

The Burning Blue

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Lenna asks curiously, "What do you do if I fall in love with someone else, or get with someone else?" Bruce smiles weakly, his tone calm, "Either I kill him or you kill me." Lenna: Why is this man's mind so bloody? She educated him with a serious expression, "Mr. Bruce, killing is against the law." After the death of his parents, Bruce thinks he can face everything with ease, but he can't accept that Lenna doesn't love him, even if it's an assumption.


My crush turned out to be a vampire

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Imprisoned in a vampire manor, Irene accidentally meets Michael, her former classmate, and discovers that he is also a vampire. She is afraid but doesn't want to die, but Michael is gentle and restrained with her. In the darkness of the manor, the two of them embark on a journey full of confusion and desire.