Hudson, the self-absorbed narcissist, was likely fussing over his perfectly styled dark blonde hair, ensuring not a single strand was out of place. As if his appearance and personal desires were the only things that mattered to him. Granted, as the face of their company, he had every reason to be concerned about his image, but he could certainly use a lesson in humility. Or maybe he just needed to rein in his ego.

Just as Justin was growing impatient, Bradley strolled in, his shoulders tense with the weight of the situation. At least he understood the gravity of the matter at hand. The man took life far too seriously in Justin's opinion, but his seriousness also ensured things got done. He nodded in acknowledgement as he came to a halt by Justin's side.

"They're late," Justin muttered.

"What else did you expect?" Bradley replied.

Hudson always enjoyed making a grand entrance. And Landon? Well, he was a loose cannon, unpredictable and volatile. It took all three of them to keep him in check when he went off the rails, which seemed to happen more often than Justin would have liked. If left to his own devices, Landon would inevitably find himself in a chaotic mess involving drugs, violence, and women. Just last week, he had broken a man's nose simply for looking at him the wrong way. It was precisely why they rarely held press conferences with all four of them present. You never knew what might trigger Landon's explosive temper.

Bradley, Landon, and Justin remained in the shadows while Hudson took the lead. That had always been their dynamic. But now, everything was different.

"I expect better from you, for starters," Justin said with a hint of disappointment.

Bradley's lip twitched in response.

"Someone had to make sure Pres isn't going to screw things up."

"And what about our warmonger?" Justin asked.

"Who knows? I heard him come back late last night, and he certainly wasn't alone," Bradley replied.

Justin stifled a sigh. Landon and his never-ending parade of women. The four of them resided in the penthouse atop the building, where they could oversee their empire. They were in complete control, ruling over everything. But lately, the pressure had been mounting, causing sleepless nights and restless minds.

"Trouble sleeping again?" Justin asked.

"Always," Bradley admitted.

Insomnia had plagued Bradley for as long as Justin could remember. Stress only exacerbated his condition, so it came as no surprise that their current situation was taking a toll on him. They were all under immense pressure.

"Soon," Justin reassured him.

Bradley's lips quirked up in a small smile.

"I know," he said.

As their wayward friend finally walked in, Justin's attention turned to Landon. He had his tattooed hands buried in his pockets, his light brown hair slightly disheveled as usual, and his amber eyes were filled with irritation. At least he had put on a suit and looked presentable today. With Landon, you never knew what kind of mood he would be in or if he would even bother to dress appropriately. Some days, Justin found him lounging in his office wearing nothing but sweatpants and a robe. But when Landon did make an effort, heads turned. All four of them believed in dressing impeccably, especially when it came to suits. In their line of work, appearances mattered.

"Don't give me any shit, Frankie. I'm not in the mood," Landon grumbled as he stood on the other side of Justin, opposite Bradley.

Justin glared at him. He despised being called Frankie, a nickname only one person had ever been allowed to use, and it certainly wasn't Landon.

"Don't let his words get to you," Bradley whispered.

Normally, Justin would have taken Landon aside and reprimanded him for his behavior. But today was too important, and they were already behind schedule. He didn't have time to deal with Landon's attitude.

"You know what's at stake," Justin said, ignoring Bradley's advice. "And my name is Justin."

"Oh, I fully understand the bullshit we've endured for years. If this goes wrong, we all go down," Landon hissed. "But whatever you say, Frankie."

Justin shot him another dark look, refusing to rise to his taunt. It would only lead to trouble.

"What a cheerful mood you both are in today," Bradley remarked, smirking.

"I don't see why you're giving me grief when Pres isn't even here yet," Landon retorted, rolling his eyes. "Oh wait, I remember now. You let the bastard get away with anything."

Justin clenched his fist as the aforementioned "bastard" finally made his entrance, striding through the doors with an air of self-importance. Hudson's blue eyes sparkled as he casually made his way to the podium. He gave them a wink before turning his attention to the press.

Jesus Christ, the man never stops, Justin thought.

"Apologies for my late arrival," Hudson announced into the microphone.

Landon scoffed beside Justin, prompting him to step on his foot to quiet him. Landon glared in response.

