

Crimson Bonds

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In the labyrinth of the Academy, where shifting shadows and whispered secrets reign supreme, Mave's world shattered on their very first day. Imagine, being thrust into a realm of towering expectations and clandestine politics, only to find one's destined mate—the revered Alpha's son—callously rejecting them in front of the entire shifter community. But amidst the heartache and the unrelenting pull of the rejected bond, Mave harbored an audacious determination—to defy fate itself. Their journey unfolds not only in the tumultuous world of wolf pack politics but also in the enigmatic presence of a captivating human companion, tangled in their own web of undisclosed truths.


My Harkwright girl

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Camila is a very insecure girl who has no idea of her beauty and her effect on men. To pay for her sister's medical bills and to help her mother, she decides to go to a university for three years... where not only her mind, but her body and soul pay the price..... OUt of soo many contestants vying for the 100 points..... The 15 harkwrights men rule the school....girls must obey all orders... No matter what... or they will be expelled from school.... Will Camila persevere and sacrifice herself for her mother and sister for three years? Or will they break her before the time is up? "Believe me, my star, I'm just getting started. You are the prize, and I can't wait to collect it. My star, my Harkwright girl, and an inheritance fit for a prince."