Wolfish Love Contract

Wolfish Love Contract

10,153 Words



"You want a hundred thousand dollars for your body, fine. Give me an heir in six months, and the money's yours when the baby's born." His voice dripped with icy determination, sending shivers down my spine. "Are you serious?" I managed to choke out. "Yes," he affirmed. "B-but what about the other part of my request?" I stuttered nervously. "What other part?" His eyebrow arched in curiosity. Clutching the contract tightly to my chest, I whispered, "The part where I get to leave. If I have your baby, can I take the money and walk away?" When I was auctioned off to my ex-boyfriend, a man I hadn't seen in years, he agreed to a contract: I give him a child, and I could take the money and leave. But now, after the birth, he seemed to be having second thoughts.