Hudson wasn't sorry in the slightest. He thrived on the attention his tardiness garnered. The man had a way of captivating his audience and playing the role of a successful businessman to perfection. But beneath his flawless exterior, he was just as corrupt as the rest of them.

They were not good men.

They were monsters who had become gods.

Gods of the financial industry.

And Justin intended to keep it that way.

He fought against the urge to roll his eyes as Hudson continued to talk about their company's expansion plans and their commitment to supporting the younger generation in finance. It was all a facade, a lie they perpetuated for their own gain.

Bradley glanced at Justin, sensing his frustration, while Landon ground his teeth beside him. The sound grated on Justin's nerves.

"Cut it out," Justin muttered under his breath.

"How about you remove that stick from your ass, Frankie?" Landon hissed back.

"Don't," Bradley whispered, restraining Justin from physically confronting Landon.

It wouldn't be the first time they came to blows. Justin still bore the scars on his knuckles from the time he missed Landon's face and punched a mirror instead, shattering it upon impact. Landon had managed to dodge the blow.

"For the last time, it's Justin," Justin said firmly.

Thankfully, the crowd erupted into applause at something Hudson said, drowning out Justin's words.

"Landon, enough with the insults," Bradley chimed in. "Now is not the time."

Landon snorted, flexing his tattooed hands at his sides. Justin ignored him, redirecting his attention back to Hudson. Everything the man was saying was part of their plan. To an outsider, it might not seem like much—promises to do more in their industry and support the economy's growth. But to them, it meant the culmination of years of waiting, biding their time until they could strike.

They had come from nothing. By all accounts, they shouldn't be where they were today. The four of them were driven by determination. They hadn't achieved their success without sacrifices or questionable methods. They had delved into the dark underbelly and used it to their advantage. They were unapologetic about stepping on others to reach the top. It was likely why they had made many enemies.

Power was what they sought, and power was what they had obtained.

Justin's lips curled into a half-smile. They had made their fortune because of him. Hudson may have been the face of Fortuity and the Director of Marketing, Bradley the CEO, and Landon the Director of Operations (when he bothered to show up), but Justin was the Director of Finance. He ran the financial side of their empire, and he did it damn well. He had taken the meager amount they started with and turned it into billions.

Hudson may believe they owed their success to him, but in reality, it took all four of them to make this company thrive. They had stayed together, working tirelessly to get to where they were now. And finally, they were moving forward with their plan to achieve their ultimate desires. They had waited long enough.

Hudson had set the trap, lured their prey, and now it was time for them to exercise patience and reel in their ultimate prize.

"You seem happy," Bradley murmured as they stepped forward to stand behind Hudson, who had finished his speech.

"I am," Justin replied.

He glanced over at Bradley, his indigo eyes twinkling with anticipation. They all knew why they were happy. Even Landon, who seemed ready to spill blood throughout the entire room. He was a force to be reckoned with.

"Do you think this will really work?" Bradley asked, sounding uncertain.

"It has to. I'm not waiting another ten years," Justin declared.

Bradley's grim smile mirrored Justin's determination. They had endured enough.

Hudson glanced back at them, raising his blonde eyebrows.

"You three need to lighten up," he whispered, making sure the microphone didn't pick up his words.

Justin forced a smile onto his face, and Bradley and Landon followed suit. They presented a united front, concealing their darkness behind a carefully constructed facade—the face of Fortuity and the men who controlled it.

Justin's smile became genuine when he thought about the name they had been given. The Four Horsemen. It was as if they were destined to bring about the apocalypse. Perhaps they would, or perhaps they wouldn't. All Justin knew was that their time had come, and nothing would stand in their way any longer.

They were going to have so much fun. They deserved this.

They just needed to exercise a little more patience and restraint, and then they could unleash their true selves. And watch the world burn around them.


I hesitated as I stood outside the towering black stone and glass building. This was Fortuity, the domain of four men who had risen from the ashes to dominate the financial industry. That's all I knew about them, and it filled me with disgust. But deep down, I knew there were always two sides to a story. Doubts crept into my mind despite my goal. Revenge was a treacherous path, one I wasn't sure I wanted to follow, no matter what they had done.

I looked up at the sign above the doors. Fortuity. My reasons for being here were simple - to secure employment, gain their trust, and ultimately destroy them. I couldn't afford to give away my true intentions. I would have to put on a facade, just like I had my whole life. My childhood memories were hazy, like a fuzzy dream. I had been kept locked away on an estate in the Kent countryside by my parents for the past ten years. They claimed it was for my own good, but I often questioned their motives.

With my head held high, I walked into the building and approached the reception desk. The man behind it greeted me with a smile. "Hello, welcome to Fortuity. How can I help you?"

"I'm here for an interview with Mr. Wood... I'm Eulalia Bennett," I replied, trying to hide my nervousness.

He scanned something on his computer before looking back at me. "Of course, if you'd like to sign in here." He pointed to a tablet on the desk. I entered my name and signed a box, receiving a visitor's pass. The men who owned Fortuity resided on the top floors, while the offices were located on the floor below.

As I made my way to the elevators, a man joined me. He had dark brown hair slicked back with gel, a well-fitted suit, and silvery-grey eyes. There was something about him that felt strangely familiar, though I knew we had never met before. My thoughts wandered to what it would be like to kiss him, a notion that both excited and embarrassed me. I had been sheltered from the opposite sex by my parents, and now that I was finally free, I intended to explore my desires.

"What floor?" he asked, interrupting my musings.

Startled, I blurted out, "Twenty-eight," realizing he had already pressed the button. He seemed to be heading to the same place as me. Could he be one of the Four Horsemen, the men I sought to destroy? His presence exuded power and danger, making me even more intrigued.

The man's hand hovered over the control panel, his eyebrow raised in curiosity. I couldn't help but notice his full bottom lip and angular cheekbones. What would it feel like to experience a kiss with him? Shaking off my wayward thoughts, I reminded myself of my purpose here.

"I haven't seen you before," he remarked, his silver eyes briefly flicking towards me. "Are you new?"

"No, I'm here for an interview," I replied, unsure whether to reveal my name. His lip curled up slightly, giving him a predatory air.

As the elevator arrived on the twenty-eighth floor, the man stepped out and turned back to me. "I can show you where to go if you'd like, Miss Bennett."

I followed him down the corridor, realizing he was one of the Four Horsemen. Hudson Ramirez, Landon Greer, Justin Adams, and Bradley Wood - their names had been drilled into my brain by my parents. They were my ultimate goal, the men I needed to deceive. But how I would accomplish that remained a mystery.

He stopped outside a door marked 'Bradley Wood, CEO' and knocked before entering. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself. There was no turning back now.

"Bradley, your interviewee is here," the man said, addressing the man behind the desk.

I stepped into the room, taking in the modern and spacious office. Bradley Wood, the man I needed to convince, stood with an air of authority. His indigo blue eyes captivated me, and I struggled to maintain composure. I extended my hand to him, feeling the warmth spread up my arm.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wood," I said, trying to project confidence.

He gestured for me to take a seat, his intense gaze never leaving mine. The intimidation I felt was overwhelming, but I couldn't let it show. I had to secure this job, as it was a crucial step towards my ultimate goal.

"So, Miss Bennett... shall we begin?"




She was breathtakingly beautiful. The moment I laid eyes on her, my skin tingled with anticipation. Her mere presence commanded attention. With her head held high, she assessed me with her hazel-green eyes. Soft waves of light brown hair cascaded down her shoulders. She wore a cream blouse that accentuated her figure, paired with wide-legged black trousers. Nude heels peeked out from beneath them, and she carried a brown leather handbag to complete her look.

It had been far too long since I last saw her.

I could tell Justin felt it too. His eyes revealed everything. But neither of us could afford to utter a single word. We had a plan, and we had to stick to it. I needed to focus on this interview and push aside any distractions. I couldn't allow myself to get sidetracked.

Eulalia folded her hands in her lap and nodded at me. I was usually composed, but having her here sent my insides into a frenzy. My mouth felt dry. This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Get a grip.

"I thought I'd begin by asking you what you know about Fortuity," I said, trying to regain my composure.

She shifted in her seat before locking eyes with me and offering a smile. Damn, that smile made my stomach flip. It was the last thing I needed right now.

"You and your associates established the company six years ago when you were twenty. Initially, you provided investments, which has since expanded into investment banking and foreign exchange. Your clients receive top-quality service, including their own personal advisor and investment management. Fortuity has earned numerous awards for its entrepreneurial success. In simple terms, you're the best of the best," Eulalia replied.

She had certainly done her research. Not surprising, considering how rapidly we had risen in the industry. We had become a recognizable name, the top dogs.

"I see there's no need for me to delve further into the company. Let's move on to some questions then," I said.

"Of course," she replied, smiling once more. I bit my cheek from within, trying to maintain my composure. I picked up my tablet from the desk and scrolled through her cover letter and CV.

"Tell me, Miss Bennett, what made you apply for this position?" I asked, glancing up at her. Her hesitation was evident, indicating that she wasn't sure how to answer my question.

"I...wanted a new challenge," she finally responded.

"You've been working for your family's company for the past six years, unless I'm mistaken," I stated.

She nodded and flexed her hands, a nervous habit.

"Yes, which is why I'd like to try something new. Spread my wings a little. Not to say I haven't enjoyed my time there, but doesn't everyone want some independence from their parents at some point? It feels like the right time," she answered, her voice trembling slightly. I pretended not to notice, giving her a nod. I glanced back down at my tablet, jotting down a few notes.

"Tell me something about yourself that isn't on your CV," I inquired, looking up at her. Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip, another telltale sign of her hesitation. She raised her hand slightly and gripped the arm of the chair, as if steadying herself.

I enjoyed throwing people off balance. It revealed whether they could handle pressure and perform under unexpected circumstances. This wasn't limited to the workplace; catching someone off guard provided valuable insight into who they truly were. Would they stumble and reveal something they shouldn't, or would they quickly recover? I thrived on delving deep into a person's psyche, understanding what made them tick, so I could use it to my advantage. Push the right buttons, and they would fall in line.

"Does it have to be work-related?" she finally asked.

"It's up to you," I replied.

"Okay. Well, when I was younger, I had to relearn how to walk and talk. It was a long and challenging process. I'd rather not go into the details, but I believe it demonstrates my commitment when I set my mind to something. I strive for success," she answered, her voice shaky. I nodded, jotting down more notes. I didn't intend to pry further into her personal life, but it did show strength of character. Anyone working for me needed to possess a strong work ethic. I wanted someone who could manage all aspects of my life, both business and personal. That wasn't what my current PA did, but with the changes in our business, a more hands-on approach was necessary.

"I can imagine that was incredibly difficult," I remarked.

She gave me a tight smile, her eyes revealing her discomfort at sharing something so personal.

" has a funny way of challenging us," she replied.

Indeed, sitting here in front of her was a challenge in itself.

I didn't return her smile. Smiling was something I rarely did. Showing emotion wasn't part of my repertoire anymore. It made it harder for anyone to decipher me, and that's precisely how I preferred it. I didn't want to let anyone in; it only led to disappointment when they realized I wasn't who they thought I was. Most people couldn't handle the darkness inside me and the others. They wouldn't understand the reasons or how we had all sunk to the lowest depths to rise to power. And rise we did, like phoenixes emerging from the ashes. Except our phoenixes were tainted with immorality, perversion, and deviance.

"Doesn't have to be work-related?" she finally asked.

"It's up to you," I replied.

"Okay. Well, when I was younger, I had to relearn how to walk and talk. It was a long and challenging process. I'd rather not go into the details, but I believe it demonstrates my commitment when I set my mind to something. I strive for success," she answered, her voice shaky. I nodded, jotting down more notes. I didn't intend to pry further into her personal life, but it did show strength of character. Anyone working for me needed to possess a strong work ethic. I wanted someone who could manage all aspects of my life, both business and personal. That wasn't what my current PA did, but with the changes in our business, a more hands-on approach was necessary.

"I can imagine that was incredibly difficult," I remarked.

She gave me a tight smile, her eyes revealing her discomfort at sharing something so personal.

" has a funny way of challenging us," she replied.

Indeed, sitting here in front of her was a challenge in itself.

I didn't return her smile. Smiling was something I rarely did. Showing emotion wasn't part of my repertoire anymore. It made it harder for anyone to decipher me, and that's precisely how I preferred it. I didn't want to let anyone in; it only led to disappointment when they realized I wasn't who they thought I was. Most people couldn't handle the darkness inside me and the others. They wouldn't understand the reasons or how we had all sunk to the lowest depths to rise to power. And rise we did, like phoenixes emerging from the ashes. Except our phoenixes were tainted with immorality, perversion, and deviance.

"You're aware this role may require you to be here at odd hours, liaising with my associates to keep schedules aligned. We work closely together, and you would need to sign an NDA," I paused, assessing her reaction. Her eyes flickered momentarily.

"No, not at all. I'm adept at working with others and can adapt to any circumstances thrown at me," she responded without hesitation. I liked that. So far, I was impressed with what I heard.

"As you mentioned, you're seeking a new challenge," I continued. Eulalia nodded, visibly relaxing as she let go of the chair arm.

I proceeded to ask her more questions about her experience, and she dutifully answered. Some of her responses felt rehearsed, but that was to be expected in interviews. People often tried to impress, especially when it came to working here. I could discern who wanted the position for bragging rights versus those genuinely committed to building a solid career. Weeding out the former was a skill I had honed.

Eulalia didn't fit into the former category. She had her own reasons, ones she kept close to her chest. The woman wasn't easily decipherable.

"Do you have any questions for me, Miss Bennett?" I asked, concluding my own inquiries.

She bit her lip, and I focused on her eyes rather than the marks she left on the bottom one.

"You mentioned working closely with your associates. How involved would my role be with them?" she asked, hitting the mark I anticipated. No doubt, she wanted to know if she would have regular interactions with the notorious Four Horsemen. Didn't everyone? Unlike the others, I understood why we had earned that moniker. The four of us were formidable, taking no prisoners. No one dared challenge our authority and power. Despite our enemies constantly circling, we had proven time and again that we were not to be trifled with. The four of us were prepared for their strikes whenever they came.

"It depends. Justin, or Mr. Adams, prefers to maintain his routines without interference. He would be the least of your concerns. Landon, or Mr. Greer, keeps to himself for the most part. You would likely interact with Mr. Ramirez, and of course, Hudson, or Mr. Hudson, is deeply involved as the face of Fortuity," I explained.

That was an understatement. Hudson had a penchant for meddling in affairs that didn't concern him. The rest of us didn't mind; we were accustomed to it. Landon, on the other hand, despised how Hudson conducted himself. Then again, Landon despised almost everything and everyone. It didn't take much to set him off.

"That being said, you will primarily work directly with me. The others have Tonya to manage their schedules," I added.

Eulalia nodded, appearing thoughtful for a moment.

"And the late hours? Will those be a regular occurrence?" she inquired.

"No, not every day. I try to avoid working late, but sometimes circumstances demand it," I replied. I chose not to divulge my tendency to work at all hours, as it wasn't relevant to her role. Insomnia had plagued me for years, and it showed no signs of abating.

"Okay...I don't think I have any other questions," she said.

I rose from my chair, and she watched me intently, her head tilting back to meet my gaze.

"I believe that concludes our discussion. Allow me to walk you out," I offered, gesturing towards the door. Stepping out from behind the desk, I waited for her to move.

Eulalia stood up, picking up her handbag. My mouth went dry as I watched her body stretch and flex. She gave me a tight smile and headed towards the door. I swallowed hard, steeling myself against the odd sensations stirring within me.

It will be over soon. You can breathe once she's gone.

I needed to speak with the others. Our plan needed to proceed without a hitch. We were determined to see it through, no matter the obstacles. But first, I would see Miss Eulalia Bennett out.

I followed her to the door, unable to resist watching the subtle sway of her hips as she walked. It wouldn't be long now. Soon, we would all get what we wanted.

I had to keep that in mind. As Hudson always said, everything we did served a purpose. Our ultimate goal was to reclaim what we had lost all those years ago. What we were owed. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would stand in our way ever again.

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